Thursday, August 3, 2017


There are several fact-packed books which tell a great deal about the relations of government and economic ruling c1asses down through history. Two especially good ones are Brooks Adams’ The Law of Civilization and Decay and Alexander Del Mar’s His­tory of Monetary Systems. Almost any professor wi1l agree that Brooks Adams was one ofAmerica’s greatest thinkers and historians; Del Mar was called the great­est historian of the 19th Century, and was frequently consulted as an expert by governments (who often refused to take his advice).
Both books have been out of print for years, and neither is used in a college or university today, as far as I know. Arthur Kitson’s testimony before the Mac­millan Commission has never been refuted, yet his book (The Banker’s Conspiracy! which unleashed the World War) is as little-known, in academic circ1es, as Adams or Del Mar. Read all three of them, and see what you think of the history and economics taught in your school.

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