Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog: Surprise! It's a Federal Invasion


This week, two videos of local TV news broadcasts featured surprise military actions in populated areas featuring low flying helicopters, automatic weapons fire and in one case military occupation of a school in a residential neighborhood.

These "drills" were surprise attacks catching at least some local authorities and media off guard.  The effect on the public is clear in both reports.

Before it's too late, we better ask some serious questions.  Chief among them are:  (1) who at the federal level authorized these unambiguous acts of terror on unsuspecting Americans?  (2) Who at the local level gave permission and then participated in such irresponsible federal actions?  What recourse to citizens of a free country have to protect themselves from being terrorized by their own authorities?

There can be no clearer warning shots across all our bows than these two videos.

Calling Congress, anyone home?

Blog: Surprise! It's a Federal Invasion

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