Sunday, May 18, 2008

Uphill Battle

Half the children in Pottsville’s public schools are in the country illegally

Not a good idea to marry your cousin

A history of the Associated Press

Using Facebook to end the tyranny in Egypt? Also not a good idea

Do we really need a US Department of Agriculture?

Or a Department of Housing and Urban Development?

Al Qaeda in Uzbekistan?

Sweden as socialism’s poster child? Let’s see how it ends

Ditto Denmark

Should we drill for oil in Colorado?

The Muslim Brotherhood hands out freshly baked bread

Is there any hope for Detroit?

A good reason not to talk with Ahmadinejad

Progress in Mosul

Hard times in Rhode Island

Nancy Pelosi is not very popular in Iraq

Frank Zappa and democracy in Lithuania

Sell everything, give to the poor, and follow Me?

What’s happening in Afghanistan?

On the value of reading unedited decisions in law school

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