Friday, April 26, 2013

Articles: Planned Parenthood's Horrific Ironies Exposed by the Gosnell Trial


That image was exposed as false when Concerned Women for America (CWA) and other organizations exposed Planned Parenthood's own official reports showing that it is the nation's largest surgical abortion provider and that far from being caring non-profit institution, it is a heartless, profit-driven enterprise whose cash cow is its abortion operations; their huge annual profits, despite paying Fortune 500 level salaries to its leadership, are both sadly revealing and embarrassing.  Life Dynamics explained that Planned Parenthood gets over $42,000 an hour from taxpayers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Clearly, Planned Parenthood focuses on promoting and performing abortions with near genocidal impacts in inner city black communities. [See a new video detailing the Gosnell atrocities.]

Articles: Planned Parenthood's Horrific Ironies Exposed by the Gosnell Trial

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