Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Indian Sunset Elton John

 by the time of the period written by Bernie and sung by Elton something like +90% of the Native American's were already dead; suffering what everyone now understands was a biological holocaust.  Those first Indians to greet the first Europeans had no clue, nor did the Europeans for that matter, that they were greeting their deaths.  A doom brought to them by ignorant plague carriers and all the rest.  They didn't stand a chance against the onslaught of old world biology brought to them by a people almost desperately pursuing a better life than that which was being endured in the old world.  They were dead tribes walking with that first hand-shake.

Today we have come to understand there was something like +30M people in continental North America at that time.  Within a span of 30 years +90% of them were gone, leaving the vast continent open to the plague carriers

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