Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Most Ancient Right

Why are judges so intent on getting us killed?

“There is much emotional talk about defending Britain’s ancient rights and liberties, whose erosion in the ostensible cause of fighting terror would, it is said, hand victory to al Qaeda.”

People who speak this either do not know English history or are trying to deceive us. What would Edward III have done to members of al Qaeda?

“Preventing violence against women” is now a euphemism for “making abortion legal

South Dakota can require doctors to say that a fetus is a human being

Bush administration has spent $45 billion to fight climate change

Detainees sue contractors for abuse at Abu Ghraib

Unemployment benefits extended to 39 weeks

al Qaeda terrorists released from Guantanamo who go on to kill in Iraq

How reliable is Seymour Hersh?

Are terrorists out to get us? They are in Spain

Teenagers who want to have babies

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