Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Legacy of John Senior

Read Trump's letter to Pelosi

"Pray the Mass" (1940) The Traditional Latin Mass Explained (w/ Archbishop Fulton Sheen)

The single factor that endangers our society’s future

The data are overwhelmingly, and they all point in the same direction. Children raised in a single-parent household are, statistically:
  • less likely to perform well in school,
  • more likely to live in poverty as adults,
  • less likely to be physically healthy,
  • more likely to compile a criminal record,
  • less likely to earn a college degree,
  • more likely to suffer emotional disorders,
  • less likely to succeed professionally,
  • more likely to abuse alcohol or recreational drugs,
  • less likely to marry and stay married, and therefore
  • more likely to continue the cycle of misery by becoming single parents themselves.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Curt Flood's monopoly man

New details emerge in stabbing of Barnard College student Tessa Majors

Sources said Davis was interviewed at the station house in the presence of his legal guardian and uncle, Roosevelt Davis, who also was in court with him, as was an aunt.
The boy’s mother died in 2016, according to neighbors.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Augason Farms Hard White Wheat Emergency Food Storage



Tessa Majors murder: Suspect, 13, arrested in stabbing of Barnard student

Paulina Pinsky, 27, a writer who went to Barnard as an undergrad and has lived in the area her whole life, said, “I think about that 13-year-old. I think about how desperate he must have been for something.”

“My sympathy lies with the girl who died,” Pinksy added. “I can’t imagine what it must be like being a freshman and having your roommate brutally murdered. It could have been any of us. You walk around here at Barnard, a place you worked your whole life to get to, and you think you’re immune to everything, but life can be snatched away from you at any moment, no matter how privileged you are.”

“No-Man’s Land”: Morningside Park and Us

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Amaretto Crumb Cake


Check out the new online Farm Pond Management guide!

Tips for Fish Stocking

Costs Are Spiraling Out of Control

We Are All George Zimmerman Now By George Zimmerman

Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

National Compliance Initiative: Preventing Animal Waste from Contaminating Surface and Ground Water

Your Antidepressants Are Ending Up in The Environment, Bathing Fish in a 'Drug Soup'

New report Don't blame The Pill for estrogen in drinking water

Wastewater Treatment

Municipal Water Treatment Processes

Think the world is overcrowded? These 10 maps show why you’re wrong

Thursday, November 28, 2019

New Zealand White Clover Cover Crop Seed

Proclamation Appointing a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer By Thomas Jefferson

Hop Rhizomes – Grow your own hops!

Hop Rhizome Growing Guide



Charles Beard, Mary Beard, 1921 History of the United States

Thanksgiving for Dummies...Sorry, I Mean College Professors


Hip Flexors

A Thanksgiving Tale of Redemption: “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Augustine on Shepherds

All shepherds should therefore be one in the one good shepherd. All should speak with the one voice of the one shepherd, so that the sheep may hear and follow their shepherd; not this or that shepherd, but the one shepherd. All should speak with one voice in Christ, not with different voices. Brethren, I beg all of you to say the same thing, and to have no dissensions among you. The sheep should hear this voice, a voice purified from all schism, freed from all heresy, and so follow their shepherd, who says: My sheep hear my voice and follow me.

Lone Star Wildflower Mix Shaker

WHAT ARE WE CONSERVING? Spending for first 2.5 years of Trump admin? 13% HIGHER than same period under Obama

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stock Market Cheerleading: Why Do We Celebrate the Super-Rich Getting Richer?

The reality is starkly different: the vast majority of the gains generated by a rising stock market flow to the top 10% households who own 93% of all financial assets, and the gains within the top 10% are highly concentrated in the top .01% of financiers, super-wealthy families and corporate managers who have reaped the vast majority of the past decade of stock market gains.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Crash Course Chapter 8: Money Creation: The Fed

These monetary learnings allow us to formulate 2 more extremely important Key Concepts.
The first is that “All dollars are backed by debt”.
At the local bank level, all new money is loaned into existence.
At the Federal Reserve level money is simply manufactured out of thin air and then mostly exchanged for interest paying government debt.
In both cases, the money is backed by debt.  Debt that pays interest.  From this Key Concept we can formulate a truly profound statement which is that “At a minimum, each year enough new money must be loaned into existence to cover the interest payments on all of the past outstanding debt”.
If we flip this slightly, we can say that each year all the outstanding debt must compound by at least the rate of the interest on that debt.  Each and every year it must grow by some percentage.  Because our debt based money system is growing by some percentage over time, it is an exponential system by its very design.

Do You Want My Job Little Village Ry Cooder

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters

How Fusion GPS Saved Planned Parenthood’s Bacon

The Times headlined its story, “Planned Parenthood Videos Were Altered, Analysis Finds.” Deep in the copy, Fusion admitted they “found no evidence that CMP inserted dialogue not spoken by Planned Parenthood staff,” but the headline did the damage. To complete the rout, prosecutorial friends of Planned Parenthood, in both Texas and California, brought utterly bogus criminal charges against Daleiden and Merritt. Mainstream journalists yawned, even cheered.

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wire fencing


Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Former Anglican Becomes a Saint This Sunday, Cardinal John Henry Newman will become the first Englishman born since the 1600s to be canonized.

Ask Your Daughter Questions

Democrats Making a Big Mistake by Rushing Impeachment

At Trump’s behest, Rudy Giuliani has been corralling Ukrainians to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son with the help of two Soviet-born Trump donors who were arrested Wednesday night as they attempted to leave the country with one-way tickets, hours after having lunch with Rudy at the Trump International Hotel in Washington. One of the charges they face is funneling Russian money into the Trump campaign. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

cobbett reformation

86* But, besides these evidences of Scripture, besides 
our own creed, which we say we have from the Apostles, 
there is the reasonableness of the thing. It is perfectly 
monstrous to 6uppose that there can be two true faiths. 
It cannot be : one of the two must be false. And will any 
man say, that we ought to applaud a measure which, of 
necessity, must produce an indefinite number of faiths ? 
If our eternal salvation depend upon our believing the 
truth, can it be good to place people in a state of necessity 
to have different beliefs ? And does not that which takes 
away the head of the Church inevitably produce such a 
state of necessity ? „ How is the faith of all nations to 
continue to be one, if there be in every nation a head of 
the Church, who is to be appealed to, in the last resort, as 
to all questions, as to all points of dispute, which may 
arise ? How, if this be the case, is there to be “ one fold 
and one shepherd ” ? How is there to be “one faith and 
one baptisia M ? How are the “ unity of the spirit and the 
bond of peace ” to be preserved ? We shall presently see 
what unity and what peace there were in England, the 
moment the King became the head of the Church.

Hunter Biden and Ukraine: The back story

In a Fox News interview on May 19, Trump claimed the former Ukrainian prosecutor “was after” Joe Biden’s son and that was why the former vice president demanded he be fired....Bloomberg ... reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster.

Nor is there evidence that Joe Biden acted illegitimately in forcing Ukraine to fire a corrupt prosecutor.

A Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating Burisma for corruption, potentially including the Biden payoff. Joe Biden has boasted that he threatened to cancel a $1 billion loan guarantee package, demanding that Ukraine fire the offending prosecutor. Ukraine’s prior government acceded to Biden’s demand. As far as I know, Hunter Biden continued to collect his $600,000 annually.

Rudy Giuliani told Democrats last night that they are walking into a trap, and stated that he has evidence about spectacular corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and Obama administration officials.

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

What Happens After a Balk is Called

If the balk is followed by a pitch that strikes the batter, the umpire should call “Time” the moment the pitch strikes the batter. The balk rule is then enforced. The batter remains at bat unless the hit batter’s placement on first base forces all runners to advance one base in which case the play proceeds without reference to the balk.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Canadian Health Care Refused to Pay for Disabled Father's Care, but Happily Paid for His Assisted Suicide

New evidence shows why Steele, the Ohrs and TSA workers never should have become DOJ sources

Autopsy: Man killed by police was shot 3 times in back

Bailey runs away as he is about to be searched and is seen with his hands near his waistband.

The officer can be heard yelling "hands up!" three times before firing multiple shots. The footage shows Bailey falling to the ground and the officers running up to cuff his hands behind his back.

An officer kneeling at Bailey's side tugs at what appears to be a gun between his legs as he is bleeding.
"He's got a gun in his pants," another officer says as the kneeling officer struggles to free the object from Bailey's shorts. One of the officers uses a blade to cut Bailey's shorts before removing them.