Monday, June 12, 2023

Jeff Childers on UFO Story

As a veteran of the covid wars, my antennae bristle at anything that could justify another worldwide state of emergency. Since the pandemic failed to accomplish the Great Reset, and another 100-year pandemic seems unlikely to be accepted by anyone, what else might they have down in their bloodstained bag of tricks?

How about this: how might the world respond to evidence of hostile aliens? Fearfully? Would world leaders call for an emergency “coordinated” response? Would the Space Force budget need to be doubled? Tripled? More? Is there a scenario under which the entire world would need to go under martial law, or under a universal ID, because we just don’t know where the aliens are, or who might be collaborating with them?

Forget worrying about whether your neighbor has been vaccinated. How do you know she’s even human?

So I am profoundly skeptical and suspicious of this developing UFO story, which isn’t new, but is based on decades-old data, and is suddenly leaking out now, right before another presidential election, and is controversial and inflammatory.

This story passes the new C&C Fake News Test, explained below. With apologies to our C&C UFO folks, I smell another Fauci-sized rat.

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