Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weaponized America: Sturm, Ruger Backlog Doubles; Gun Production, Shipments Surge | Zero Hedge


America is preparing for war.

Weaponized America: Sturm, Ruger Backlog Doubles; Gun Production, Shipments Surge | Zero Hedge

Weaponized America: Sturm, Ruger Backlog Doubles; Gun Production, Shipments Surge | Zero Hedge


Weaponized America: Sturm, Ruger Backlog Doubles; Gun Production, Shipments Surge | Zero Hedge

Case Worker: Illegal Aliens Got Food Stamps by the “Vanload” | Judicial Watch


Case Worker: Illegal Aliens Got Food Stamps by the “Vanload” | Judicial Watch

FDA approves Plan B for girls as young as 15 | Reuters


FDA approves Plan B for girls as young as 15 | Reuters

Feds: S.J. couple charged with ‘unimaginable’ child cruelty

A U.S. Army major and his wife were arrested at their South Jersey home this morning and charged with multiple counts of "unimaginable cruelty" in the abuse of their three biological and two foster children.

grapes vines

how to plant grapevines

The politically incorrect truth about violence and fundamental Islam | Washington Times Communities


The politically incorrect truth about violence and fundamental Islam | Washington Times Communities

The Four Corners of Deceit: Prominent Liberal Social Psychologist Made It All Up - The Rush Limbaugh Show


The Four Corners of Deceit in our culture that altogether combined, suffice to lie to students and the American people.  The Four Corners of Deceit are government, academia, science, and the media.

The Four Corners of Deceit: Prominent Liberal Social Psychologist Made It All Up - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Sugar Daddy Warbucks | National Review Online


For more than a decade, wads of American dollars packed into suitcases, backpacks and, on occasion, plastic shopping bags have been dropped off every month or so at the offices of Afghanistan’s president — courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Sugar Daddy Warbucks | National Review Online

Tsarnaev family received $100G in benefits | Boston Herald


The Tsarnaev family, including the suspected terrorists and their parents, benefited from more than $100,000 in taxpayer-funded assistance — a bonanza ranging from cash and food stamps to Section 8 housing from 2002 to 2012, the Herald has learned.

“The breadth of the benefits the family was receiving was stunning,” said a person with knowledge of documents handed over to a legislative committee today.

Tsarnaev family received $100G in benefits | Boston Herald

National Review: Pigford Scandal as Big as Andrew Breitbart Warned


National Review: Pigford Scandal as Big as Andrew Breitbart Warned

USDA Distributes Flier That Pushes Food Stamps For Illegal Aliens - Investors.com


"USDA and the government of Mexico have entered into a partnership to help educate eligible Mexican nationals living in the United States about available nutrition assistance," the USDA explained in a paragraph on its "Reaching Low-Income Hispanics With Nutrition Assistance" Web page. "Mexico will help disseminate this information through its embassy and network of approximately 50 consular offices."

Now the watchdog group Judicial Watch has obtained Spanish-language fliers through a Freedom of Information Act request.

USDA Distributes Flier That Pushes Food Stamps For Illegal Aliens - Investors.com

Ex-girlfriend: Boston bomber tried to “brainwash” me to “hate America” - NYPOST.com


Ex-girlfriend: Boston bomber tried to “brainwash” me to “hate America” - NYPOST.com

Uncle Sam’s Mad ‘Farmer’ Giveaway - NYPOST.com


Uncle Sam’s Mad ‘Farmer’ Giveaway - NYPOST.com

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lenders venturing back into subprime market - Los Angeles Times


The Polands paid nearly $10,000 in upfront fees for the privilege of securing a mortgage at 10.9% interest. And they had to raid their retirement account for a 35% down payment.

Most borrowers would balk at such stiff terms. But with prices rising, the Polands wanted to snag a four-bedroom home in Temecula near top-rated schools for their 5-year-old son. By later this year, they figure, they'll be able to refinance into a standard loan.

Lenders venturing back into subprime market - Los Angeles Times

Articles: The Snows of Rainier


In other words, in spite of the fact that global warming advocates have been complaining that the weather of the 21st century has so far been the warmest on record, it is simply not true. According to Easterbrook, such hand-wringing is not based on original raw data, but has been created from computer model adjustments that artificially elevate the warmth of this last decade and purposefully devalue the truly warm decade of the 1930s -- the Dust Bowl years. Easterbrook states 1936 was the hottest year as far as modern records are concerned, but he also pointed out that in ages past, the earth was far warmer than it is now. Easterbrook went on to say the planet is still in the process of coming out of the Little Ice Age (1300-1850), and that the warm-up began long before human induced CO2 could have been the culprit.

Articles: The Snows of Rainier

Articles: British Archives Dispose of the Palestinian Narrative


Articles: British Archives Dispose of the Palestinian Narrative

Sultan Knish: Why Muslims Kill


Sultan Knish: Why Muslims Kill

Articles: The Brothers Tsarnaev and the Danger Whose Name we Dare not Speak


Articles: The Brothers Tsarnaev and the Danger Whose Name we Dare not Speak

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Second Coldest Start To Spring In US History | Real Science


Second Coldest Start To Spring In US History | Real Science

The President of the United States Asks God to Bless an Abortion Factory - The Rush Limbaugh Show


The President of the United States Asks God to Bless an Abortion Factory - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Choosing Experience Over Education as a Formula for Success is Not a New Idea - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Choosing Experience Over Education as a Formula for Success is Not a New Idea - The Rush Limbaugh Show

A Dark Past | National Review Online


Abortion ends more black lives than heart disease, cancer, accidents, AIDS, and violent crime combined. African Americans constitute little more than 12 percent of the population but have more than a third (37 percent) of abortions. That rate has held relatively constant, though in some regions the numbers are much starker; in Mississippi, black women receive some 72 percent of all abortions, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Nationwide, 512 out of every 1,000 black pregnancies end in an abortion. Revealingly enough, roughly 80 percent of Planned Parenthood’s abortion centers are in or near minority communities.

A Dark Past | National Review Online

Margaret Sanger-In Her Own Words | Coming Home


“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.

Margaret Sanger-In Her Own Words | Coming Home

A Dark Past | National Review Online

planned parenthood

A Dark Past | National Review Online

Obama 12-Minute Speech to Planned Parenthood Time for 7.6 Abortions at Planned Parenthood | CNS News


Obama 12-Minute Speech to Planned Parenthood Time for 7.6 Abortions at Planned Parenthood | CNS News

USDA Flyer: We Don't Check Immigration Status for Food Stamps


USDA Flyer: We Don't Check Immigration Status for Food Stamps

Dems propose minimum 45 percent tax rate on income above $1 million - The Hill's Floor Action


Dems propose minimum 45 percent tax rate on income above $1 million - The Hill's Floor Action

Friday, April 26, 2013

Texas Indians

causes of demise

NYT: Breitbart was right about Pigford

It’s rare to get this kind of vindication, so let’s enjoy it in memory of Andrew Breitbart for as long as possible.  For more than two years, Andrew and Lee Stranahan have investigated the Pigford settlement and the fraudulent claims that not only have cost taxpayers billions, but have left the original black farmers who sued the USDA over discrimination.  Today the New York Times reports what Andrew and Lee have been saying all along — that the Pigford settlement was a political hack job by Tom Vilsack’s Department of Agriculture, and that it’s a magnet for fraud (via Twitchy)

Child Hunger Is Exploding In Greece – And 14 Signs That It Is Starting To Happen In America Too | Zero Hedge


Child Hunger Is Exploding In Greece – And 14 Signs That It Is Starting To Happen In America Too | Zero Hedge

Articles: Planned Parenthood's Horrific Ironies Exposed by the Gosnell Trial


That image was exposed as false when Concerned Women for America (CWA) and other organizations exposed Planned Parenthood's own official reports showing that it is the nation's largest surgical abortion provider and that far from being caring non-profit institution, it is a heartless, profit-driven enterprise whose cash cow is its abortion operations; their huge annual profits, despite paying Fortune 500 level salaries to its leadership, are both sadly revealing and embarrassing.  Life Dynamics explained that Planned Parenthood gets over $42,000 an hour from taxpayers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Clearly, Planned Parenthood focuses on promoting and performing abortions with near genocidal impacts in inner city black communities. [See a new video detailing the Gosnell atrocities.]

Articles: Planned Parenthood's Horrific Ironies Exposed by the Gosnell Trial

Evading Gosnell, Still | National Review Online


Evading Gosnell, Still | National Review Online

Einstein's Gravity Theory Passes Toughest Test Yet | Space.com


The gravitational field created by the pulsar is so strong that the scientists suspected they might notice deviations from the predictions of general relativity in the motions of the white dwarf around it. General relativity posits that massive objects warp the space and time around them, causing other objects, and even light, to travel along curved paths when they pass nearby.

General relativity also predicts that a close binary system such as this one will radiate gravitational energy in the form of ripples in space-time called gravitational waves. This loss of energy would cause the orbital period of the system to change slightly over time. Alternative theories of gravity offer slightly different predictions for the white dwarf's motions.

"Our radio observations were so precise that we have already been able to measure a change in the orbital period of 8 millionths of a second per year — exactly what Einstein's theory predicts," said Paulo Freire, another team member at the Max Planck Institute.

Einstein's Gravity Theory Passes Toughest Test Yet | Space.com

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

divine music of mathematics

spengler goldman

Articles: Islamism in Texas


Neena Nejad, a Los Angeles-based producer, has been working for almost two years now on a film documentary about Amina and Sarah Said, the two Muslim girls in Texas who were murdered by their father in an Islamic honor killing on New Year's Eve 2008. Nejad and her team have been working with many people and have uncovered some provocative new information about the girls' father, Yaser Said -- information that has never been revealed in public before.

Articles: Islamism in Texas

In Florida, a food-stamp recruiter deals with wrenching choices - The Washington Post


And now SNAP brochures were next to him on the table — one more step down, he thought, reading over the bold type on the brochure. “Applying is easy.” “Eat right!” “Every $5 in SNAP generates $9.20 for the local economy.”

In Florida, a food-stamp recruiter deals with wrenching choices - The Washington Post

In Florida, a food-stamp recruiter deals with wrenching choices - The Washington Post


But the job also has a second and more controversial purpose for cash-strapped Florida, where increasing food-stamp enrollment has become a means of economic growth, bringing almost $6 billion each year into the state. The money helps to sustain communities, grocery stores and food producers. It also adds to rising federal entitlement spending and the U.S. debt.

In Florida, a food-stamp recruiter deals with wrenching choices - The Washington Post

Report: 2012 Regulatory Rules More Costly than All Rules in 'Entire First Terms of Presidents Bush and Clinton, Combined' | The Weekly Standard


Report: 2012 Regulatory Rules More Costly than All Rules in 'Entire First Terms of Presidents Bush and Clinton, Combined' | The Weekly Standard

The Real Risks of Amnesty by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal


Harvard economist George Borjas has recently estimated that low-skilled American workers already suffer wage losses of $402 billion a year because of immigrant labor, a sum that does not include the costs to taxpayers of welfare paid to low-skill immigrant workers and their children. Amnesty proponents should explain how providing legal status to millions of illegal aliens will affect the job prospects of the poorest Americans.

The Real Risks of Amnesty by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal

The Real Risks of Amnesty by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal


The risks in the proposed amnesty law relate rather to America’s core immigration problem: the mass illegal entry of uneducated, unskilled aliens who pose no terror threat but who have a concrete effect on our educational and economic competitiveness.

The Real Risks of Amnesty by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal

Tamerlan Tsarnaev got Mass. welfare benefits | Boston Herald


Tamerlan Tsarnaev got Mass. welfare benefits | Boston Herald

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hoover-Roosevelt Depression


army no Bible verses on rifles


Articles: Tamerlan Tsarnaev and 'A lesson to the inhabitants of the world'


A Sufi Naqshbandi leader , Shamil Basayev, who envisioned himself to be in the mold of legendary 19th century Naqshbandi North Caucasus jihadists, such as his namesake Imam Shamil, played a key role in the ongoing Chechen jihad against the post-Soviet Russian government. Basayev, it should be noted, not only had Caliphate dreams , he orchestrated the brutal Beslan massacre of 331, including 186 schoolchildren in North Ossetia, September 3, 2004.

Articles: Tamerlan Tsarnaev and 'A lesson to the inhabitants of the world'

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Blog: Fed Fueling Stock Market Inflation


A decline in the stock market in the United States of between 10 to 15% by the end of 2013 is very likely. This decline will be fueled by profit takers, and the eventual ending of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve towards the end of this year.

As occurred with the housing market, all of those who benefited on the way up will now be seeking additional federal bailouts. This time, however, the sole responsibility for the disaster belongs in Washington.

Blog: Fed Fueling Stock Market Inflation

Friday, April 19, 2013

FBI interviewed dead Boston bombing suspect years ago - CBS News


FBI interviewed dead Boston bombing suspect years ago - CBS News

Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out'

On the last day of testimony before the prosecution rests in the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, a former worker at Gosnell's clinic testified that she saw one late-term baby who survived an abortion "swimming" in a toilet and "trying to get out."

Plastic barrels make a good container for collecting rainwater | Dallasnews.com - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News


Plastic barrels make a good container for collecting rainwater | Dallasnews.com - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Texas Rainwater Harvesting and Rainwater Collection - Rain Barrel Information


Texas Rainwater Harvesting and Rainwater Collection - Rain Barrel Information

How To: Make a Rain Water Barrel | Truth is Treason


How To: Make a Rain Water Barrel | Truth is Treason

3 Ways Under $10 to Make a Rain Barrel - The Fun Times Guide to Living Green


3 Ways Under $10 to Make a Rain Barrel - The Fun Times Guide to Living Green

Cheap or Free Plastic Barrels | ThriftyFun


Cheap or Free Plastic Barrels | ThriftyFun

Gosnell gave patients STDs via contaminated instruments; tossed breathing infant into shoebox | The Daily Caller


Gosnell gave patients STDs via contaminated instruments; tossed breathing infant into shoebox | The Daily Caller

Articles: Climate Change Conversation Aborted


Articles: Climate Change Conversation Aborted

One Boston Marathon suspect killed; second suspect, his brother, on loose after firefight - U.S. News


The suspects are Chechen brothers with the last name Tsarnaev, law enforcement officials told NBC News. The suspect at large, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, is 19 and has a Massachusetts driver’s license, they said. Law enforcement officials told NBC News that both men are legal permanent residents of the United States, had been here about a year and had military experience.

One Boston Marathon suspect killed; second suspect, his brother, on loose after firefight - U.S. News

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Texan who stole the show at Margaret Thatcher's funeral | FP Passport


The Texan who stole the show at Margaret Thatcher's funeral | FP Passport

The Brown Book: Home Malting; Making a 12 Pound Batch of Malt in the Kitchen


The Brown Book: Home Malting; Making a 12 Pound Batch of Malt in the Kitchen

whirly pop popcorn popper


green coffee beans

everlasting seeds


mention otm for 200 free wheat seeds

Blog: A 'Rag Tag Bunch' Strikes Gold

trayvon martin

Blog: A 'Rag Tag Bunch' Strikes Gold

Breaking: Saudi National & Exchange Student Ali Alharbi Is Being Deported Back to Kingdom (Video) …Update: With Anonymous Mask | The Gateway Pundit


Breaking: Saudi National & Exchange Student Ali Alharbi Is Being Deported Back to Kingdom (Video) …Update: With Anonymous Mask | The Gateway Pundit

Poor Germany: It Is Time for a Debate on Euro Crisis Burden Sharing - SPIEGEL ONLINE


But there is also a second image of Germany, one that's based on numbers, not emotions. The figures were obtained by the European Central Bank (ECB) and released last week. This image depicts a country whose households own less on average than those that are asking for its money.

In this ranking of assets, Cyprus is in second place Europe-wide, while Germany ranks much lower, even lower than two other crisis-ridden countries, Spain and Italy.

And this Cyprus, with its affluent households, is now supposed to receive €10 billion ($13.1 billion) from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the Euro Group's permanent bailout fund, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), at least according to the decisions reached after dramatic negotiations, which the German parliament, the Bundestag, is expected to approve this week. But a new question is arising: Why exactly are we doing this? Isn't Cyprus rich enough to help itself?

Poor Germany: It Is Time for a Debate on Euro Crisis Burden Sharing - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Violating Immigration Law — by Executive Command — in Texas | National Review Online


Violating Immigration Law — by Executive Command — in Texas | National Review Online

Tim Carney: Kermit Gosnell and the abortion movement's dark past | WashingtonExaminer.com


Tim Carney: Kermit Gosnell and the abortion movement's dark past | WashingtonExaminer.com

Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas - CNN.com


Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas - CNN.com

BBC News - 'Living fossil' coelacanth genome sequenced


BBC News - 'Living fossil' coelacanth genome sequenced

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

50 Animated Gifs for Every Situation Ever «TwistedSifter


50 Animated Gifs for Every Situation Ever «TwistedSifter

Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic | The Economist


Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic | The Economist

Is There Such a Thing as a ‘Gay Disease’? - The Daily Beast


Right now in New York City, the devastating infection is in fact occurring almost exclusively among sexually active gay men. It is uncertain whether the same will hold true in Los Angeles—genetic fingerprinting of the Los Angeles strain will be compared to strains from New York to understand possible transmission dynamics. Meanwhile, more cases may be identified. No matter the outcome of this end of the investigation, we have hard facts at odds with what feels appropriate and respectful.

Is There Such a Thing as a ‘Gay Disease’? - The Daily Beast

Is There Such a Thing as a ‘Gay Disease’? - The Daily Beast


The slow-motion meningitis outbreak among gay men in New York City took a possibly frightening turn this weekend when a rapidly fatal case of the disease was seen in a previously healthy young gay lawyer in Los Angeles.

Is There Such a Thing as a ‘Gay Disease’? - The Daily Beast

Former Reagan Budget Director Attacks Second Amendment ‘From the Right’ | CNS News


Former Reagan Budget Director Attacks Second Amendment ‘From the Right’ | CNS News

Al Qaeda’s Recipe for Pressure-Cooker Bombs - The Daily Beast


Al Qaeda’s Recipe for Pressure-Cooker Bombs - The Daily Beast

RUBENSTEIN: Collecting billions in a loophole - Washington Times


Most ITINs are issued to illegal immigrants living in the country. Many do not work. Many more do not even have children. They file federal income-tax returns often with the help of tax-filing services solely to receive a child tax-credit refund.

The IRS knowingly allows illegal aliens who claim children to get Earned Income Tax Credit cash payments of up to $5,891 per household. This is one reason why these cash payments are expected to exceed $52 billion in fiscal year 2012 alone. The General Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that roughly a quarter of all Earned Income Tax Credit payments are issued improperly.

RUBENSTEIN: Collecting billions in a loophole - Washington Times

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Race-Obsessed Obama Is Artificially Reinflating The Housing Bubble - Investors.com


What's more, the biggest mortgage lenders in the country, including Wells Fargo and Bank of America, are under federal mandates to advertise in minority media and offer loans to people on "public assistance."

The government is actually forcing them to target high-risk borrowers for 30-year debt under threat of prosecution. They have to adopt minority-friendly loan programs over the next several years or face investigation for discrimination.

Some of these programs include setting aside millions in prime mortgages for minorities who, according to government documents IBD has reviewed, would ordinarily not qualify for reasons including "the lack of required credit quality, income or down payment."

Race-Obsessed Obama Is Artificially Reinflating The Housing Bubble - Investors.com

Monday, April 15, 2013

Amazon.com: Presto 05411 GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer: Kitchen & Dining


Amazon.com: Presto 05411 GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer: Kitchen & Dining

Authorities ID suspect as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital - NYPOST.com


nvestigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.

Law enforcement sources said the 20-year-old suspect was under guard at an undisclosed Boston hospital.

Authorities ID suspect as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital - NYPOST.com

Gosnell ... 1972

It was called the Mother's Day Massacre. A young Philadelphia doctor "offered to perform abortions on 15 poor women who were bused to his clinic from Chicago on Mother's Day 1972, in their second trimester of pregnancy." The women didn't know that the doctor "planned to use an experimental device called a 'super coil' developed by a California man named Harvey Karman.
A colleague of Karman's Philadelphia collaborator described the contraption as "basically plastic razors that were formed into a ball. . . . They were coated into a gel, so that they would remain closed. These would be inserted into the woman's uterus. And after several hours of body temperature, . . . the gel would melt and these . . . things would spring open, supposedly cutting up the fetus."
Nine of the 15 Chicago women suffered serious complications. One of them needed a hysterectomy. The following year, the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade. It would be 37 more years before the Philadelphia doctor who carried out the Mother's Day Massacre would go out of business. His name is Kermit Gosnell.

Gosnell no inspections of abortion clinics in PA

 After 1993, even that pro forma effort came to an end. Not because of administrative ennui, although there had been plenty. Instead, the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from Governor [Bob] Casey to Governor [Tom] Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be "putting a barrier up to women" seeking abortions. Better to leave clinics to do as they pleased, even though, as Gosnell proved, that meant both women and babies would pay.


An economy that’s tearing our society apart

But there’s also a more strictly economic case. In a paper for Third Way, a liberal think tank, economists David Autor and Melanie Wasserman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology attribute the decline of marriage — which, like Murray, they say is concentrated among the poorly educated — to the eroding economic heft of men compared with women. Women are more independent economically; men are weaker. Marriage has lost much of its pecuniary pull.

Foreign holdings of US debt rose to $5.66 trillion

The Treasury Department said Monday that foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury securities increased 0.3 percent in February from January to a record $5.66 trillion.

Abortionist Slit Necks of Born Babies in Front of Teenager; Told Assistant: 'That's What You Call a Chicken With Its Head Cut Off' | CNS News


Abortionist Slit Necks of Born Babies in Front of Teenager; Told Assistant: 'That's What You Call a Chicken With Its Head Cut Off' | CNS News

Three (3) Quick Rubio Sunday Cons | The Daily Caller


Three (3) Quick Rubio Sunday Cons | The Daily Caller

Articles: Before the Gosnell Blackout, There Was Tiller's


Articles: Before the Gosnell Blackout, There Was Tiller's

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Politico and Atlantic.com’s turn to explain Gosnell blackout


Politico and Atlantic.com’s turn to explain Gosnell blackout

Margaret Thatcher's Methodist roots at heart of funeral - Telegraph


Margaret Thatcher's Methodist roots at heart of funeral - Telegraph

Beloved family at heart of the grandest funeral | UK | News | Daily Express


A strong Methodist upbringing was the bedrock from which Lady Thatcher built her political creed of self-reliance and ­personal responsibilty.

A favourite quote was that of Methodist founder John Wesley: “Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.”

Lady Thatcher, who knew hundreds of hymns by heart, chose childhood favourites to reflect her fortitude, patriotism and ­devotion. Charles Wesley’s call to Christian perfection Love Divine, All Loves Excelling and John Bunyan’s burly He Who Would Valiant Be will be sung during the service which ends with the rousing I Vow To Thee My Country from the poem by Sir Cecil Spring-Rice.

Yet it is to German composer Johannes Brahms that Lady Thatcher turned to pay tribute to her husband. The serene How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places, Psalm 84, set to music by Brahms, will be sung, as it was during Sir Denis’s funeral in 2003.

Prime Minister David Cameron will read a passage from the Gospels, John 14.1.

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Beloved family at heart of the grandest funeral | UK | News | Daily Express

Study Reveals Global Warming Not To Blame For Last Year’s Crippling Drought « CBS St. Louis


Study Reveals Global Warming Not To Blame For Last Year’s Crippling Drought « CBS St. Louis

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

dallas fruit and vegetable grower


john jeavons

no dig vegetable garden


gardening when it counts

steve solomon

States Fight Back Against MERS Mortgage Fraud


Black Unemployment


OMB: Obama Will Become First President to Spend $4T in One Year

In the historical tables it released along with President Barack Obama's fiscal 2014 budget proposal this morning, the White House Office of Management and Budget revealed that in fiscal 2016, under the president's budget proposal, it expects Obama to become the first president in the nation's history to preside over a federal government that spends more than $4 trillion in one year.

Media Ignore: 'About 100 Babies Born Alive' Had Neck Snipped 'To Ensure Demise'

Gosnell, 72, is charged with murdering seven babies at Philadelphia Women's Medical Society and with the death of the woman, who suffered cardiac arrest after she was given too much anesthesia. …
Other employees have described how they saw about 100 babies born alive and then 'snipped' with surgical scissors in the back of the neck, to ensure their 'demise'.

Examiner Editorial: Feds waste $95 billion on duplicative programs | WashingtonExaminer.com


Examiner Editorial: Feds waste $95 billion on duplicative programs | WashingtonExaminer.com

George Washington consults with members of his first cabinet, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson (seated) and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. | View photo - Yahoo! News


George Washington consults with members of his first cabinet, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson (seated) and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton.  | View photo - Yahoo! News

Outraged Liberals Are Threatening To Turn On Obama Over Social Security Cuts - Business Insider


Outraged Liberals Are Threatening To Turn On Obama Over Social Security Cuts - Business Insider

Safe from Sequester: $704,198 for Gardening at NATO Ambassador’s Home | CNS News


Safe from Sequester: $704,198 for Gardening at NATO Ambassador’s Home | CNS News

Obama to unveil $3.77 trillion spending plan - The Washington Post


Obama to unveil $3.77 trillion spending plan - The Washington Post

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Former Gosnell employee testifies that problem abortion "really freaked me out"

"There was this clear glass pan, and I saw it, and I thought, 'What do you expect me to do?' " West testified Monday at Gosnell's murder trial.
"It wasn't fully developed," West told the Common Pleas Court jury, referring to the 18- to 24-inch-long newborn in the pan. It didn't have eyes or a mouth but it was like screeching, making this noise. It was weird. It sounded like a little alien."
Questioned by Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore, West, 53, said she did not know what happened to the "specimen" - the term she said she used because "it was easier to deal with mentally."
"It really freaked me out, and I said call Dr. Gosnell, and I went back out front," West added.

gun control virtual president

virtual president

U.S. to begin aiding foreign LGBT groups

The U.S. Agency for International Development, the federal government’s main foreign aid arm, announced at a Monday event in Washington a major new initiative to promote LGBT rights in developing countries.

CA Proposes Law to Force Insurance to Cover Homosexual 'Infertility'

The state of California is reportedly considering legislation that would force group insurance policies to provide infertility treatment for gay and lesbian couples. 

Two men who have sex with each other for a year and do not produce a baby would be considered “infertile” under the proposed legislation. So would two women having sex. Since biology does not allow those without a uterus to conceive or those without a penis to impregnate, every year-long gay couple in California would potentially be covered by this new provision of California law.

feminst paradise sweden

Swedish family policies, by accommodating women’s preferences so effectively, are reducing the number of women in elite competitive positions. The Swedes will find this paradoxical and try to find solutions. Let us hope these do not include banning gender pronouns, policing children’s play, implementing more gender quotas, or treating women’s special attachment to home and family as a social injustice. Most mothers do not aspire to elite, competitive full-time positions: the Swedish policies have given them the freedom and opportunity to live the lives they prefer. Americans should look past the gender rhetoric and consider what these Scandinavians have achieved. On their way to creating a feminist paradise, the Swedes have inadvertently created a haven for normal mortals.

Paul Johnson: The World-Changing Margaret Thatcher - WSJ.com


The 1970s marked the climax of Britain's postwar decline, in which "the English disease"—overweening trade-union power—was undermining the economy by strikes and inflationary wage settlements. The Boilermakers Union had already smashed the shipbuilding industry. The Amalgamated Engineers Union was crushing what was left of the car industry. The print unions were imposing growing censorship on the press. Not least, the miners union, under the Stalinist Arthur Scargill, had invented new picketing strategies that enabled them to paralyze the country wherever they chose.

Paul Johnson: The World-Changing Margaret Thatcher - WSJ.com

Paul Johnson: The World-Changing Margaret Thatcher - WSJ.com


Paul Johnson: The World-Changing Margaret Thatcher - WSJ.com

Articles: Subverting Bowdoin


History majors at Bowdoin are not required to take any course in American History. Yale professor David Gelernter in his book America-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture suggested this:

Teaching American history, aside from a few marvelously evil incidents out of context, is dangerous to a basic tenet of the cultural revolution and must accordingly be stopped.

Articles: Subverting Bowdoin

Articles: Growing Up American: From Church School to Scouting


"Let every soul be subject to the higher powers, for there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God: whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God..."  (Preface, Frame of Government of Pennsylvania; Wm Penn)

"This settles the divine right of government beyond exception, and that for two ends, first, to terrify evil doers. Secondly, to cherish those that do well; which gives government a life beyond corruption, and makes it as durable in the world as good men shall be.  So that government seems to me a part of religion itself, a thing sacred in its institution and end." (Ibid)

Articles: Growing Up American: From Church School to Scouting

Articles: Growing Up American: From Church School to Scouting


Articles: Growing Up American: From Church School to Scouting

Monday, April 8, 2013

Best of the Web Today: Party Like It's 1984 - WSJ.com


But one indisputable fact about homosexual behavior is that it cannot result in reproduction. Thus "gay and lesbian infertility" is either a redundancy or an oxymoron, like "female impotence" or "male hypolactation." As Smith explains in The Weekly Standard, the proposal would mean that "every gay individual or couple . . . could be construed as infertile, with group insurance required to pay for the individual or couple to have a child."

Best of the Web Today: Party Like It's 1984 - WSJ.com

Fight for the right to grow raisins: Column


Fight for the right to grow raisins: Column

‘Big, Hot, Cheap and Right,’ a New Look at Texas - Review - NYTimes.com


‘Big, Hot, Cheap and Right,’ a New Look at Texas - Review - NYTimes.com

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution | AHgrads

talk at SMU April 10 by author

Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution | AHgrads

Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution: James P. Byrd: 9780199843497: Amazon.com: Books


Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution: James P. Byrd: 9780199843497: Amazon.com: Books

Malkin: Rotten to the Core, Part III: Lessons from Texas and the Growing Grassroots Revolt


Malkin: Rotten to the Core, Part III: Lessons from Texas and the Growing Grassroots Revolt

Medicare Taranto

The abundance of workers paying payroll taxes made it possible to keep the pyramid going and to provide ever more generous benefits to the baby boomers' progenitors. But the blessing of the baby boom is in the process of becoming a curse. Yesterday's army of workers is tomorrow's army of beneficiaries. Baby boomers were far less fertile than their parents, in part because women were focusing on commercial work at the expense of home and hearth. That compounds both problems: those women are now among the retirees due benefits in their own right, and the children they forwent are not among the workers paying taxes to support them.

keynsian endgame

stockman at mises

Articles: Creating Dependency, One Mouthful at a Time


Articles: Creating Dependency, One Mouthful at a Time

Tens of thousands Obamacare 'navigators' to be hired | Mobile Washington Examiner


Tens of thousands Obamacare 'navigators' to be hired | Mobile Washington Examiner

Obama's Failed Economic Policies Plunge More Americans In Poverty - Investors.com


The Census Bureau says that 50 million Americans, roughly one in six — almost 17% — are living below the poverty line, which is defined as earnings of less than $23,021 a year for a family of four. Apparently 20% of the nation's children are living in poverty

Obama's Failed Economic Policies Plunge More Americans In Poverty - Investors.com

HUD: Nearly $700 million Katrina rebuilding funding missing | The Daily Caller


A report from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of the Inspector General reveals that $698.5 million dollars in disaster recovery funds given to Louisiana homeowners in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were not used to fulfill the purpose of the funding — to elevate damaged homes.

According to the report, dated March 29, a total of 24,042 Louisiana homeowners who received up to $30,000 each were “noncompliant, including those that had not elevated their homes; were nonresponsive; or did not provide sufficient supporting documentation” to show that they had used the taxpayer funding to reconstruct their homes as of Aug. 31, 2012.

HUD: Nearly $700 million Katrina rebuilding funding missing | The Daily Caller

George F. Will: Schools push a curriculum of propaganda - The Washington Post


George F. Will: Schools push a curriculum of propaganda - The Washington Post

Agents fear immigration deal won’t stop illegal border crossers - Washington Times


Agents fear immigration deal won’t stop illegal border crossers - Washington Times

Radar shows U.S. border security gaps - latimes.com


Radar shows U.S. border security gaps - latimes.com

Perry wants secure border, then immigration reform deal - Washington Times


Perry wants secure border, then immigration reform deal - Washington Times

Lean In? What About Child Care? - NYTimes.com


We could directly address the high cost of child care by providing or subsidizing such care, as France and Sweden do. (Congress does allow employers to, in effect, subsidize their employees’ child care expenses by letting them exclude a portion from their income. But many companies, particularly smaller ones, do not offer this option, and those that do can exclude only up to $5,000.)

A different approach would be to focus on the tax treatment of child care. We could increase the child and dependent care credit to include the full cost (or at least a higher portion of the cost) of child care, which would increase parents’ after-tax income. Or we could treat child care as a business deduction. This would let parents pay for it out of their pretax income, and would have the added symbolic benefit of acknowledging that child care costs are ordinary and necessary business expenses.

Lean In? What About Child Care? - NYTimes.com

More Couples Living Together Outside of Marriage | MyHealthNewsDaily.com


More Couples Living Together Outside of Marriage | MyHealthNewsDaily.com

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit

The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.
President Obama’s economic advisers and outside experts say the nation’s much-celebrated housing rebound is leaving too many people behind, including young people looking to buy their first homes and individuals with credit records weakened by the recession.

Is Disability the New Welfare? | RealClearPolitics


Is Disability the New Welfare? | RealClearPolitics

You Won’t Believe These Causes of Death | Ancestry.com


Although Jack Daniel’s death certificate only lists “blood poisoning from operation,” the full story of the famous distiller’s death is a bit unusual. Apparently in frustration in not being able to open his safe, he kicked it, injuring his toe. The resulting infection was responsible for his death. The deadly safe is on display in Jack Daniel’s distillery in Lynchburg.

You Won’t Believe These Causes of Death | Ancestry.com

Reality Check: Loopholes Allow Double Dipping | Mobile AL, Pensacola FL News, Weather, Sports | WPMI-TV | Local15TV.com


On paper, Raven Yates is a young, single mother of two who's out of a job. But when we did a little digging, the reality proved much different.
Documents we obtained show in August of 2012, Yates applied and was approved for Section 8 housing for herself and her two kids. She used her voucher to move into a three-bedroom home paying just $40 a month in rent. Section 8 would pay the rest, $688, for a total of $728 monthly rent.
In March, Yates was approved for $320 worth of monthly food assistance from the Department of Human Resources. Her application lists herself and two children as the household members. But the paperwork we obtained shows when Yates applied, she listed her monthly rent as $728. Remember her share of the rent is actually just $40. It's an inconsistency that means several hundred dollars' difference in how much food assistance Yates receives.

Reality Check: Loopholes Allow Double Dipping | Mobile AL, Pensacola FL News, Weather, Sports | WPMI-TV | Local15TV.com

The Dangers of Trusting Wikipedia with Your Life - The Daily Beast


The Dangers of Trusting Wikipedia with Your Life - The Daily Beast

The PJ Tatler » Texas AG Abbott Throws ‘Red Flag Alert’ After UN Passes Arms Treaty


The PJ Tatler » Texas AG Abbott Throws ‘Red Flag Alert’ After UN Passes Arms Treaty

Allen institute a part of Obama brain-research initiative | Local News | The Seattle Times


Allen institute a part of Obama brain-research initiative | Local News | The Seattle Times

Colorado teen birth rate plunges, far fewer second children - The Denver Post


Colorado has had success getting long-term, effective birth control to teenagers after they give birth, a key contributor to the teen birth rate decline, according to the CDC.

Just over 50 percent of Colorado postpartum teens reported using long-term contraceptive methods such as an IUD or implant, compared to a national average of 22.4 percent.

Colorado teen birth rate plunges, far fewer second children - The Denver Post

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

China and the Dollar's Global Reserve Currency Status

The Chinese and Australian move to oust the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency gained full steam over the weekend with Australian officials agreeing to start making direct currency exchanges with China. 


As the dollar loses the protection provided by its global reserve currency status and countries are no longer required to stockpile dollars for oil trades, the dollar will rise or fall in value based on the strength of the U.S. economy.  So will interests rates and inflation.  Unfortunately, with deficit spending looming for as far as the eye can see and our debt burden growing more ominous every day, that doesn't bode well for the dollar's ability to compete on an even playing field.

Ponce de León, Exposed - NYTimes.com


Ponce de León, Exposed - NYTimes.com

Blog: BET Is Part of the Problem


In other words, in spite of constantly railing other groups in virtually every economic metric, blacks continue to support a political party and its liberal policies that have significantly contributed to perpetuating poverty within the black community and across the U.S. in general.

Blog: BET Is Part of the Problem

Monday, April 1, 2013

Blog: Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Fiscal Reality


Blog: Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Fiscal Reality

Perry doubles down against ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion - The Hill's Healthwatch


Perry doubles down against ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion - The Hill's Healthwatch

The Return Of State Surpluses Could Point To More Growth To Come - The Daily Beast


The Return Of State Surpluses Could Point To More Growth To Come - The Daily Beast


pop mechanics

the door garden 

intensive gardening

wilding in chicago

subway beating

Blog: We happy few

David Stockman

Since the S.&P. 500 first reached its current level [above 1,500], in March 2000, the mad money printers at the Federal Reserve have expanded their balance sheet sixfold (to $3.2 trillion from $500 billion). Yet during that stretch, economic output has grown by an average of 1.7 percent a year (the slowest since the Civil War); real business investment has crawled forward at only 0.8 percent per year; and the payroll job count has crept up at a negligible 0.1 percent annually. Real median family income growth has dropped 8 percent, and the number of full-time middle class jobs, 6 percent. The real net worth of the "bottom" 90 percent has dropped by one-fourth. The number of food stamp and disability aid recipients has more than doubled, to 59 million, about one in five Americans.

Blog: We happy few