Thursday, April 29, 2021

After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory by Alasdair MacIntyre


My own critique of liberalism derives from a judgment that the best type of human 
life, that in which the tradition of the virtues is most adequately embod- 
ied, is lived by those engaged in constructing and sustaining forms of 
community directed towards the shared achievement of those common 
goods without which the ultimate human good cannot be achieved. Lib- 
eral political societies are characteristically committed to denying any place for a determinate conception of the human good in their public discourse, let alone allowing that their common life should be grounded in such a conception. On the dominant liberal view, government is to be neutral as between rival conceptions of the human good, yet in fact what liberalism promotes is a kind of institutional order that is inimical to the construction and sustaining of the types of communal relationship required for the best kind of human life.

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