Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cabal of Leftists and RINOs Attempt to Destroy Heritage Scholar Jason Richwine - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Richwine's dissertation committee at Harvard included George Borjas, a professor of economics and social policy, Cuban born scholar, got his PhD in economics from Columbia.  He's an award-winning labor economist, National Bureau of Economic Research associate.  Has written countless books.

Next, Richard Zeckhauser.  Richard Zeckhauser is a professor of Political Economy at the Kennedy School of Government.  He also signed off on Richwine's dissertation. Zeckhauser earned a PhD of economics from Harvard.  He belongs to the Econometric Society, the American Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine.

The final member of the committee that approved Richwine's thesis, Christopher Jencks.  Christopher Jencks is a professor of Social Policy at Harvard's JFK school.  "He is a renowned left-wing academic who has taught at Harvard, Northwestern, the University of Chicago and the University of California, Santa Barbara. He edited the liberal New Republic magazine in the 1960s and has written several scholarly books tackling poverty, economic inequality, affirmative action, welfare reform and, yes, racial differences ('The Black-White Test Score Gap')."

Cabal of Leftists and RINOs Attempt to Destroy Heritage Scholar Jason Richwine - The Rush Limbaugh Show

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