Monday, September 25, 2023


Northern Ruby Paste- Wow, a keeper! Im a big fan of my seeds of smuggled SIcilian San Marzano's but these beat them. The plants got off to a slow start and I grumbled about them until...they started producing! Next year? Less NR plants, they are so productive. Thick flesh, easy to peel.

Seattle- A bust. Healthy plant but small, tasteless fruit. Not worth the effort
Madame Marmaud- a favorite for the last 3 growing seasons of mine for flavor and size. This batch of seeds to start werent strong and there was poor and weak germination. But the plants I was able to get going, produced well. A bit sensitive to too much wet, but the flavor is worth the effort.
Momotaro- After crop seed failure last year, this tomato was hard to find. SO glad they are back! The Japanese are passionate about perfection in uniformity and flavor and this is one of my top favorite tomatoes. Very prolific as well.
New improved Better Boy- Late to ripen, spotty and sensitive to wet. Big tomatoes but not worth the effort for me. I need tomatoes that can thrive here in the NW.
Early Girl- Always a favorite and this year the fruit was massive! 'nuf said
Mountain Early- A good early and uniform tomato. Good production, especially for slicing and eating fresh. Will have a place in my tomato patch!
Anna Russian- super thick flesh, little seeds but not as prolific as I like and a tendency toward hard, thick skin-but that could have been lack of water. Rather like a "Genovese" in shape.
Heinz- Poor germination but the one plant that made it was outstanding. Going to try again. A fantastic sauce tomato that I like even more than the paste tomatoes. Going to work harder to get better germination-totally worth it.
Siletz- Always a goodie but not at the top of my list. "

Beit Alpha cucumbers

Hops in beer

 Word that comes straight from the mash contains, among other things, a lot of different proteins. One of the most important functions of the boil is to remove some of these proteins which can cause side effects ranging from the chill haze to off-flavors making the beer undrinkable. It is important to boil any beer for at least one hour and to maintain a rolling boil for that whole time to completely stabilize the brew. Of course, you would never want to remove all of the proteins from a beer as they are responsible for some of its most important aspects including color and mouthfeel.

Hops play an important role in the process of removing these harmful proteins. The malt proteins will stick to the polyphenols from the hops. A vigorous boil assures that these polyphenols will actively move about in the kettle and gather as many of the proteins as possible.

Thursday, September 21, 2023


The number of cases has decreased because of legislation prohibiting the feeding of raw meat garbage to hogs, increased commercial and home freezing of pork, and the public awareness of the danger of eating raw or undercooked pork products.

Why Integralism Failed thomas d. howes

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Proposal for the Fulfillment of Catholic Liberal Education

 The good man is characterized by right desire and good habits, and no man can rule himself unless he intends the right end and habitually pursues the appropriate means. For the end to be achieved is the principle of every rule ... p.45

Thomas Aquinas: Moral Philosophy

The natural law functions in a way that is analogous to the aforementioned principles. According to Aquinas, all human actions are governed by a general principle or precept that is foundational to and necessary for all practical reasoning: good is to be done [and pursued] and evil is to be avoided. This principle is not something we can ignore or defy. Rather, it is an expression of how practical thought and action proceed in creatures such as ourselves.

Whenever we deliberate about how we should act, we do so by virtue of a natural inclination to pursue (or avoid) those goods (or evils) that contribute to (or deter us from) our perfection as human beings.

1. pursue those goods that contribute to our perfection as human beings.

2. avoid those evils that deter us from our perfection as human beings.

Deion Sanders--don't say negative things about anyone else