Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Laura Spinney on signs that the sun is cooling down and what that means for us | Science | The Guardian

Laura Spinney on signs that the sun is cooling down and what that means for us Science The Guardian

Power Line - TARP: The Looming Debacle

Power Line - TARP: The Looming Debacle

Power Line - Decade of Greed

Power Line - Decade of Greed

Chromosome fusion

Chromosome fusion

Human chromosome 2 - a creationist response

Human chromosome 2 - a creationist response

And the Miller Told His Tale: Ken Miller's Cold (Chromosomal) Fusion (Updated)

And the Miller Told His Tale: Ken Miller's Cold (Chromosomal) Fusion (Updated)

A Tale of Two Chromosomes - Answers in Genesis

A Tale of Two Chromosomes - Answers in Genesis

Secession Is in Our Future - Clifford F. Thies - Mises Institute

Secession Is in Our Future - Clifford F. Thies - Mises Institute

Dennis Prager : Nine Questions the Left Needs to Answer About Torture - Townhall.com

Dennis Prager : Nine Questions the Left Needs to Answer About Torture - Townhall.com

Maybe an Asteroid Didn't Kill the Dinosaurs - TIME

Maybe an Asteroid Didn't Kill the Dinosaurs - TIME

Treasury needs record $361B April-June borrowing

Treasury needs record $361B April-June borrowing

Friday, April 24, 2009


A Limited Love of Liberty - WSJ.com

Shock Therapy by Clifford D. May on National Review Online

Shock Therapy by Clifford D. May on National Review Online

Obama Administration to Release Detainee Abuse Photos; Former CIA Official Says Former Colleagues 'Don't Believe They Have Cover Anymore' - Political Punch

Obama Administration to Release Detainee Abuse Photos; Former CIA Official Says Former Colleagues 'Don't Believe They Have Cover Anymore' - Political Punch

The Pill Makes Women Pick Bad Mates | LiveScience

The Pill Makes Women Pick Bad Mates LiveScience

New Saint Andrews College • Academics • Degree Programs

New Saint Andrews College • Academics • Degree Programs

Thomas Aquinas College: The Curriculum

Thomas Aquinas College: The Curriculum

Selective Outrage: Israel

The Spectator

Sex-Selective Abortions in China Have Produced 32 Million Extra Boys | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Sex-Selective Abortions in China Have Produced 32 Million Extra Boys 80beats Discover Magazine

What Bono says and what he does - Mark Steyn Opinion top02 - Macleans.ca

What Bono says and what he does - Mark Steyn Opinion top02 - Macleans.ca

Welcome to the Airport for Nobody - ABC News

Welcome to the Airport for Nobody - ABC News

ParentCentral.ca - Babies & Pregnancy - Study links morning sickness to child IQ , When they get sick, do their babies get smart?

ParentCentral.ca - Babies & Pregnancy - Study links morning sickness to child IQ , When they get sick, do their babies get smart?

Chemist Cites Advance in Stem-Cell Field - WSJ.com

Chemist Cites Advance in Stem-Cell Field - WSJ.com

Mona Charen : Mrs. Clinton Can't Defend Patron Saint of Planned Parenthood - Townhall.com

Mona Charen : Mrs. Clinton Can't Defend Patron Saint of Planned Parenthood - Townhall.com

American Thinker: Global Warmists' Sly Polar Disorder

American Thinker: Global Warmists' Sly Polar Disorder

AP IMPACT: Secret tally has 87,215 Iraqis dead

AP IMPACT: Secret tally has 87,215 Iraqis dead

U.S. plans to accept several Chinese Muslims from Guantanamo - Los Angeles Times

U.S. plans to accept several Chinese Muslims from Guantanamo - Los Angeles Times

Unapologetic and Unrestrained - Cheney Unbound - NYTimes.com

Unapologetic and Unrestrained - Cheney Unbound - NYTimes.com

News Bulletin - Cliff May - The Corner on National Review Online

News Bulletin - Cliff May - The Corner on National Review Online

Glenn Thrush's Blog: Pelosi briefed on waterboarding in '02 [UPDATED] - POLITICO.com

Glenn Thrush's Blog: Pelosi briefed on waterboarding in '02 [UPDATED] - POLITICO.com

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Congress Knew About the Interrogations - WSJ.com

Congress Knew About the Interrogations - WSJ.com

The Hayek-Keynes Debate, 1931-1971 - Sudha R. Shenoy - Mises Institute

The Hayek-Keynes Debate, 1931-1971 - Sudha R. Shenoy - Mises Institute

The Upside-down World of John Maynard Keynes - Mark Thornton - Mises Institute

The Upside-down World of John Maynard Keynes - Mark Thornton - Mises Institute

Kudlow's Money Politic$ on National Review Online

Kudlow's Money Politic$ on National Review Online

Los Angeles or Waterboarding? by Debra J. Saunders on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

Los Angeles or Waterboarding? by Debra J. Saunders on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

TheHill.com - Obama’s leap to socialism

TheHill.com - Obama’s leap to socialism

George F. Will - Obama's Budget Satire - washingtonpost.com

George F. Will - Obama's Budget Satire - washingtonpost.com

Climate change could speed up as pollution decreases - Telegraph

Climate change could speed up as pollution decreases - Telegraph

Presidential Poison - WSJ.com

Presidential Poison - WSJ.com

FDA OKs 'morning-after' pill for 17-year-olds

FDA OKs 'morning-after' pill for 17-year-olds

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Darwinism: it was all in the family

Darwinism: it was all in the family

Charles Darwin Voyage Movie

Charles Darwin Voyage Movie

The Volokh Conspiracy - Rethinking the Hamdan Interpretation of Common Art. 3 in Light of Piracy Problem

The Volokh Conspiracy - Rethinking the Hamdan Interpretation of Common Art. 3 in Light of Piracy Problem

The Whirligig of Time - Peter Wehner - The Corner on National Review Online

The Whirligig of Time - Peter Wehner - The Corner on National Review Online

Report: Olmert, Livni may face war crimes charges in Norway - Haaretz - Israel News

Report: Olmert, Livni may face war crimes charges in Norway - Haaretz - Israel News

Who's Politicizing Intelligence Now?

Who's Politicizing Intelligence Now?

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Quiet Sun' baffling astronomers

BBC NEWS Science & Environment 'Quiet Sun' baffling astronomers

Amateur Economist: Today's Quotes - Taxes

Amateur Economist: Today's Quotes - Taxes

The Great Society: A Libertarian Critique by Murray N. Rothbard

The Great Society: A Libertarian Critique by Murray N. Rothbard

American Rhetoric: Lyndon Baines Johnson - 1964 State of the Union Address

American Rhetoric: Lyndon Baines Johnson - 1964 State of the Union Address

Eugenics and Its Role in Abortion in Black America


L.E.A.R.N. - African Americans and Abortion.

L.E.A.R.N. - African Americans and Abortion.


Legislators consider telling the U.S. government to 'cease and desist' State Star-Telegram.com

CNSNews.com - CIA Waterboarding Produced Intel That Stopped Attack on Los Angeles

CNSNews.com - CIA Waterboarding Produced Intel That Stopped Attack on Los Angeles

Banned Techniques Yielded ‘High Value Information,’ Memo Says - NYTimes.com

Banned Techniques Yielded ‘High Value Information,’ Memo Says - NYTimes.com

Intel director: High-value info obtained

Intel director: High-value info obtained

NYT: Harsh techniques worked, intel chief says - White House- msnbc.com

NYT: Harsh techniques worked, intel chief says - White House- msnbc.com

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Author Q&A: Doug Blackmon on Book About Slavery - WSJ.com

Author Q&A: Doug Blackmon on Book About Slavery - WSJ.com

Ornette Coleman

Bluesy and Achingly Beautiful - WSJ.com

Health Care

Illegal Aliens and American Medicine

The Fake History of the Depression - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute

The Fake History of the Depression - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute

The Uighurs, in their own words - The Long War Journal

The Uighurs, in their own words - The Long War Journal

Obama Open to Prosecution of Officials Who Cleared Interrogation Tactics - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com

Obama Open to Prosecution of Officials Who Cleared Interrogation Tactics - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com

Beware green jobs, the new sub-prime | Dominic Lawson - Times Online

Beware green jobs, the new sub-prime Dominic Lawson - Times Online

Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog

Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog

Holder On the Geneva Conventions - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online

Holder On the Geneva Conventions - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online

The Real Interrogation Scandal by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

The Real Interrogation Scandal by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked - washingtonpost.com

Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked - washingtonpost.com

Cheney Calls for Release of Memos Showing Results of Interrogation Efforts - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

Cheney Calls for Release of Memos Showing Results of Interrogation Efforts - Presidential Politics Political News - FOXNews.com

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Recipe: Soft Tacos With Roasted Meat - The Atlantic Food Channel

Recipe: Soft Tacos With Roasted Meat - The Atlantic Food Channel


"When more of the people's sustenance is exacted through the form of taxation
than is necessary to meet the just obligations of government, such exaction
becomes ruthless extortion and a violation of the fundamental principles of a
free government." --President Grover Cleveland (1837-1908)

"To tax the community for the advantage of a class is not protection: it is
plunder." --British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)

Thanks to Patriot Post

The Claremont Institute - Inside the Iraq War

The Claremont Institute - Inside the Iraq War

Best Cities for Jobs

Best Cities for Jobs

The American Spectator : The Five-Cent Lemonade Stand

The American Spectator : The Five-Cent Lemonade Stand

Rick Perry embraces the fringe - War Room - Salon.com

Rick Perry embraces the fringe - War Room - Salon.com

Military Voters in New York - Hans A. von Spakovsky - The Corner on National Review Online

Military Voters in New York - Hans A. von Spakovsky - The Corner on National Review Online

Google Maps - 2009 Tea Parties

Google Maps - 2009 Tea Parties

Office of the Governor Rick Perry - Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas’ Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment

Office of the Governor Rick Perry - Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas’ Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sexual abuse being a contributing factor for homosexuality - Conservapedia

Sexual abuse being a contributing factor for homosexuality - Conservapedia

Sexual Abuse of Boys: Definition, Prevalence, Correlates, Sequelae, and Management -- Holmes and Slap 280 (21): 1855 -- JAMA

Sexual Abuse of Boys: Definition, Prevalence, Correlates, Sequelae, and Management -- Holmes and Slap 280 (21): 1855 -- JAMA

Comparative data of childhood and adolescence mole...[Arch Sex Behav. 2001] - PubMed Result

Comparative data of childhood and adolescence mole...[Arch Sex Behav. 2001] - PubMed Result

Does Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, or Neglect in C...[Arch Sex Behav. 2009] - PubMed Result

Does Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, or Neglect in C...[Arch Sex Behav. 2009] - PubMed Result

The New Underground Abortion Railroad: Destination NYC

The New Underground Abortion Railroad: Destination NYC

BBC News | HEALTH | Eggs fertilised without sperm

BBC News HEALTH Eggs fertilised without sperm

Tenet: Aggressive Interrogations Brought U.S. Valuable Information - April 26, 2007 - The New York Sun

Tenet: Aggressive Interrogations Brought U.S. Valuable Information - April 26, 2007 - The New York Sun

Treasury Commits $750 Billion to the International Monetary Fund - WSJ.com

Treasury Commits $750 Billion to the International Monetary Fund - WSJ.com

Tay-Sachs Disease - Jewish Genetic Disease

Tay-Sachs Disease - Jewish Genetic Disease

Jewish Genius

Jewish Genius

Chicago Center for Jewish Genetics Disorders - Ashkenazi Disorders: Cystic Fibrosis

Chicago Center for Jewish Genetics Disorders - Ashkenazi Disorders: Cystic Fibrosis

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Genetics and Molecular Biology - Comparative analysis of morphological and behavioral characters in the domestic dog and their importance in the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in canids

Genetics and Molecular Biology - Comparative analysis of morphological and behavioral characters in the domestic dog and their importance in the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in canids

Multiple and Ancient Origins of the Domestic Dog -- Vilà et al. 276 (5319): 1687 -- Science

Multiple and Ancient Origins of the Domestic Dog -- Vilà et al. 276 (5319): 1687 -- Science

Dogs and Wolves

The Japan Times, June 14, 1997
Domestic dogs descended from wolves, researchers confirm
WASHINGTON (AP) Fido may be cute, cuddly and harmless. But in his genes, he's a wolf. Researchers tracing the genetic family tree of man's best friend have confirmed that domestic dogs, from petite poodles to huge elkhounds, descended from wolves that were tamed 100,000 years ago. "Our data show that the origin of dogs seems to be much more ancient than indicated in the archaeological record," said Robert K. Wayne of UCLA, the leader of a team that tested the genes from 67 dog breeds and from 162 wolves on four continents. The study suggests that primitive humans living in a hunting and gathering culture tamed wolves and then selectively bred the animals to create the many different types of dogs that now exist. Wayne said in a statement that DNA sequences of the animals also confirms that wolves are the only true ancestors of domesticated dogs. The study is being published Friday in the journal Science. Stanley J. Olson, a University of Arizona vertebrate paleontologist, said Wayne and his colleagues make a "logical argument" but need more evidence, such as canine bones found at places where ancient humans lived. "It could have happened 60,000 years ago or more, but we have no physical evidence, such as bones and so forth, to prove that," said Olson. "All of the materials I have seen indicates that the taming and domestication probably happened 10,000 to 14,000 years ago." Olson said there is evidence that primitive humans and wolves lived near each other and probably benefited from the relationship. Wolf packs, he said, probably got some of their food from carcasses left behind by hunting humans. It's possible, he noted, that wolf packs incorporated human bands into a territory protected from other packs. "They could have become like natural watchdogs," he said. It is also likely, said Olson, that primitive humans raided wolf dens, captured pups and then raised the ones that showed promise of being tamed. "Once they started feeding these animals, they probably couldn't get rid of them," he said. "It's clear that we like dogs and they seem to like us. That could be how it started." In the new study, Wayne and his associates studied patterns in the mitochondrial DNA from dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals. This type of DNA changes at a specific rate. The number of changes increases with time. Wayne said the study showed so many DNA changes that dogs had to have diverged genetically from wolves 60,000 to more than 100,000 years ago. "We have found that the origin of dogs is much older than previously believed because the genetic diversity within dogs is much greater than if their origin was as recent as 14,000 years," Wayne said in a statement. The researchers found four distinct genetic groups in the dog world. This suggests that wolves may have been tamed and domesticated several times, at different times and places, and that no single wolf ancestor is common to all dogs. It also suggests that dogs and wolves could have interbred later, adding fresh wolf DNA to the domestic dog gene pool. But no DNA evidence was found of coyotes or jackals in the dog family tree. The study showed that Fido, and every other dog in the world, was all wolf, the researchers said.


1. "All of the materials I have seen indicates that the taming and domestication probably happened 10,000 to 14,000 years ago."

2. Wayne said the study showed so many DNA changes that dogs had to have diverged genetically from wolves 60,000 to more than 100,000 years ago.

So: the archaelogical evidence contradicts the conclusions that these scientists draw from their findings and vice-versa. Dogs are so different from wolves that they cannot have evolved from them in the time period for which we have evidence that human beings have been domesticating dogs.

St. John’s College | About | Santa Fe | Information for Faculty Applicants

St. John’s College About Santa Fe Information for Faculty Applicants

St. John’s College | About | Annapolis | Information for Faculty Applicants

St. John’s College About Annapolis Information for Faculty Applicants

Thomas Woods Meltdown

Austrian Theory for Everyone - Wladimir Kraus - Mises Institute

Why You've Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Why Won't Geithner Take TARP Repayments?

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Why Won't Geithner Take TARP Repayments?

Michelle Malkin : Transparency Killer at HUD: Another Disastrous Obama Nominee - Townhall.com

Michelle Malkin : Transparency Killer at HUD: Another Disastrous Obama Nominee - Townhall.com

American Thinker Blog: More Electric Car Follies

American Thinker Blog: More Electric Car Follies

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell Denies Accusations of Improper Dealings With Plaintiffs Lawyers Bailey, Perrin & Bailey - WSJ.com

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell Denies Accusations of Improper Dealings With Plaintiffs Lawyers Bailey, Perrin & Bailey - WSJ.com

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Socialized Medicine, an International Tour

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Socialized Medicine, an International Tour

Medical Bill Errors: Fighting Mistakes - ABC News

Medical Bill Errors: Fighting Mistakes - ABC News

American Thinker Blog: MSM Now Ignores American War Casualties

American Thinker Blog: MSM Now Ignores American War Casualties

Red Cross says doctors helped CIA torture | International | Reuters

Red Cross says doctors helped CIA torture International Reuters

The Associated Press: 4 shot, 1 dead at Korean retreat center in Calif.

The Associated Press: 4 shot, 1 dead at Korean retreat center in Calif.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Response: I never blamed the pill for the fall in family size:

Response: I never blamed the pill for the fall in family size:

Response: I never blamed the pill for the fall in family size

Archives: Carl Djerassi


Untitled Document

Pill inventor slams ... pill - CathNews

Pill inventor slams ... pill - CathNews

The Real Henry VIII - WSJ.com

The Real Henry VIII - WSJ.com

There Will Be (Hyper)Inflation - Thorsten Polleit - Mises Institute

There Will Be (Hyper)Inflation - Thorsten Polleit - Mises Institute

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Smoking gun on NYT-spiked-ACORN story?

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Smoking gun on NYT-spiked-ACORN story?

Video: radicals beat girl, 17, in Islamic stronghold of Swat, Pakistan - Times Online

Video: radicals beat girl, 17, in Islamic stronghold of Swat, Pakistan - Times Online

Nominees and Taxes

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » The Least Patriotic Administration Ever

The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S. - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S. - Presidential Politics Political News - FOXNews.com

Karl Rove Says Barack Obama Has Moved Chicago Politics to the White House - WSJ.com

Karl Rove Says Barack Obama Has Moved Chicago Politics to the White House - WSJ.com

NASA - Deep Solar Minimum

NASA - Deep Solar Minimum

Austin ER's got 2,678 visits from 9 people over 6 years

Austin ER's got 2,678 visits from 9 people over 6 years

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Global Warming

Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told' - Telegraph

Stimulus Bridges to Nowhere » The Foundry

Stimulus Bridges to Nowhere » The Foundry

"Abortion is a Blessing" - Via Media

"Abortion is a Blessing" - Via Media

Power Line - "Green Jobs"--Another Hoax

Power Line - "Green Jobs"--Another Hoax

Stem Cell Breakthrough: 'Switch' Created That Turns Stem Cells Into Muscle

Stem Cell Breakthrough: 'Switch' Created That Turns Stem Cells Into Muscle

Taleban: we will launch attack on America that will amaze world - Times Online

Taleban: we will launch attack on America that will amaze world - Times Online

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Who Is Harold Koh?

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Who Is Harold Koh?

Spain’s ‘Universal Jurisdiction’ Power Play by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Spain’s ‘Universal Jurisdiction’ Power Play by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Sebelius admits errors, pays $7,000 in back taxes

Sebelius admits errors, pays $7,000 in back taxes