Monday, December 17, 2018

Chickens freezing to death and boiled alive: failings in US slaughterhouses exposed

The Other Greeks: The Family Farm and the Agrarian Roots of Western Civilization

France in a Nutshell: "The Government Stopped Listening to the People 20 Years Ago"

The ruling class has counted on the cultural elites to marginalize and suppress the politically invisible by dismissing any working-class dissent as racist, fascist, nationalistic and other words expressly intended to push dissent into the political wilderness.

"Yellow Vests" and the Downward Mobility of the Middle Class

I've Paid $18,000 To A $24,000 Student Loan, & I Still Owe $24,000

Back to the land: are young farmers the new starving artists?

Producer Eddie Kramer Reveals Why Jimi Hendrix Played Bass on 'All Along the Watchtower'

Friday, December 14, 2018

Recipe For Greens

 There's a Portuguese soup I grew up on. Boil a couple potatoes and some sliced carrots with salt and pepper, add a few sliced up kale leaves. Once cooked, use immersion blender. Then add in Portuguese chorizo. Can't use the Mexican kind because it gets nasty greasy. But you can add whatever meat you want...

Debt Worldwide Hits Record $184 Trillion, or $86,000 Per Person

Founding Father’s Library

Letter to Henry Lee Thomas Jefferson May 8, 1825

Monday, December 10, 2018

86 Main St, Glastonbury, CT 06073


the whole trend of the age is away from creative communal amusements and towards solitary mechanical ones. The pub, with its elaborate social ritual, its animated conversations and – at any rate in the North of England – its songs and week-end comedians, is gradually replaced by the passive, drug-like pleasures of the cinema and the radio.

The 50th Anniversary of St Clement’s Parish in Ottawa

Consecrated Buildings and Their Officially Sponsored Profanation

Farmers Branch Demo/Rebuild Program

Two Ladies of the Southern Pantheon: Flannery O’Connor and Caroline Gordon

Planned Parenthood Report: Nation’s Largest Abortion Business Spiraling Toward Failure
Planned Parenthood offers Medicaid patients vaccines, wellness examinations, screening for breast and cervical cancer, contraception services and pregnancy testing. But abortion is not offered, because federal funds cannot pay for them except in cases of rape, incest or life endangerment.

Abortion Services 321,384 Abortion Procedures 321,384

Abortion: U.S. Taxpayers Fund It Here and Abroad

Peter Vlaming Vs. Trans Tyrants

Sunday Talks: IMF’s Christine Lagarde Discusses Global Economy in Era of Trump…

The simple answer cuts to the core of why those nations, and the multinational benefactors within them, are aligned against Donald Trump….
…He is stopping the export of American wealth.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Allison's Fried Rice

ll I make eggless fried rice because of monica but i chop up a couple scallions, make fragrant in olive oil... then throw in a handful of corn. then the refrigerated steamed rice, and sprinkle on salt while i toss.

variations: instead of corn, add in chopped carrots/broccoli; add a little water to steam/soften, toss in the rice, and for seasoning can do a bit of oyster sauce/soy sauce.

for egg, probably want to do that in between the scallion/ adding the rice part. just dont add in the rice while the eggs are super runny.

and do the egg to the side of the pan

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

1111 Doubling Gap Road, Newville, Pennsylvania

Conservative order of nuns on verge of destruction following Vatican interventions


The profits  of labor flow in a steady stream into the hands of non-  producers, who are engaged in manipulating money.

Caravan migrants fake photos for gullible, biased U.S. press

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Terrorist Lawfare and the Dallas Morning News

Latest Global Warming Lies from US Global Change Research Program

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The New York Times Reveals Painful Truths about Transgender Lives

Thursday, November 22, 2018

INTERVIEW: Cdl. Müller on abuse crisis and its link to homosexuality in priesthood

The German cardinal recalls the correct role of the Pope as the guardian of the Faith when he says: “The Magisterium of the bishops and of the Pope stand under the Word of God in Holy Scripture and Tradition and serves Him. It is not at all Catholic to say that the Pope as an individual person receives directly from the Holy Spirit the Revelation and that he may now interpret it according to his own whims while all the rest are to follow him blindly and mutely.”

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Henry Loucks, The Great Conspiracy of the House of Morgan and How to Defeat It.

I am reading an excellent book right now that I'd like to put on your radar. It is Henry Loucks, The Great Conspiracy of the House of Morgan and How to Defeat It. It contains a great description of self-sufficiency, kind of like Tudor Monastery Farm. Loucks is writing in 1915:
I write of conditions in a well settled section of Eastern Ontario, near Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion of Canada, and I assume that to a great extent the same was true of all the Northeastern and New England states.  Home production and barter was the rule, and the medium of money the exception.

Farm tenants were very few.  I do not now recall one in the two large townships with which I was familiar.  I do remember well, though, that the farmer who had a mortgage on his farm had lost caste in the community, and the one man in the community who held most of the mortgages was called a usurer, and somewhat of an ogre.  He had few friends.

Now for my own family experience.  We raised our own wheat, and took it to the custom mill my grandfather had built and for each bushel of wheat dumped in the hopper my cousin took out one gallon;  the rest we took home as flour, bran and shorts.

We had our own maple sugar bush, as most of our neighbors had, made our own syrup and sugar, and some to spare.  Of course we raised our own vegetables.  Wild berries of several varieties were abundant, and with a large family (I am one of twelve) we always had an abundance of fruit.
Instead of canning, we dried for winter use.  Coring apples and stringing them up to dry, and ringing pumpkins for same purpose, was an evening pastime in season.

We raised our own meat, and feasted on venison in season; fish close by and abundant.  When we did not have tame bees, we could find bee trees, and had plenty of honey.  For the table all we lacked was a few groceries, for which we exchanged farm products.

For clothing, there was comparatively little bought at the store, and such as was, was paid for with some farm product.  We had our flock of sheep, and father and we boys had a suit annually, of all-wool cloth.  The tailor would come to the house and fit out the men folk, taking some farm product home for his own family use.

Mother and the girls had their good warm flannel clothes, one-half wool and half cotton, no shoddy.  For footwear, we usually had one or more hides, which we took to the village tannery, and in due time received one-half of the tanned leather, ready for the shoemaker, who in season brought his bench to the house and remained until the family were all shod, and he was paid for his labor in large part, if not wholly, in barter.

We raised our own flax, and had our home-made linen for table, bed and clothing.  For summer wear we men folk had nice home-made straw hats for week days, and fine hay hats for Sunday.

I do not claim that every family was so fortunate, for mother was an exception as a mother and housekeeper, but the system of barter was the same for all.

Taxes were light.  The school teacher boarded around among the scholars, and we had not then developed the science of graft in public affairs.

 Don't be put off by the word conspiracy in the title; it's an excellent book on how wrong it is for our money to be supplied by a private corporation for private profit. The key sentence so far is:  Can Congress by legislation, delegate a power reserved in the constitution as a public function[the power to coin money in Article I.8], to a private business to be operated for private profit ? I find it very disturbing that most people don't realize that our money is not issued by the US government, but by banks. See the following videos for how this is done.
I recommend all the videos in the Peak Prosperity Crash Course. It really is not possible to understand Texas/American Government or History without understanding this issue of money, which is central to it all.

Alcohol is killing more people, and younger. The biggest increases are among women

Household debt hit a record high of $13.5 trillion last quarter Total household debt is now $837 billion higher than its previous peak, which was in 2008 before the recession.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Secret societies and the French revolution : together with some kindred studies

recipes that use mashed potatoes


Question 78. The sin of usury

Amazon’s Great HQ2 Swindle The tech giant decides to build in the most predictable places imaginable, after taking the rest of us for a ride.


The moment you see that he is asleep seize him; put forth all your strength and hold him fast, for he will do his very utmost to get away from you. He will turn himself into every kind of creature that goes upon the earth, and will become also both fire and water; but you must hold him fast and grip him tighter and tighter, till he begins to talk to you and comes back to what he was when you saw him go to sleep; then you may slacken your hold and let him go; and you can ask him which of the gods it is that is angry with you, and what you must do to reach your home over the seas.' 

"We rushed upon him with a shout and seized him; on which he began at once with his old tricks, and changed himself first into a lion with a great mane; then all of a sudden he became a dragon, a leopard, a wild boar; the next moment he was running water, and then again directly he was a tree, but we stuck to him and never lost hold, till at last the cunning old creature became distressed, and said, Which of the gods was it, Son of Atreus, that hatched this plot with you for snaring me and seizing me against my will? What do you want?' 

Odyssey IV

Monday, November 12, 2018

Cheesy Leftover Mashed Potato Waffles

SNAP Food Stamps

EXAMPLE: Part of the lobbying in the food industry is to advocate for the expansion of U.S. taxpayer benefits to underwrite the costs of the domestic food products they control. By lobbying DC these multinational corporations get congress and policy-makers to expand the basis of who can use EBT and SNAP benefits (state reimbursement rates).
Expanding the federal subsidy for food purchases is part of the corporate profit dynamic. With increased taxpayer subsidies, the food price controllers can charge more domestically and export more of the product internationally. Taxes, via subsidies, go into their profit margins. The corporations then use a portion of those profits in contributions to the politicians. It’s a circle of money.


Again, this is highlighted in the example of taxpayers subsidizing the food sector (EBT, SNAP etc.), the corporations can charge U.S. consumers more. Ex. more beef is exported, red meat prices remain high at the grocery store, but subsidized U.S. consumers can afford the high prices. Of course if you are not receiving food payment assistance (middle-class) you can’t eat the steaks because you can’t afford them. (Not accidentally, it’s the same scheme in the ObamaCare healthcare system)

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Plato (Laws, v. 742) and Aristotle (Politics, I, x, xi) considered interest as contrary to the nature of things; Aristophanes expressed his disapproval of it, in the "Clouds" (1283 sqq.); Cato condemned it (see Cicero, "De officiis, II, xxv), comparing it to homicide, as also did Seneca (De beneficiis, VII, x) and Plutarch in his treatise against incurring debts…. 

Nevertheless, the 12th canon of the First Council of Carthage (345) and the 36th canon of the Council of Aix (789) have declared it to be reprehensible even for laymen to make money by lending at interest. The canonical laws of the Middle Ages absolutely forbade the practice. This prohibition is contained in the Decree of Gratian, q. 3, C. IV, at the beginning, and c. 4, q. 4, C. IV; and in 1. 5, t. 19 of the Decretals, for example in chapters 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 13. These chapters order the profit so obtained to be restored; and Alexander III (c. 4, "Super eo", eodem) declares that he has no power to dispense from the obligation. Chapters 1, 2, and 6, eodem, condemns the strategems to which even clerics resorted to evade the law of the general councils, and the Third of the Lateran (1179) and the Second of Lyons (1274) condemn usurers. In the Council of Vienne (1311) it was declared that if any personobstinately maintained that there was no sin in the practice of demanding interest, he should be punished as a heretic (see c. "Ex gravi", unic. Clem., "De usuris", V, 5).

Abbott to probe bragging poll workers’ election day admissions ‘tons of non-citizens’ illegally voting in Texas

Kavanaugh report shows why the presumption of innocence is key

Tuesday, October 23, 2018