Friday, January 31, 2014

Why You Should Care That The U.S. Government Has Targeted Catherine Engelbrecht And Her Organizations

Average wait times to see doctors in U.S.

The longest wait time was in Boston at 72 days and the shortest is in Dallas with 10 days.

$350 million NASA project completed, then mothballed because of lack of need

But that is exactly what is happening this year as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration completes the $350 million rocket-engine testing A-3 tower at its research facility in Mississippi. There is just one problem: The space exploration agency doesn’t want it.

Why Do The Uninsured Hate ObamaCare?

The January Kaiser Family Foundation health tracking poll shows that just 24% of the uninsured approve of ObamaCare. That's down from 40% the month before the reform officially launched in October, and it's a full 10 points below the public's overall favorable rating.

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IRS rules change seen as limiting free speech for nonprofit organizations

ony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which has faced IRS audits, said the rules would give the Obama administration more power to muzzle its critics.
“We have seen that this administration cannot be trusted with the authority they have,” he said. “Why give them more?”

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California Legalized Selling Food Made At Home And Created Over A Thousand Local Businesses

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Passion for vodka kills Russian men in their thousands

Small Business Employees React to Increased Health Costs
vera scroggins

rules of engagement



Environmentalists are rallying to the defense of an anti-fracking activist who has advocated pedophilia and incest after a Pennsylvania court barred her from entering any land owned or leased by a local oil company.


"State agency" means ... a university system or an institution of higher education

(c)  A state ... employee may not use official authority or influence ... to ... affect the result of an election....

20th Century Democide

The more power a government has, the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more it is diffused, checked and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide.


Women congregate in different professions than men do, and the largely male professions tend to be higher-paying. If you account for those differences, and then compare a woman and a man doing the same job, the pay gap narrows to 91 percent. So, you could accurately say in that Obama ad that, “women get paid 91 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men.”
Many men tend to go into science and engineering fields which generally pay more. Women who stay at home with children are factored in as earning nothing. Therefore, the 77 cent stat is a misleading one.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sen. Ted Cruz Questions Eric Holder on the Investigation into IRS

America’s Most Successful Communist

America’s Most Successful Communist

Harvard study: Single parents a hindrance to social mobility

new study from Harvard University on the ability of low-income children to achieve social mobility found that the largest hindrance to moving up the income ladder is being raised by a single parent.
“The strongest and most robust predictor [of social mobility] is the fraction of children with single parents,” the study said.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Idaho Firm Claims Federal Targeting

OMAHA (DTN) -- An Idaho environmental consulting firm that helped landowners Mike and Chantell Sackett in their successful U.S. Supreme Court Clean Water Act case against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency alleges that a field office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers now is targeting the firm and its clients involved in current wetlands legal cases.;jsessionid=37F9EAEFC8F9114F3C3EE4E2AE031FB9.agfreejvm2?symbolicName=/free/news/template1&product=/ag/news/topstories&vendorReference=1b861f28-ff0b-4ef5-b365-607270b90575&paneContentId=70109&paneParentId=70043

IRS and Dissent

1.  Friends of Abe

2.  National Organization for Marriage

3.  Christine O'Donnell

4.  Ben Carson

5.  Tea Party

6.  C. Steven Tucker

7.  Howie Carr

8.  True the Vote

9.  Treasury and Standard and Poor's

10.  Army/EPA and law firm;jsessionid=37F9EAEFC8F9114F3C3EE4E2AE031FB9.agfreejvm2?symbolicName=/free/news/template1&product=/ag/news/topstories&vendorReference=1b861f28-ff0b-4ef5-b365-607270b90575&paneContentId=70109&paneParentId=70043

11.  Frank Vandersloot 

12.  Catherine Engelbrecht

Obama To Unveil Treasury IRAs, Or Planning For A Post-Monetization World

The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is weighing whether it should take on a role in helping Americans manage the $19.4 trillion they have put into retirement savings, a move that would be the agency’s first foray into consumer investments.

Dark lands: the grim truth behind the 'Scandinavian miracle'

Enough of the unblinking idolatry of all things knitted, bearded, rye bread-based and licorice-laced. It is time to redress the imbalance, shed a little light Beyond the Wall.

ObamaCare Dumped $1.2 Bil Into Failing State Exchanges

But just 13 weeks after that last grant arrived, an independent consultant issued a damning report, saying Minnesota should consider scrapping MNSure entirely and starting over from scratch, citing systemic technical and management problems.

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Western residents face threat of water rationing as feds reduce water flow

Enstminger said the arid situation actually may not be unusual for the West. "We know from the paleo-tree ring record that the 20th century was one of the two wettest centuries of the last 1,200 years."

Medicaid Overpays Millions for Diapers

“One of the reasons Medicaid is spending so much on adult diapers in the first place is that the Medicaid program has morphed into an uncomfortable combination of two programs,” Domenech explained in an email.
In addition to its role as an insurer for low-income Americans, he said, Medicaid has become “a long-term care program which provides chronic care and nursing home services for seniors.”

Monday, January 27, 2014

Green Drought

 All hail the smelt, the most important animal in America.

Congressional inquiry on Christine O’Donnell tax records heats up, but truth may stay hidden

The House Ways and Means Committee has joined the Senate Finance Committee in probing a string of incidents dating back to March 2010, when Ms. O'Donnell — a tea party favorite who riled Delaware’s GOP establishment by besting party mainstay Mike Castle in a primary contest before losing to Democrat Chris Coons in the general election — was told by Treasury Department investigators that her tax information had been breached.

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First picture: The Live-at-home teen who shot dead young mom, 21, and co-worker at Maryland mall skate shop where all three worked before killing himself

'Darion was a good kid,' he said. 'I don't know what happened ... Darion is quiet, kept to himself. Nice, normal, calm demeanor.'
The teen lived with his mother at a rented two-story wood-frame house in a middle-income neighborhood called Hollywood, just off U.S. Route 1.

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The Dubious Promise of Universal Preschool

The Head Start program has been evaluated using the most sophisticated research designs available to social scientists, and the results have been disappointing. While Head Start appears to produce modest positive effects during the preschool years, these effects do not last even into kindergarten, much less through the early elementary years. These findings suggest that, if a new universal preschool program is to have greater success, something about the new program will have to be different.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Surprising Discovery About Those Colonialist, Proselytizing Missionaries

For many of our contemporaries, no one sums up missionaries of an earlier era like Nathan Price. The patriarch in Barbara Kingsolver's 1998 novel, The Poisonwood Bible, Price tries to baptize new Congolese Christians in a river filled with crocodiles. He proclaims Tata Jesus is bangala!, thinking he is saying, "Jesus is beloved." In fact, the phrase means, "Jesus is poisonwood." Despite being corrected many times, Price repeats the phrase until his death—Kingsolver's none-too-subtle metaphor for the culturally insensitive folly of modern missions.

U.S. Cattle Herd Is At A 61 Year Low And Organic Food Shortages Are Being Reported All Over America

However, the truth is that scientific research has shown that the 20th century was the wettest century in the western half of the country in 1000 years, and that we should expect things to return to "normal" at some point.

20 Early Warning Signs That We Are Approaching A Global Economic Meltdown

#12 The unemployment rate in France has risen for 9 quarters in a row and recently soared to a new 16 year high.
#13 In Italy, the unemployment rate has soared to a brand new all-time record high of 12.7 percent.
#14 The unemployment rate in Spain is sitting at an all-time record high of 26.7 percent.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Brit Hume: The Moral Case For Allowing Abortion Grows Ever Weaker

At 20 weeks, we now know, these tiny creatures can hear, even recognize a mother's voice. Their toenails are growing and their hearts beat loud enough to be heard by a stethoscope.

Report: Obamas, Bidens spent $295,437 on just one vacation weekend

According to Judicial Watch, the president's tripcost the Secret Service $98,135.79, including $32,406.50 for the flights, $16,466.25 for rental cars, and $48,490 for hotel rooms.
The first lady's trip totaled $81,523.64, including $13,221.30 in flights, $3,925 in rental cars, and $64,377.34 in lodging.
And the Biden ski weekend cost $115,777.61, including $5,315 in flights, $92,596 in accommodations, and $17,866.61 in rental cars.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why are Scandinavians so happy when they should be so sad?

The reason so many Danes can get away with not working, of course, is because the rest of them pay so much tax. Danes have the highest taxes in the world — their basic rate of income tax is 42 per cent. They’re massively in hock too, having the highest debt-to-income ratio in the Western world.

Biggest drop for 17 years in jobless toll... and welfare blitz has helped, says bank chief

In an unusually political statement, the Bank also said the Coalition’s benefits clampdown may have pushed more people into looking for work, rather than continuing to rely on State handouts. It said: ‘A tightening in the eligibility requirements for some State benefits might also have led to an intensification of job search.

Why Are Fewer People Looking for Jobs?

The LFPR for workers over the retirement age of 65 was 11.5 percent in 1992. It rose to 13.2 percent in 2002 and to 18.5 percent in 2012. It's projected to hit 23 percent in 2022.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hundreds in Ohio Lose Their Doctor Due to Obamacare

"With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, some area medical facilities saying, they're no longer able to use some insurance companies," says the anchor.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Inventor of the Global Warming Hockey Stick Doubles Down

In actuality, we now have adequate proxy data from other sources, most particularly from Fredrick Ljungqvist and David Anderson.  Their separate publications agree that there has been little if any temperature rise since about 1940!  However, there was a real temperature increase between 1920 and 1940, which can be seen also in the various proxy as well as thermometer data.

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Nearly Half of Black Men Arrested by Age 23, Study Finds

Nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested at least once on non-traffic-related crimes by the time they turn 23, according to a new study.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Working Rich

For the bottom income group, there is an average of 0.42 earners per household, with 68.2 percent of householders not working at all, as opposed to 1.97 earners per household and only 13.3 percent not working for the highest income group.

What a lost prison manuscript reveals about the real Nelson Mandela

"Entire Healthcare Reform Program" Jeopardized Unless Accenture Fixes By Mid-March

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Lately, President Obama's political action group, Organizing for Action (OFA), has claimed that six million Americans have successfully signed up for Obamacare. However, even The Washington Post Fact Checker finds this assertion to be suspect.

Exchanges See Little Progress on Uninsured

Early signals suggest the majority of the 2.2 million people who sought to enroll in private insurance through new marketplaces through Dec. 28 were previously covered elsewhere, raising questions about how swiftly this part of the health overhaul will be able to make a significant dent in the number of uninsured.
Insurers, brokers and consultants estimate at least two-thirds of those consumers previously bought their own coverage or were enrolled in employer-backed plans. . .
Only 11% of consumers who bought new coverage under the law were previously uninsured, according to a McKinsey & Co. survey of consumers thought to be eligible for the health-law marketplaces. . .  One reason for people declining to purchase plans was affordability.

Dying boy 'sucked moisture out of wet wipes' on 'shambolic' ward, parents tell inquest

A four-year-old boy who died on a "shambolic" hospital ward was so neglected that he resorted to sucking moisture out of wet wipes, his parents told an inquest today.
Sean Turner excitedly told friends that doctors were going to "mend his heart" when he underwent complex surgery to correct heart problems he was born with.
But after the operation he was moved out of intensive care too soon because his bed was needed for other patients, his parents told the inquest.

Police Investigate 2nd Elderly Assault Claim In 2 Weeks

It was nearly two weeks ago when an elderly man was beaten to the ground outside a Dallas restaurant. Now police in the city are investigating a similar incident.
The attack happened along Central Expressway near Knox-Henderson.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

"Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences." - Robert Louis Stevenson

Millions in farm subsidies flow freely to DC residents who don't actually farm

Van Boyette, a lobbyist living in Washington's pricey Palisades neighborhood, gets a farm subsidy. The former aide to legendary Sen. Russell Long, D-La., who lobbied to help the sugar industry keep its subsidies, got $186,761 in federal farm payments between 2004 and 2012 for growing corn, soybeans and other crops, and for land conservation. But he gets it because he owns farmland in six different Iowa counties.

Friday, January 17, 2014

DEMING: Another year of global cooling

Global warming is nowhere to be found. The mean global temperature has not risen in 17 years and has been slowly falling for approximately the past 10 years. In 2013, there were more record-low temperatures than record-high temperatures in the United States.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

All December Job Gains Went to Women

Women gained, on net, 75,000 jobs in December; men lost, on net, 1,000 jobs. This was the first time since December 2007 that a month’s job gains were captured entirely by women. Women represented more than half (56 percent) of the net gain in the 12 months.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Difficulty of Getting an Abortion in Texas

Medicaid pays for 57 percent of all births in Texas. After the state cut $73 million from family planning budgets in 2011, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission projected that between 2014 and 2015, poor women who lost access to birth control would deliver an estimated 23,760 more babies than they otherwise would have, costing taxpayers as much as $273 million.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


11.00 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (3.0 SRM) 63.8 % 
4.25 lb Barley, Flaked (1.7 SRM) 24.6 % 
1.75 lb Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM) 10.1 % 
0.25 lb Acid Malt (3.0 SRM) 1.4 % 

3.00 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.00%] (60 min) Hops 31.2 IBU 

1 Pkgs Irish Ale Yeast (WLP004) 

HHS: 5.6M of 6M Who Signed Up on Exchanges Will Get Federal Funding

Those 5,572,305 are part of the “6 million Americans” HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said today have used the exchanges to sign up for health insurance or Medicaid.
However, some of these people, as noted by CNNMoney, were already on Medicaid.
- See more at:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Taxpayers Paid Nearly $175M for Penis Pumps Between 2006 and 2011

“The fact that taxpayers have spent more than a quarter of a billion dollars over the past decade on penis pumps via Medicare is obscene and insulting – even more so when you consider that this is an arena of Medicare expenditures rife with fraud and where the government doesn’t even bother to assess medical necessity,” said Ben Domenech, a senior fellow at the Heartland Institute.
“This is a perfect example of what happens when government becomes the be all and end all of human existence – a system where everyone has a right to a taxpayer-funded penis pump.”

Sunday, January 12, 2014

How to Fight Income Inequality: Get Married

"Marriage inequality" should be at the center of any discussion of why some Americans prosper and others don't. According to Census Bureau information analyzed by the Beverly LaHaye Institute, among families headed by two married parents in 2012, just 7.5% lived in poverty. By contrast, when families are headed by a single mother the poverty level jumps to 33.9%.


Jobs Shortfall 02

Center for Constitutional Rights

Center for Constitutional Rights. CCR was founded by far-left civil rights lawyer William Kunstler in the 1960s, a man who told thepress his goal was to "destroy society from within.”
Kunstler represented the "Chicago 7," a group that was charged with conspiracy to start a riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, and later he defended domestic militant/terror groups like the Black Panthers, Weather Underground, and Attica Prison Rioters. 
CCR is currently funded by groups like the "1848 Foundation," named after the year Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto was published and revolutions swept through Europe.  
Kunstler would be proud of CCR’s signature work over the past decade in coordinating the "Gitmo Bar Association" of 500 lawyers representing detainees.

91.8 million Americans are no longer looking for work

Auntie makes it "Work"

The CATO Institute did a study last year of welfare benefits in the U.S. It won’t surprise you to learn that Massachusetts was No. 1 in handouts among mainland states (trailing only Barack’s home state of Hawaii and his current address, D.C.).
Here a woman and two children (the typical welfare “family”) can grab up to $42,515 in tax-free handouts every year. That same woman would need to earn $50,540 working to match what she can collect on the dole.