Friday, August 16, 2019

Canadian Health Care Refused to Pay for Disabled Father's Care, but Happily Paid for His Assisted Suicide

New evidence shows why Steele, the Ohrs and TSA workers never should have become DOJ sources

Autopsy: Man killed by police was shot 3 times in back

Bailey runs away as he is about to be searched and is seen with his hands near his waistband.

The officer can be heard yelling "hands up!" three times before firing multiple shots. The footage shows Bailey falling to the ground and the officers running up to cuff his hands behind his back.

An officer kneeling at Bailey's side tugs at what appears to be a gun between his legs as he is bleeding.
"He's got a gun in his pants," another officer says as the kneeling officer struggles to free the object from Bailey's shorts. One of the officers uses a blade to cut Bailey's shorts before removing them.