Monday, February 4, 2013

College grads taking more unpaid internships, jobs out of chosen field


Grado said he believe these rising unemployment numbers are due to the fact that an increasing number of young people are taking unpaid internships just to get an opportunity in their field.

“Youth have an interesting situation because they’re going to college and taking on large amounts of debt, struggling to get their foot in their door,” he said. “It’s a generation where the longer it takes to get a job in your chosen career path the harder it is to make up for how much is spent [on investing in their career].”

According to a Pew Research Study released in February 2012, nearly half of all 18 to 34 year olds said they have taken a job they didn’t want just to pay the bills, while about a quarter said they have taken an unpaid job just to get work experience.

College grads taking more unpaid internships, jobs out of chosen field

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