Monday, August 31, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Summer 2005

The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Summer 2005

Antibiotic Resistance and Evolution

Antibiotic Resistance and Evolution

The Emperor Has No Clothes - Naturalism and The Theory of Evolution

The Emperor Has No Clothes - Naturalism and The Theory of Evolution

The "Evolution" of Antibiotic Resistance

The "Evolution" of Antibiotic Resistance

Global Warming

1. It is true that ancient glaciers show that there is a connection between C02 and warming, but it is the opposite of what you say here. The studies show that as temperature rises, C02 levels rise--around 1000 years after the temperature rises:

"As temperature rises, CO2 also rises but lags the warming by 800 to 1000 years (Monnin 2001, Caillon 2003, Stott 2007).How does warming cause a rise in atmospheric CO2? As the oceans warm, the solubility of CO2 in water falls (Martin 2005). This causes the oceans to give up more CO2, emitting it into the atmosphere. The exact mechanism of how the deep ocean gives up its CO2 is not fully understood but believed to be related to vertical ocean mixing (Toggweiler 1999)." ("CO2 lags temperature - what does it mean?")

2. Sea levels are not rising. According to Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change, "the sea is not rising. It hasn't risen in 50 years." (Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told')

3. A rise in temperature is not melting the ice caps. Ice at the North Pole is decreasing and ice at the South Pole is decreasing. Overall, ice is remaining the same: "In 2007 2008, two very different records were set. The Arctic broke the previous record for the least sea ice area ever recorded, while the Antarctic broke the record for the most sea ice area ever recorded. Summed up over the entire earth, polar ice has remained constant..... There has been no net gain or loss of polar sea ice since records began." (Are the ice caps melting?)

4. “NASA stated today that it was wrong when it release a report that 1998 was the warmest year ever recorded in modern history…. According to H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis … James Hansen's well-known claims that 1998 was measured as the warmest year on record in the U.S. were the result of a serious mathematical error. NASA has now corrected that error, and 1934 is now known as the warmest year on record, with 1921 the third warmest year instead of 2006 as was also previously claimed. Moreover, NASA now also has to admit that three of the five warmest years on record occurred before 1940-it has up until now held that all five of them occurred after 1980.” ("NASA Admits that 1934, Not 1998, was the Warmest Year on Record ")

5. This website suggests that at least some of the temperature increases may be due to where the thermometers are being placed--such as right next to incinerators.

6. “For nearly a decade now, there has been no global warming. Even though atmospheric carbon dioxide continues to accumulate - it's up about 4 percent since 1998 - the global mean temperature has remained flat. That raises some obvious questions about the theory that CO2 is the cause of climate change.”

7. Some scientists do not believe in human-caused global warming. Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, is one example.

Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria: An Example of Evolution in Action? - Answers in Genesis

Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria: An Example of Evolution in Action? - Answers in Genesis

Man with appendicitis waits six hours for ambulance

Man with appendicitis waits six hours for ambulance

CHR review clears hospital in death of Calgary teenager

CHR review clears hospital in death of Calgary teenager

Gohmert delivers a sermon on history | | Kilgore News

Gohmert delivers a sermon on history Kilgore News

Life without parole: Jury rejects death penalty for Letalvis Cobbins » Knoxville News Sentinel

Life without parole: Jury rejects death penalty for Letalvis Cobbins » Knoxville News Sentinel

Circumcision doesn't protect gays from AIDS virus - Yahoo! News

Circumcision doesn't protect gays from AIDS virus - Yahoo! News

Churchill had won the war, but his contempt for the humdrum affairs of peace turned Britain against him | Mail Online

Churchill had won the war, but his contempt for the humdrum affairs of peace turned Britain against him Mail Online Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Vive Le French Care? Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Vive Le French Care?

Betsy McCaughey: Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel Wants Health-Care Rationing -

Betsy McCaughey: Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel Wants Health-Care Rationing -

American Thinker: Global Warming Blues

American Thinker: Global Warming Blues

Patriot Post on Newsom and Christian Murders - Blowing Smoke at Terrorists - Blowing Smoke at Terrorists

'Cruel and neglectful' care of one million NHS patients exposed - Telegraph

'Cruel and neglectful' care of one million NHS patients exposed - Telegraph

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Torture-slayings trial, Day 9: Cobbins' life in jurors' hands » Knoxville News Sentinel

Torture-slayings trial, Day 9: Cobbins' life in jurors' hands » Knoxville News Sentinel

Learn About Healthcare in France

The American Vision » Learn About Healthcare in France

Myths Christians Believe about Wealth and Poverty - The Acton Institute

Myths Christians Believe about Wealth and Poverty - The Acton Institute

Myths Christians Believe about Wealth and Poverty « Acton Institute PowerBlog

Myths Christians Believe about Wealth and Poverty « Acton Institute PowerBlog

Torture-slayings trial, Day 9: Jury weighs life, death for Letalvis Cobbins » Knoxville News Sentinel

Torture-slayings trial, Day 9: Jury weighs life, death for Letalvis Cobbins » Knoxville News Sentinel

CIA memo details procedures for breaking detainees |

CIA memo details procedures for breaking detainees

Commentary » Blog Archive » Qaddafi Can Celebrate His Filthy Regime Without Us

Commentary » Blog Archive » Qaddafi Can Celebrate His Filthy Regime Without Us

Michelle Malkin : ACLU: Spying for America's Enemies -

Michelle Malkin : ACLU: Spying for America's Enemies - - Inspired by Saul Alinsky, FCC 'Diversity' Chief Calls for ‘Confrontational Movement’ to Give Public Broadcasting Dominant Role in Communications - Inspired by Saul Alinsky, FCC 'Diversity' Chief Calls for ‘Confrontational Movement’ to Give Public Broadcasting Dominant Role in Communications

Subprime Lenders Getting U.S. Subsidies, Report Says -

Subprime Lenders Getting U.S. Subsidies, Report Says -

Deficit fears put Obama’s reforms in jeopardy / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Deficit fears put Obama’s reforms in jeopardy

Man collapses with ruptured appendix... three weeks after NHS doctors 'took it out' | Mail Online

Man collapses with ruptured appendix... three weeks after NHS doctors 'took it out' Mail Online

The babies born in hospital corridors: Bed shortage forces 4,000 mothers to give birth in lifts, offices and hospital toilets | Mail Online

The babies born in hospital corridors: Bed shortage forces 4,000 mothers to give birth in lifts, offices and hospital toilets Mail Online

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bret Stephens: Liberals and the CIA -

Bret Stephens: Liberals and the CIA -

Writing an Abstracts

Writing an Abstracts

Cash for Clunkers


What the Radical Left Doesn't Want You to Know About the 60's - HUMAN EVENTS

What the Radical Left Doesn't Want You to Know About the 60's - HUMAN EVENTS

Media’s Pro-Choice Darling Called Humans ‘Ecotumors' |

Media’s Pro-Choice Darling Called Humans ‘Ecotumors'

Letalvis Cobbins found guilty in Christian - Newsom murders

Letalvis Cobbins found guilty in Christian - Newsom murders

My Way News - RI gov to shut down state government for 12 days

My Way News - RI gov to shut down state government for 12 days

White House projects bigger deficits, bigger debt - Yahoo! News

White House projects bigger deficits, bigger debt - Yahoo! News

Thomas Sowell : The Great Escape -

Thomas Sowell : The Great Escape -

Catching Up to Mexico by Alex Alexiev on National Review / Digital

Catching Up to Mexico by Alex Alexiev on National Review / Digital

History's shadow over Obama's Vineyard vacation - Yahoo! News

History's shadow over Obama's Vineyard vacation - Yahoo! News

Cheney on Interrogation

The Weekly Standard

Global Warming

Deepak Lal: Spiking the road to Copenhagen

Insurance Companies Should Be Allowed to Sell Policies Across State Lines -

Insurance Companies Should Be Allowed to Sell Policies Across State Lines -

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fish in Lake Washington rapidly evolved -- in reverse

Fish in Lake Washington rapidly evolved -- in reverse

Do any vestigial organs exist in humans?

Do any vestigial organs exist in humans?

Evolution Of The Human Appendix: A Biological 'Remnant' No More

Evolution Of The Human Appendix: A Biological 'Remnant' No More

YouTube - Privileged Planet (Chapter 1 of 12)

YouTube - Privileged Planet (Chapter 1 of 12)

Caning of Malaysian woman who drank beer postponed - Yahoo! News

Caning of Malaysian woman who drank beer postponed - Yahoo! News



The High Cost of Liberalism -

The High Cost of Liberalism -

Charleston Daily Mail - West Virginia News and Sports - Don Surber - Why Obama is losing on health 

Charleston Daily Mail - West Virginia News and Sports - Don Surber - Why Obama is losing on health

Canada's latest flu challenge: distribution - The Globe and Mail

Canada's latest flu challenge: distribution - The Globe and Mail

MAX HASTINGS: How Churchill was bullied into D-Da - his most triumphant achievement - by the Americans | Mail Online

MAX HASTINGS: How Churchill was bullied into D-Da - his most triumphant achievement - by the Americans Mail Online

American Thinker: Will You Still Need Me, When I'm Sixty-four?

American Thinker: Will You Still Need Me, When I'm Sixty-four?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Martin Feldstein: ObamaCare Is All About Rationing -

Martin Feldstein: ObamaCare Is All About Rationing -

Homosexual Sex

Is it morally wrong for people to engage in homosexual sex?
Please note:

1. Is is not true that new HIV/AIDS cases in the U.S. are primarily among heterosexuals. Here are the latest statistics from the Center for Disease Control:

Transmission Category
Estimated # of HIV/AIDS Cases, in 2007
Adult and Adolescent Male
Adult and Adolescent Female
Male-to-male sexual contact
Injection drug use
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use
High-risk heterosexual contact*

*Heterosexual contact with a person known to have, or to be at high risk for, HIV infection.**
Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal exposure, and risk not reported or not identified.

In 2007, the majority of new HIV/AIDS cases occurred as a result of men having sex with men.

2. It seems to be a myth that HIV/AIDS is most prevalent among heterosexuals in Africa:
"The study by researchers at the University of Tuebingen in Germany proposes that anal sex, both heterosexual and homosexual, is the second biggest cause of HIV transmission in Africa, following transmission in medical settings, such as through dirty needles. The researchers believe vaginal transmission of HIV is a distant third."

See also, "Men who have sex with men and HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa" in the Lancet.

Homosexual Marriage

Should Texas permit homosexuals to get married?

Some evidence that people are less attached to children to whom they are not biologically related:

1. "Many scholars and social workers who monitor America's families see the abusive-boyfriend syndrome as part of a broader, deeply worrisome trend. They note an ever-increasing share of America's children grow up in homes without both biological parents, and say the risk of child abuse is markedly higher in the nontraditional family structures." (Children at higher risk in nontraditional homes, MSNBC, November 18, 2007)

2. "A Duke University official has been charged in federal court with offering his 5-year-old adopted son up for sex. Frank Lombard, associate director of the Center for Health Policy, was arrested Wednesday in Raleigh, the FBI said." (Duke U. Official Caught in Alleged Child Sex Sting, abcnews, June 26, 2009)
. "Once there was a widower who for his second wife, married a proud and haughty woman. She had two daughters, who were equally vain. By his first wife, he had a beautiful young daughter who was a girl of unparalleled goodness and sweet temper. The Stepmother and her daughters forced the first daughter to complete all the housework. When the girl had done her work, she sat in the cinders, which caused her to be called "Cinderella". The poor girl bore it patiently, but she dared not tell her father, who would have scolded her; his wife controlled him entirely." ("Cinderella," wikipedia)

Artist of Obama "Joker" Poster Image Identified -- and He's Not a Conservative - Political Punch

Artist of Obama "Joker" Poster Image Identified -- and He's Not a Conservative - Political Punch

Caning in Malaysia


Creation-Evolution Headlines

Creation-Evolution Headlines

'Death panels' exist already - Washington Times

'Death panels' exist already - Washington Times

Walter E. Williams : Is Racial Profiling Racist? -

Walter E. Williams : Is Racial Profiling Racist? -

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Health Care

The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Scarsdale and Desegregation

Westchester Adds Housing to Desegregation Pact

Westchester to spend $50M on fair housing

Desegregation deal raises hopes, concerns

With landmark housing settlement, many questions remain - like where are the units going

Monday, August 10, 2009

Iran and Africa

Iran reportedly kills seven lawyers

Symbol of Unhealed Congo: Male Rape Victims

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Equal Distribution of Waiting Lists - Columns - American Issues Project

The Equal Distribution of Waiting Lists - Columns - American Issues Project

Healthcare reforms warnings from France and Canada

Healthcare reforms warnings from France and Canada

Fausta’s Blog » Blog Archive » That excellent government-provided “free healthcare” in France

Fausta’s Blog » Blog Archive » That excellent government-provided “free healthcare” in France

Police identify teen killed in attempted home invasion » Knoxville News Sentinel

Police identify teen killed in attempted home invasion » Knoxville News Sentinel

The American Spectator : The Great Socialist Takeover

The American Spectator : The Great Socialist Takeover

Universal Health Care- Obama in context

Power Line - Obama in context

Experts predict quieter Atlantic hurricane season - Yahoo!7 News

Experts predict quieter Atlantic hurricane season - Yahoo!7 News

Tepid tornado season disappoints some - News - Local - The Columbus Telegram - Columbus, Nebraska's Community Newspaper

Tepid tornado season disappoints some - News - Local - The Columbus Telegram - Columbus, Nebraska's Community Newspaper

Vail Daily letter: Strong feelings about SUVs |

Vail Daily letter: Strong feelings about SUVs

Cancer Patient Offered Gov’t Suicide Funds But Not Medical Care

Cancer Patient Offered Gov’t Suicide Funds But Not Medical Care

Mike Adams : A Health Quiz for Barry -

Mike Adams : A Health Quiz for Barry -

Deputy arrested: Allegations against sheriff's deputy aren't reflection of gay community, activist says -- South Florida

Deputy arrested: Allegations against sheriff's deputy aren't reflection of gay community, activist says -- South Florida

Antidepressant use doubles in U.S., study finds | U.S. | Reuters

Antidepressant use doubles in U.S., study finds U.S. Reuters

Monday, August 3, 2009

HIV/AIDS 2007 By Exposure

Basic Statistics Statistics and Surveillance Topics CDC HIV/AIDS

Risk Realities Related Articles: Fear Spread Faster Than AIDS

Risk Realities Related Articles: Fear Spread Faster Than AIDS

The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS - Michael Fumento

The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS - Michael Fumento

Philadelphia: More AIDS Cases With Female Faces - The Body

Philadelphia: More AIDS Cases With Female Faces - The Body

Bestselling author Michael Fumento reports: "Heterosexual AIDS: Part VII."

Bestselling author Michael Fumento reports: "Heterosexual AIDS: Part VII."

Media, AIDS, and truth - misleading news reporting about the AIDS epidemic among heterosexuals and the abuse of truth in journalism - Special Section: The Decline of American Journalism | National Review | Find Articles at BNET

Media, AIDS, and truth - misleading news reporting about the AIDS epidemic among heterosexuals and the abuse of truth in journalism - Special Section: The Decline of American Journalism National Review Find Articles at BNET

New HIV strain leapt to humans from gorillas: study

New HIV strain leapt to humans from gorillas: study

Sudan trouser woman 'ready for 40,000 lashes'

Sudan trouser woman 'ready for 40,000 lashes'

Obama Joker Poster Popping Up In Los Angeles |

Obama Joker Poster Popping Up In Los Angeles

2 Obama officials: No guarantee taxes won't go up - Yahoo! Finance

2 Obama officials: No guarantee taxes won't go up - Yahoo! Finance » Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance » Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance