Thursday, May 9, 2013

Benghazi stinks – but it won't be Obama's Watergate. Unfortunately – Telegraph Blogs


Dennis Miller has the right answer:

Maybe some guy on the internet will break it eventually. But you realize Woodward and Bernstein became Woodward and Bernstein because what they did to Nixon. The key thing in that equation was Nixon. You had a free rein on him.

You can't go after this guy. You won't get Woodward and Bernstein status. You’ll be out of the game. If you’re the one who brings down Barack Obama, you will be out of the game. And if you go after Hillary, who’s going to run the next eight years, you’ll be more out of the game. So, in this case, it’s, you know, it's not going to happen. The press isn't going to dig on on this.

Benghazi stinks – but it won't be Obama's Watergate. Unfortunately – Telegraph Blogs

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