Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Garlic Scapes (~3.5 lbs)

The flowering stems of the garlic plant, scapes are removed a few weeks before harvest each summer in order to send more energy to the growing garlic bulb. In French cuisine, scapes are often grilled or broiled as a side dish or sautéed and added to soups and stir fries. In our own family, pickled scapes have been a huge hit. We also blanch and then freeze quart bags of scapes to use throughout the winter. If you are new to scapes, do a quick internet search. There are lots of great ideas out there! Since we only offer scapes for a few weeks each summer, now is definitely the time to order. $24 gets you a filled USPS "regional rate box b," approximately 1 1/2 lbs. For pricing on larger bulk orders, please contact us directly

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