Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Headlines: October 7, 2008


Florida reaches landmark deal with Countrywide, helping homeowners in subprime deals

Countrywide deal provides options for those struggling: It may help 30,000 Texas homeowners

The Bomber as School Reformer: Voters—and debate moderators—shouldn’t let Bill Ayers and Barack Obama off the hook.

Bob Rubin in 1993: "The President, as you know, has a broad, comprehensive strategy for dealing with the economic problems of the country for putting the country back on the right track for the long-term. A lot of the legislative and executive actions that have taken place in 1993 have been pursuant to that long-term economic strategy of the President's. An important component of that strategy is to deal with the problems of the inner city and distressed rural communities -- pursuant to his belief that we must make real progress in those areas if this country is going to be successful in the future for all of us. The reform of the Community Reinvestment Act is an essential building block in the efforts I've just mentioned."

FDR's Policies Prolonged Depression by 7 Years, UCLA Economists Calculate

Samuelson: Is It 1929 Again?

Immigration and Crime

Czarist Russia: Oval Objects of Desire

Blaming Deregulation

In U.S. setback, judge orders 17 Guantanamo detainees released

U.S. to block Israeli attacks on Iran

Algeria: 6 jailed for eating in public

Expert: Boston study at root of housing crisis: Battle over blame

"Closing the Gap: A Guide to Equal Opportunity Lending."

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