Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What Are Kingdoms but Great Robberies?

Indeed, that was an apt and true reply which was given to Alexander the Great by a pirate who had been seized. For when the king had asked the man what he meant by keeping hostile possession of the sea, he answered with bold pride, ‘What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor.’ —City of God by Augustine

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Decent Films


Crisis at Little Rock

Finally, after being jostled by the crowd, she worked her way to the street corner, and the two boarded a bus.

The nine black students were denied entrance and escortedhome, according to the chief of police, “for their own safety.”

On the third day of classes Lucy was confronted by a mob consisting of students, and members of the Tuscaloosa, Alabama community. Armed with rocks, eggs, and bricks, this mob screamed racist epithets at Lucy and threatened her life. At one point, Lucy was hit in the back with an egg as she was ushered, under police escort, into an auditorium. Although physically separated from the mob, Lucy was still able to hear the jeers and the shouts of the crowd outside. Lucy remained in the auditorium for hours as the crowd outside taunted her.  Eventually, Lucy was escorted from the building unharmed. - See more at:

On the third day of classes Lucy was confronted by a mob consisting of students, and members of the Tuscaloosa, Alabama community. Armed with rocks, eggs, and bricks, this mob screamed racist epithets at Lucy and threatened her life. At one point, Lucy was hit in the back with an egg as she was ushered, under police escort, into an auditorium. Although physically separated from the mob, Lucy was still able to hear the jeers and the shouts of the crowd outside. Lucy remained in the auditorium for hours as the crowd outside taunted her.  Eventually, Lucy was escorted from the building unharmed.

Students, adults and even groups from outside of Alabama shouted racial epithets, threw eggs, sticks and rocks, and generally attempted to block her way. 

On the third day of classes Lucy was confronted by a mob consisting of students, and members of the Tuscaloosa, Alabama community. Armed with rocks, eggs, and bricks, this mob screamed racist epithets at Lucy and threatened her life. At one point, Lucy was hit in the back with an egg as she was ushered, under police escort, into an auditorium. Although physically separated from the mob, Lucy was still able to hear the jeers and the shouts of the crowd outside. Lucy remained in the auditorium for hours as the crowd outside taunted her.  Eventually, Lucy was escorted from the building unharmed. - See more at:

Feds Spend $35.7 Million on LGBT Anti-Smoking Ads

“We know LGBT young adults in this country are nearly twice as likely to use tobacco as other young adults,” said Mitch Zeller, J.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products. “We want LGBT young adults to know that there is no safe amount of smoking. Even an occasional cigarette can have serious health implications and lead to addiction.”

Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hamburger Chef Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald’s Burgers “Unfit for Human Consumption”


Growing up during a heroin epidemic

Barack Obama's Sad Record on Economic Growth

Again, assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)

Life in Zimbabwe: Wait for Useless Money

Zimbabwe’s economic unraveling has, indeed, accelerated since the chaotic, often violent invasions of thousands of white-owned farms by Mr. Mugabe’s supporters began in 2000. The big farms now produce less than a tenth the corn — the main staple food crop here — of what they did in the 1990s, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported in June.

Millions of Zimbabweans are threatened with starvation after the widespread failure of the latest harvest brought on by the government's disastrous mishandling of land redistribution, and food shortages in the shops caused by hyperinflation.

 "The U.S. sanctions are aimed at fewer than 200 individuals and institutions in Zimbabwe, in a nation of over 13 million people," Smith said.

Monday, May 2, 2016


St. Michael the Archangel, 
defend us in battle. 
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. 
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, 
and do thou, 
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 
by the power of God, 
thrust into hell Satan, 
and all the evil spirits, 
who prowl about the world 
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

St. Thomas on the Appetite

There can be no true peace except where the appetite is directed to what is truly good, since every evil, though it may appear good in a way, so as to calm the appetite in some way, has, also many defects, which cause the appetite to remain restless and disturbed.”