Thursday, January 31, 2013

America’s Suicidal Cities - John Fund - National Review Online


America’s Suicidal Cities - John Fund - National Review Online

The Fed's Ten Year-Equivalent Holdings Hit A Record 29% Of The Entire Treasury Market | Zero Hedge


The Fed's Ten Year-Equivalent Holdings Hit A Record 29% Of The Entire Treasury Market | Zero Hedge

30 Days of Juicing


30 Days of Juicing

john cale and velvet underground

jazz wax

Blog: Bernanke's cattle drives


What is often referred to as the "dual mandate" is actually three parts.

#1 pursuit of maximum employment, #2 stable prices, and #3 moderate long-term interest rates

Mr. Bernanke has chosen to ignore the third mandate of moderate interest rates. That mandate was included in the mission statement for specific purposes. The wisdom of this guidance seems to have been ignored. Moderate interest rates give value to the currency thus defending its stature. Moderate interest rates encourage savings and thus buffer against bad times. A nation is not healthy when the majority of citizens are two pay checks away from broke.

Blog: Bernanke's cattle drives

Articles: Trusting Your Own Government (or Not)


In related news, the UK Telegraph carried a story on January 25, 2013 concenring Google Earth satellite photos of North Korea's vast system of political prison camps and prison cities. The paper reports, "Inmates -- who can be imprisoned for life, along with three generations of their families, for anything deemed to be critical of the regime -- are forced to survive by eating rats and picking corn kernels out of animal waste..."

Articles: Trusting Your Own Government (or Not)

Articles: Trusting Your Own Government (or Not)


Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security is busy stockpiling two billion rounds of hollow point pistol ammunition. The very government that Geraldo implies we must trust is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a contingency plan that cannot be explained by any current trends. The shocking implied question is not only who does DHS intent to shoot, but under what circumstances? Even if this plan devoted 100 rounds to each anticipated target, two billion rounds implies violent action by government against 20 million of its 310 million citizens. Is this the same 20 or so million the Weather Underground leader who now visits the White House anticipated needing to eliminate?

Articles: Trusting Your Own Government (or Not)

The Cost of Obama’s Regulatory Explosion | The Weekly Standard


Of course, the Obama White House fancifully contends that, in addition to costing colossal sums of money, its regulations also save colossal sums of money.  But only the truly credulous could believe this is true — or that there’s any accurate way to quantify the “savings” that would ensue from, say, cleaner air (to the extent that these regulations even legitimately advance such goals).  If anyone believes that the Obama administration’s “Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Dioxide” saved $10.5 billion (that’s billion), as the administration claims (see Table 2-3), or that the “Portland Cement Notice of Reconsideration” saved $11.2 billion, then you probably also believe that our national debt isn’t any cause for alarm, that women in combat raises no identifiable concerns, and that if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan.

The Cost of Obama’s Regulatory Explosion | The Weekly Standard

Economy shrinks as federal spending cuts trump private sector’s growth - The Washington Post


The American economy shrank at the end of last year for the first time since the recession ended, according to new government data, as deep cuts in federal spending torpedoed what otherwise looked to be a modest recovery.

Economy shrinks as federal spending cuts trump private sector’s growth - The Washington Post

Did Penicillin, Rather Than The Pill, Usher In Age Of Love? : Shots - Health News : NPR


That's the provocative thesis of Andrew Francis, an economist at Emory University in Atlanta who studies HIV/AIDS and the cost of disease. He knew that the rate of new HIV infections spiked after antiretroviral treatments used widely after 2000 made the disease less of a death sentence.

Francis was browsing through historical trends in gonorrhea rates one day, when he saw that the rate of this non-deadly STD really started cranking up in the early 1950s. "Really?" Francis said to himself. "What was going on in the 1950s?"

Like many of us, Francis thought of the '50s as the era of Pat Boone and repressed sexuality. Being an economist, he started running the numbers to find out what was going on. His graphs show an almost perfect correlation between the end of syphilis as a deadly sexually transmitted disease, and the beginning of an era of risky sexual behavior. Down goes the syphilis death rate. Up goes the rate of gonorrhea infections, births out of wedlock, and births to teens.

Did Penicillin, Rather Than The Pill, Usher In Age Of Love? : Shots - Health News : NPR

Did Penicillin, Rather Than The Pill, Usher In Age Of Love? : Shots - Health News : NPR


We all know what fueled the sexual revolution: birth control and rock 'n' roll.

But what if that's not the whole story? What if America's libido was liberated not by the pill and heady doses of Jim Morrison, but by the lowly prescription drug penicillin.

Before penicillin was found to be effective against syphilis during World War II, sex brought with it the risk of syphilis, a disease that can cause blindness, dementia and paralysis.

Penicillin can wipe out syphilis with just one shot. As the antibiotic came into wide use in the 1950s, the number of syphilis cases and syphilis deaths plummeted. And that's when teen pregnancies and illegitimate births began to rise — long before the invention of the birth control pill.

Did Penicillin, Rather Than The Pill, Usher In Age Of Love? : Shots - Health News : NPR

Raisin farmers in SCOTUS case face $650K charge if they don’t give half their crop to the feds « Hot Air


47 percent of their crop, to be precise. It’s J.J. Abrams’ world. We’re all just living in it.

Luckily, the Supreme Court decided to take the case of the Horne family, so they may end up retaining the right to freely sell the raisin crop they’ve duly produced, but how is it that they must appeal to the highest court in the land for that right? Well, it all started in 1937, as so many good things do, when the federal government began requiring raising farmers to lay aside a tribute portion of their crops in order to control supply and price.

Raisin farmers in SCOTUS case face $650K charge if they don’t give half their crop to the feds « Hot Air

Delay, Repeal, Replace | The Weekly Standard


Since World War II, the federal tax code has been heavily biased toward job-based insurance. As a result, those without access to employer plans have a very difficult time finding affordable insurance. In reforming the insurance market, Republicans should end the tax code’s discrimination against those outside of the employer-based system. There’s no reason why Americans who get their insurance through their employer should get a tax break, while those who buy it on the open market should not. To address this unfairness, a replacement to Obamacare should provide a tax credit to households that don’t have access to tax-subsidized, employer-based coverage. Such a credit should be equal to about $2,500 for individuals or $5,000 for families and could only be used to offset the costs of health insurance premiums or deposited into a health savings account. By adopting such reforms, Republicans would fix what the federal government broke, rather than giving it control of the entire health care system.

Delay, Repeal, Replace | The Weekly Standard

Delay, Repeal, Replace | The Weekly Standard


Steadfast resistance by so many states is a welcome and important development. In addition to the signal that such resistance sends, Congress hasn’t authorized funding for the federally run Obamacare exchanges that would operate in place of state-based ones. Moreover, the plain language of the hastily cobbled-together law​—​which the administration is ignoring for the moment​—​says that taxpayer-financed subsidies can only be funneled through state-based exchanges, and not through federal ones. (Legal challenges are proceeding on this front.)

In addition to opting out of establishing the exchanges, states can also refuse to implement Obamacare’s massive expansion of Medicaid. The Supreme Court opened up this option by striking down the law’s onerous penalties on states that decline to raise the income cutoff for Medicaid eligibility by 33 percent, as Obamacare prescribes. Current Medicaid beneficiaries are all-too-frequently badly served by the program, so GOP governors are on firm ground when they argue that no expansion should take place without fundamental reforms. And if no reforms are forthcoming, then Obamacare’s coverage expansions will fall well short of what was promised.

Delay, Repeal, Replace | The Weekly Standard

Why Is Obama Clinging to the Brotherhood? « Commentary Magazine


The answer appears to be rooted in the administration’s acceptance of several myths about the Brotherhood and Egypt that led it to do nothing to try and stop the Islamist group’s rise and now leads it to conclude that the U.S. has no choice but to continue to embrace Morsi and his party. But as Eric Trager writes today in Foreign Policy in an authoritative takedown of those myths, Obama’s policy on the Brotherhood has always been based on a few terrible misconceptions.

Why Is Obama Clinging to the Brotherhood? « Commentary Magazine

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Soap Deli News: How to Grow Garlic


Soap Deli News: How to Grow Garlic

U.S. Spent $424K on Research With Muslim Scholars to Stop HIV Among Prostitutes, Drug Users in Syria | CNS News


U.S. Spent $424K on Research With Muslim Scholars to Stop HIV Among Prostitutes, Drug Users in Syria | CNS News

Blog: Surprise! It's a Federal Invasion


This week, two videos of local TV news broadcasts featured surprise military actions in populated areas featuring low flying helicopters, automatic weapons fire and in one case military occupation of a school in a residential neighborhood.

These "drills" were surprise attacks catching at least some local authorities and media off guard.  The effect on the public is clear in both reports.

Before it's too late, we better ask some serious questions.  Chief among them are:  (1) who at the federal level authorized these unambiguous acts of terror on unsuspecting Americans?  (2) Who at the local level gave permission and then participated in such irresponsible federal actions?  What recourse to citizens of a free country have to protect themselves from being terrorized by their own authorities?

There can be no clearer warning shots across all our bows than these two videos.

Calling Congress, anyone home?

Blog: Surprise! It's a Federal Invasion

Texas governor: give excess tax money back to people - Yahoo! News Canada

rick perry

Texas governor: give excess tax money back to people - Yahoo! News Canada

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Texas Woman's Execution Halted; DA Won't Appeal - ABC News


Texas Woman's Execution Halted; DA Won't Appeal - ABC News

Evergreen at Richardson Apartments Richardson, TX 75082


Evergreen at Richardson Apartments Richardson, TX 75082

Treasury approved big pay raises at bailed-out AIG, Ally and GM, report says - The Washington Post


Treasury approved big pay raises at bailed-out AIG, Ally and GM, report says - The Washington Post

ICE raids at Galleria and The Woodlands Mall nab 13 Israeli citizens - Houston Chronicle


ICE raids at Galleria and The Woodlands Mall nab 13 Israeli citizens - Houston Chronicle

Big Government 101: Federal Subsidies Create Glut Of College Grads -


The study, by the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, found that an incredible 48% of college graduates — about 13 million of them — hold jobs that don't require a bachelor's degree. About 5 million have jobs that don't even require a high school diploma.

There are, for example, roughly a million sales clerks, 300,000 waiters and 100,000 janitors with college degrees.

This mismatch is up sharply from four decades ago, the study found. While 1% of taxi drivers had a college degree in 1970, to take one example, 15% do today. Back in 1967, fewer than 11% of college grads were overqualified for their jobs.

Big Government 101: Federal Subsidies Create Glut Of College Grads -

Who Needs an AR-15?


Who Needs an AR-15?

If ‘Assault Weapons’ Are Bad…Why Does DHS Want to Buy 7,000 of Them for ‘Personal Defense’? |


If ‘Assault Weapons’ Are Bad…Why Does DHS Want to Buy 7,000 of Them for ‘Personal Defense’? |

Department of Homeland Security to Purchase 7,000 "Assault Weapons" | Zero Hedge


Department of Homeland Security to Purchase 7,000 "Assault Weapons" | Zero Hedge

Did you see or hear helicopters? Army training exercise takes over on Houston's south side |


The U.S. Army along with other agencies took over the old Carnegie Vanguard High School near Scott and Airport. There were armed men in fatigues, plenty of weapons and what many thought were real live rounds

"I felt like I was in a warzone." Jerrals said. "It was nonstop. I was terrified."

Turns out, it was a multi-agency training drill that Jerrals wished would have come with warning.

"They could have done a better job in notifying the neighborhood," Jerrals said.

The Army did not give any details of what the training is for. Some people we spoke to needed no explanation.

"If it's to protect our kids, I'm all for it," neighbor Glenn DeWitt said.

Did you see or hear helicopters? Army training exercise takes over on Houston's south side |

Japan approves $1.02 trillion budget for 2013/14, borrowing at new highs | Reuters


Japan approves $1.02 trillion budget for 2013/14, borrowing at new highs | Reuters

India Cuts Key Rate to Spur Growth as Inflation Cools - Bloomberg


India Cuts Key Rate to Spur Growth as Inflation Cools - Bloomberg

Google Maps Details Streets, Prison Camps in North Korea -


Google Maps Details Streets, Prison Camps in North Korea -

Monday, January 28, 2013

no warming since 2000

global warming norway

Who’s Funding Whom? | Power Line

global warming

The American Spectator itemized no less than $6 million in contributions to fund Mann’s global warming fakery–240 times as much as Heartland got from the Charles Koch Foundation. Worse, most if not all of Mann’s grants were ripped off from taxpayers against their will.

Who’s Funding Whom? | Power Line

Thursday, January 24, 2013

good stock market bad economy

thanks to fed, zerohedge

2012 Year In Review - Free Markets, Rule of Law, And Other Urban Legends | Zero Hedge


2012 Year In Review - Free Markets, Rule of Law, And Other Urban Legends | Zero Hedge

Assistant Attorney General Admits On TV That In The US Justice Does Not Apply To The Banks | Zero Hedge


this country has become an unchecked despotism of those in charge of money creation and who control capital - just the thing Andrew Jackson warned against.

Assistant Attorney General Admits On TV That In The US Justice Does Not Apply To The Banks | Zero Hedge

Assistant Attorney General Breuer Gets DOJ Boot In "Untouchables" Aftermath | Zero Hedge


a broken down judicial system, which works (and we obviously use the term loosely) in conjunction with the legislative and executive branches, as well as that implied fourth branch - the Federal Reserve - to further just one thing: the interests of the bankster overclass, who ever since the financial crisis have benefited to the tune of some $5 trillion, or the full amount of incurred debt that future generations of Americans will be responsible for, and yet which benefit primarily the financial oligarch right here and right now.

Assistant Attorney General Breuer Gets DOJ Boot In "Untouchables" Aftermath | Zero Hedge

Articles: Digging the Benghazi Memory Hole

twa flight 800 and clintons

Articles: Digging the Benghazi Memory Hole

Bjorn Lomborg: Climate-Change Misdirection -

global warming

Historical analysis of wildfires around the world shows that since 1950 their numbers have decreased globally by 15%.

Bjorn Lomborg: Climate-Change Misdirection -

A Trick for Cheaper Flights Hiding in Plain Sight -


A Trick for Cheaper Flights Hiding in Plain Sight -

Donald Boudreaux and Mark Perry: The Myth of a Stagnant Middle Class -


Donald Boudreaux and Mark Perry: The Myth of a Stagnant Middle Class -

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose 'apocalyptic' threat, top expert says | Society | The Guardian


Drug resistance is emerging in diseases across the board. Davies said 80% of gonorrhea was now resistant to the frontline antibiotic tetracycline, and infections were rising in young and middle-aged people. Multi-drug resistant TB was also a major threat, she said.

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose 'apocalyptic' threat, top expert says | Society | The Guardian

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose 'apocalyptic' threat, top expert says | Society | The Guardian


"In the past, most people haven't worried because we've always had new antibiotics to turn to," said Alan Johnson, consultant clinical scientist at the Health Protection Agency. "What has changed is that the development pipeline is running dry. We don't have new antibiotics that we can rely on in the immediate future or in the longer term."

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose 'apocalyptic' threat, top expert says | Society | The Guardian

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

So what if abortion ends life? -


Yet a fetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose body it resides. She’s the boss. Her life and what is right for her circumstances and her health should automatically trump the rights of the non-autonomous entity inside of her. Always.

So what if abortion ends life? -

Will You Celebrate or Mourn Obama’s Inauguration?


Let’s start with the basics. As Terence P. Jeffrey points out in a recent commentary on, “During Barack Obama’s first term as president of the United States, the debt of the federal government increased by $5.8 trillion, which exceeds the combined debt accumulated under all presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton.”

Will You Celebrate or Mourn Obama’s Inauguration?

Ben Shapiro on how to win a debate against a bully like Piers Morgan | The Daily Caller


Ben Shapiro on how to win a debate against a bully like Piers Morgan | The Daily Caller

Page 3: Massacre Suspect Nehemiah Griego's Family: Teen Was 'Bright, Curious,' but 'Troubled' - ABC News


Griego reportedly gushed to police about his love for violent video games during the interrogation, Houston said. He told police he loved to play Modern Warfare and Grand Theft Auto.

"The suspect was involved heavily in games, violent games, it's what he was into," Houston said. "He was quite excited as he discussed this with our investigators."

Page 3: Massacre Suspect Nehemiah Griego's Family: Teen Was 'Bright, Curious,' but 'Troubled' - ABC News

Monday, January 21, 2013

Articles: The Collectivist Mind Game, Part 1: Demonizing the Non-Compliant


The wealthy farmers, being the most numerous group and the most likely to resist the collectivization of agriculture, were subjected to the most vicious dehumanization reminiscent of the anti-Semitic propaganda in Nazi Germany.

Note this Lenin quote on another dehumanizing poster: "The kulaks are the most bestial, brutal and savage exploiters, who in the history of other countries have time and again restored the power of the landlords, tsars, priests and capitalists." (Full quote in Russian)

Articles: The Collectivist Mind Game, Part 1: Demonizing the Non-Compliant

Dallas Restaurants - Food Finds Us | Food Finds Us


Dallas Restaurants - Food Finds Us | Food Finds Us

The Durango Herald 01/19/2013 | Minorities losing ground


The Durango Herald 01/19/2013 | Minorities losing ground

Articles: Debunking the Sandy Hook Debunkers


Articles: Debunking the Sandy Hook Debunkers

EDITORIAL: The hidden burden of regulation - Washington Times


EDITORIAL: The hidden burden of regulation - Washington Times

First Term: Americans ‘Not in Labor Force’ Increased 8,332,000 | CNS News


The number of Americans age 16 or older who decided not to work or even to seek a job increased by 8,332,000 to a record 88,839,000 in President Barack Obama’s first term, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

At the same time, the number of retired workers collecting Social Security increased by only 4,234,480.

First Term: Americans ‘Not in Labor Force’ Increased 8,332,000 | CNS News

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Deep Ellum Restaurants | Urbanspoon


Deep Ellum Restaurants | Urbanspoon

Mokah Coffee Bar - Dallas, TX


Mokah Coffee Bar - Dallas, TX

Did Tim Geithner Leak Every Fed Announcement To The Banks? | Zero Hedge


Did Tim Geithner Leak Every Fed Announcement To The Banks? | Zero Hedge

Blog: Obama's Goal Is to Break the Republican Party


The most immediate consequence of splitting the Republican Party in two would be effective  Democratic control of both houses of Congress. Actual control would then follow in the 2014 elections.

The way would then be open to admit Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia as states. That could  add four new Democratic Senators and at least six new Democratic Congressmen.

At which point: GAME OVER.

Blog: Obama's Goal Is to Break the Republican Party

Ben Bernanke Has Betrayed Us All


That weakening occurred in two stages. The first took place when Pelosi, Reid and Obama decided to ramp up spending from an already far too high $2.98 trillion in fiscal 2008 to a dangerous $3.57 trillion in fiscal 2010 (the “official” 2010 spending figure is lower because Tim Geithner’s Treasury Department engaged in TARP-related accounting manipulation which made fiscal 2009 look worse than fiscal 2010, when that wasn’t really the case), primarily by passing a “stimulus” program which stimulated nothing but massive levels of waste, fraud and abuse.

Ben Bernanke Has Betrayed Us All

Woman stabbed over a dozen times in NJ Bed, Bath, & Beyond while shopping with her infant son | Mail Online


Woman stabbed over a dozen times in NJ Bed, Bath, & Beyond while shopping with her infant son | Mail Online

House Committee finds stimulus cash flowing to foreign companies | Washington Free Beacon

green energy

The House Energy and Commerce Committee released a report Thursday that shows much of the money in a Department of Energy renewable-energy grant program has gone to foreign companies and has failed to produce many jobs.

House Committee finds stimulus cash flowing to foreign companies | Washington Free Beacon

Bones of Contention: If the Skeleton Is Richard III, Where to Bury It? -


Bones of Contention: If the Skeleton Is Richard III, Where to Bury It? -

Still No Police Report, or Toxicology Results, on Sandy Hook Killer | CNS News


At present, however, it is not documented that Adam Lanza suffered from a mental illness or that he was taking any medication at the time of the shooting. In fact, according to news reports, an autopsy showed that there was “nothing unusual” with Lanza’s brain, and the toxicology report is not completed.

Still No Police Report, or Toxicology Results, on Sandy Hook Killer | CNS News

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility


In reality, the Judeo-Christian worldview holds that God's laws are designed to help us be as happy as we can in this life, and in the next. God is a loving Father, not a cop hiding in order to catch us speeding so it makes sense that He would define laws to help us not to oppress us. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that violating His laws results in suffering and a variety of adverse consequences.

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

Articles: Does a Film Mirror America's Future? A Review of Barbara


Articles: Does a Film Mirror America's Future? A Review of Barbara

Bernanke missed signs of crisis - NY Daily News


“I do not expect insolvency or near insolvency among major financial institutions,” Bernanke said at the Fed’s December 2007 meeting, as the economy was already starting to spiral into the Great Recession.

Bernanke missed signs of crisis - NY Daily News

Friday, January 18, 2013

Guest Post: The Unadulterated Gold Standard Part 2 | Zero Hedge


Guest Post: The Unadulterated Gold Standard Part 2 | Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero


Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Guest Post: Misunderstanding Austerity, Stimulus and Demand | Zero Hedge


Guest Post: Misunderstanding Austerity, Stimulus and Demand | Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero


Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee | Exposing the long-term manipulation of the gold market


Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee | Exposing the long-term manipulation of the gold market

Why is Germany repatriating their gold? - The Real Asset Company


Why is Germany repatriating their gold? - The Real Asset Company

The Germans don't trust Obama with their gold – and can you blame them? – Telegraph Blogs


The Germans don't trust Obama with their gold – and can you blame them? – Telegraph Blogs

A new Gold Standard is being born – Telegraph Blogs


A new Gold Standard is being born – Telegraph Blogs

Republicans Are Split Over Governing From One House Of Congress -


These are the House Republicans who voted no on the "fiscal cliff" deal because it raised taxes without touching spending. Indeed, it increased spending with its crazy-quilt crony-capitalist tax "credits" — for wind power and other indulgences.

Republicans Are Split Over Governing From One House Of Congress -

Deport Everyone That Signed A Petition To Withdraw Their State From The United States Of America. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government


Deport Everyone That Signed A Petition To Withdraw Their State From The United States Of America. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

White House responds to secession petition, says Texas doesn't have right to leave the US | Fox News


White House responds to secession petition, says Texas doesn't have right to leave the US | Fox News

Secession and Patriotism « Commentary Magazine


Secession and Patriotism « Commentary Magazine

Jeremiah 45 NIV - A Message to Baruch - When Baruch son - Bible Gateway


Jeremiah said this to Baruch: 2 “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: 3 You said, ‘Woe to me! The Lord has added sorrow to my pain; I am worn out with groaning and find no rest.’ 4 But the Lord has told me to say to you, ‘This is what the Lord says: I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the earth. 5 Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them.

Jeremiah 45 NIV - A Message to Baruch - When Baruch son - Bible Gateway

Thursday, January 17, 2013

More Guns = More Murders? A Myth. More Guns = Fewer Murders -


More Guns = More Murders? A Myth. More Guns = Fewer Murders -

The Texas Model - By Mario Loyola - The Corner - National Review Online


The Texas Model - By Mario Loyola - The Corner - National Review Online

Coulter: Guns don't kill people, the mentally ill do - Conservative News


Thirty-one to 61 percent of all homicides committed by disturbed individuals occur during their first psychotic episode — which is why mass murderers often have no criminal record. There’s no time to wait with the mentally ill.

Coulter: Guns don't kill people, the mentally ill do - Conservative News

As manufacturing bounces back from recession, unions are left behind - The Washington Post


As manufacturing bounces back from recession, unions are left behind - The Washington Post

Rick Perry Comments On Obama’s Gun Control | Power Line


Rick Perry Comments On Obama’s Gun Control | Power Line

Audit: Taxpayer money used to pay for $222K renovation to... |


Audit: Taxpayer money used to pay for $222K renovation to... |

How to talk about guns - NY Daily News


How to talk about guns - NY Daily News

Alert: Group of girls sought in armed robbery of cab drivers - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News


Alert: Group of girls sought in armed robbery of cab drivers - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blog: No Impact from Head Start


Since its creation in 1965, Head Start, the federal program designed to provide comprehensive child development services to low-income preschoolers, has cost American taxpayers almost $200 billion. Now, in a December 21 Friday night document dump, the Department of Health and Human Services made public the results of an Impact Study completed in 2008.

The verdict: a program set up to give disadvantaged kids a boost before they hit kindergarten has not only squandered billions, but any gains made by three and four year olds virtually disappeared by the time the little ones entered school.

Blog: No Impact from Head Start

Articles: Global Warming? Yeah, Right!


Articles: Global Warming? Yeah, Right!

Detroit Betrayed: The Radical Wrecking Of An Iconic City - Forbes


Coleman Young, the mayor of Detroit from 1974 to 1993, was able to “move forward as he did” thanks in part to training he got from the “party”—that is, the Communist Party. Young was, in fact, a secret member of Communist Party USA, as shown by several sources, including Cold War historians Ron Radosh, John Earl Haynes, and Harvey Klehr. Young had a woeful impact on Detroit. If there is any wonder why Detroit often resembles an Eastern Bloc municipality (minus the police state, since Mayor Young made it a routine to attack and neglect the city’s police forces, ensuring that the 1967 riots picked up where they left off), consider that for 19 years the mayor who ran the city economically and socially was a closet Marxist. Carl Levin, senator from Michigan, was Young’s right-hand man as Detroit City Council president during the most destructive years of Young’s reign.

Detroit Betrayed: The Radical Wrecking Of An Iconic City - Forbes

Detroit Betrayed: The Radical Wrecking Of An Iconic City - Forbes


Detroit Betrayed: The Radical Wrecking Of An Iconic City - Forbes

American-Iranian pastor may face hanging for faith | Washington Free Beacon


American-Iranian pastor may face hanging for faith | Washington Free Beacon

Monday, January 14, 2013

michael barone



kenneth clark

Articles: Parsing Piers


As Reality Check pointed out, the rate of violent crime is higher in the UK than in the U.S. The U.S. rate in 2011 was 386.3 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. Conversely, "there are over 2,000 crimes recorded per 100,000 population in the UK, making it the most violent place in Europe." Source: the Telegraph, 2009, under the headline "UK is violent crime capital of Europe."

Articles: Parsing Piers

Obama re-nominates 33 judges | Washington Free Beacon


The judicial nominations have raised concerns among court-watchers of increased judicial activism and maneuvering for potential Supreme Court vacancies.

“He wants to appoint judges based on their empathy rather than based on their commitment to the law,” said Carrie Severino, chief counsel for the Judicial Crisis Network, a judicial watchdog group.

Obama re-nominates 33 judges | Washington Free Beacon

Saudi criticises world reaction to maid's beheading - FRANCE 24


Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia's strict version of sharia, or Islamic law.

Last year the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom beheaded 76 people, according to an AFP tally based on official figures, while HRW put the number at 69.

Saudi criticises world reaction to maid's beheading - FRANCE 24

Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to Brew

brooklyn brew company

How to Brew

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Articles: Disrespecting Texas Heroes


Articles: Disrespecting Texas Heroes

Hannity foresees states leaving union if federal government continues 'radicalized, abusive' pattern [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I can see a state like Utah saying, ‘Enough is enough,’ [and] a state like Texas saying, ‘Enough is enough.’ I absolutely can.”

“A lot of people [are] getting sick” of President Barack Obama’s executive orders on matters like immigration policy, Hannity added.

Hannity foresees states leaving union if federal government continues 'radicalized, abusive' pattern [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Hannity foresees states leaving union if federal government continues 'radicalized, abusive' pattern [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


If this pattern continues and gets worse and worse and worse, I can see at some point the states saying, ‘Forget it. I don’t want to be a part of this union anymore.’”

Hannity rejected the idea that secession is necessarily a “radical concept,” arguing that the Declaration of Independence is itself a “radical document.”

Hannity foresees states leaving union if federal government continues 'radicalized, abusive' pattern [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Imaginative Conservative: Happiness: Did the Greeks and the Founders Share a Definition?


The Imaginative Conservative: Happiness: Did the Greeks and the Founders Share a Definition?

Hostess selling Wonder bread brand


Hostess selling Wonder bread brand

The Met Office – defending the indefensible, as per usual – Telegraph Blogs


So now it has used some of the £200 million we pay it every year to get one of its in-house turd-polishers to publish a defiant blogpost defending its inglorious forecasting record, such as its non-existent "barbecue summer" and the terrible, snow-bound winter of 2010 which, as late as October that year, it was confidently predicting would be "unusually dry and mild."

The Met Office – defending the indefensible, as per usual – Telegraph Blogs

The longer the status quo is allowed to persist, the more dangerous Mali will become – Telegraph Blogs


Events in Mali are rapidly outpacing the response of the international community. While the world argues about how to send a force to recapture the north from al-Qaeda fighters, the extremists themselves are taking the opportunity to capture more territory. They have now advanced beyond their northern stronghold and captured the town of Konna in central Mali.

The longer the status quo is allowed to persist, the more dangerous Mali will become – Telegraph Blogs

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Burpee Greenhouse Kits, Gardening Supplies and Garden Tools at


Burpee Greenhouse Kits, Gardening Supplies and Garden Tools at

Labor Dept. Reports $5 Billion in 'Improper' Unemployment Insurance Payments | CNS News


Labor Dept. Reports $5 Billion in 'Improper' Unemployment Insurance Payments | CNS News


side effects

obama and columbia

did he go? when?


beethoven late quartets


and presto

51-52 cycle on youtube

Articles: On Secession: An Analysis of Texas v. White


Articles: On Secession: An Analysis of Texas v. White

In Obama's America, Only Debt And Dependency Are Growing -


A new Heritage Foundation study finds that the number of people getting federal benefit checks — through Medicare, Social Security, food stamps, subsidized housing, tuition aid or countless other entitlement programs — has shot up 62% since 1988.

In Obama's America, Only Debt And Dependency Are Growing -

In Obama's America, Only Debt And Dependency Are Growing -


despite Obama's massive tax hikes, deficits will likely top $1 trillion for the fifth year in a row, and Obama will have added $7.5 trillion to the nation's debt since taking office

In Obama's America, Only Debt And Dependency Are Growing -

New York Times Reporter Lays Out 'Far-Right Agenda' of Texas Tea Party |


New York Times Reporter Lays Out 'Far-Right Agenda' of Texas Tea Party |

George F. Will: Time for a balanced-budget amendment - The Washington Post


People who choose to live in places vulnerable to flooding believe it would be unfair that the cost of their property insurance fully reflect this risk. So government subsidizes their insurance, and hence their decision to live where there is increased risk of property damage that, when it happens, the government helps pay to rebuild.

George F. Will: Time for a balanced-budget amendment - The Washington Post

George F. Will: Time for a balanced-budget amendment - The Washington Post


By rescuing almost everyone from the restoration of Clinton-era rates, liberals abandoned any pretense of paying for their program of ever- expanding entitlements. Instead, they made trillion-dollar deficits their program.

George F. Will: Time for a balanced-budget amendment - The Washington Post

Tim Carney: Tax hikes on the rich to pay for corporate welfare |


Obama's income tax hikes will raise $22.5 billion this year (compared with extending all the Bush tax cuts), while the special-interest business and energy tax credits he demanded will reduce revenue by $65.3 billion, according to data from the Joint Committee on Taxation.

Republican sources told me and other reporters that the White House "absolutely insisted" on loading up the fiscal cliff deal with a package of targeted tax break extensions that had passed the Senate Finance Committee in August. The White House did not respond to a string of phone calls and emails seeking confirmation, denial or clarification

Tim Carney: Tax hikes on the rich to pay for corporate welfare |

RealClearMarkets - The Psychological Toll and Economic Fallout of High Unemployment


The unemployment rate edged down to 7.8%, a drop of 0.7% compared with the end of the previous year. Payroll employment grew 153,000 a month. Payroll gains in 2010, 2011, and 2012 have now offset a little more than half the loss in payroll jobs we suffered in 2008 and 2009.

The net improvement is less than these numbers suggest, because we need employment to increase about 90,000 every month in order to accommodate the growth of the working-age population.

RealClearMarkets - The Psychological Toll and Economic Fallout of High Unemployment

Can’t Obama Find an Honest Man For Treasury Secretary? | Power Line


Can’t Obama Find an Honest Man For Treasury Secretary? | Power Line

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The 30 All-TIME Best Music Videos | Talking Heads, 'Once in a Lifetime' (1980) |


The 30 All-TIME Best Music Videos | Talking Heads, 'Once in a Lifetime' (1980) |

David Bowie "Where Are We Now?" (new single) 2013 - YouTube


Blog: Why can't Senator Reid be forced to submit a budget?


Blog: Why can't Senator Reid be forced to submit a budget?

Nissan launching production of Leaf in U.S. | The Detroit News |


Nissan Motor Co. said it will begin U.S. production of its all-electric Leaf on Thursday in Tennessee as part of a $1.4 billion government loan.

Nissan launching production of Leaf in U.S. | The Detroit News |

lower taxes in texas

bring out the uhauls perry

nyt on texas budget

Texas government

guns in schools

Roger L. Simon » It’s the Foreign Policy, and We Are Stupid


They also will continue the administration’s bizarre Middle East policy that has resulted in the rise of Islamism everywhere from Mali to Egypt and beyond. And no matter the rhetoric we will most likely hear at confirmation hearings, Iran will get the message that serious American power is in actuality “off the table” when it comes to interdicting the mullahs’ march to nuclear weapons.

Outside of the usual Middle East hotspots, Russia and China are watching.

Roger L. Simon » It’s the Foreign Policy, and We Are Stupid

Your Ringside Seat for the Global Financial Crisis –


Your Ringside Seat for the Global Financial Crisis –

Delingpole on Friday – Your soundtrack for 2013 |


Delingpole on Friday – Your soundtrack for 2013 |

Obama's Ethanol Bureaucrats Starve The Poor For Their Green Agenda -


In a buried item in Saturday's New York Times, Elisabeth Rosenthal reported that growing demand for biofuels in the U.S. is having a catastrophic impact on the small poor nations south of our border, such as Guatemala.

The problem is not the usual suspect of the past — local socialist policies — but the socialism going on up north called the ethanol mandate, which has resulted in 44% of U.S. corn crops getting burned as fuel.

Obama's Ethanol Bureaucrats Starve The Poor For Their Green Agenda -

U.S. contractor to pay $5.28 million to Abu Ghraib prisoners - CBS News


U.S. contractor to pay $5.28 million to Abu Ghraib prisoners - CBS News

Report: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated Obama Admin - Middle East - News - Israel National News


Report: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated Obama Admin - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Review & Outlook: The States of Foreclosure -


We're referring to the difference between "nonjudicial" states that have streamlined foreclosure procedures and the 23 "judicial" states that force lenders to go to court to enforce mortgage contracts. Prices are stabilizing in the former but still faltering in much of the latter, which isn't surprising, except to politicians. Housing markets can't clear until lenders can foreclose on delinquent borrowers and prices fall far enough to attract buyers who can afford the mortgage payments.

Review & Outlook: The States of Foreclosure -

New Study Finds No Significant Human-Induced Warming | Power Line


New Study Finds No Significant Human-Induced Warming | Power Line

Was 2012 the Hottest Year On Record In the US? | Power Line


However, if we look at the current NCDC temperature analysis (which runs from 1895-present) we see that for Arizona in February 1934 they have a state average of 48.9°F, not the 52.0°F that was originally published.

Was 2012 the Hottest Year On Record In the US? | Power Line

Surprise Surprise... Global warming has stalled, admits Met Office | World | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express


THE great global warming debate was blown wide open again yesterday when the Met Office predicted cooler than expected temperatures for the next five years.

Surprise Surprise... Global warming has stalled, admits Met Office | World | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express

CDC fears 'public health nightmare' as first cases of 'incurable' antibiotic resistant gonorrhea found in North America | Mail Online


CDC fears 'public health nightmare' as first cases of 'incurable' antibiotic resistant gonorrhea found in North America | Mail Online

128 million Americans are now on government programmes. Can America survive as the world’s superpower? – Telegraph Blogs


128 million Americans are now on government programmes. Can America survive as the world’s superpower? – Telegraph Blogs

College Park couple says front yard vegetable garden is under fire again | News - Home


College Park couple says front yard vegetable garden is under fire again | News - Home

Where are we now? David Bowie breaks decade of silence with new single on his 66th birthday - News - Music - The Independent


Where are we now? David Bowie breaks decade of silence with new single on his 66th birthday - News - Music - The Independent

First Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea Cases Detected in North America - US News and World Report


First Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea Cases Detected in North America - US News and World Report

AIG has to consider lawsuit against U.S. |


AIG has to consider lawsuit against U.S. |

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

gun control

forbes ferrara


do words have meaning? public discourse

Meet The Materal: Corrugated Sheet Metal - The Apron by The Home Depot - Home Improvement Blog – The Apron by The Home Depot


Meet The Materal: Corrugated Sheet Metal - The Apron by The Home Depot - Home Improvement Blog – The Apron by The Home Depot

Articles: I Will Not Be Intimidated


The people, as they lived in nations that did not allow unfettered gun ownership, were powerless to stop the inexorable seizure of power and many paid the ultimate price as nearly 40+ million were killed during the War.

Articles: I Will Not Be Intimidated

Georgia Power to close 15 coal, oil units |


Georgia Power said Monday it will shut down 15 coal and oil-fired units, cutting nearly one-sixth of its power grid capacity to comply with federal rules aimed at reducing air pollution.

Georgia Power to close 15 coal, oil units |

Planned Parenthood reports record year for abortions |


Planned Parenthood reported receiving a record $542 million in taxpayer funding, according to a Susan B. Anthony List analysis of the report, in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements. The amount is 45 percent of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue.

Planned Parenthood reports record year for abortions |

Planned Parenthood reports record year for abortions |


In its latest annual report for fiscal year 2011 to 2012, Planned Parenthood reveals that it performed 333,964 abortions in 2011 – a record year for the organization.

According to annual reports, the organization performed 332,278 abortions in 2009, 329,445 in 2010, making the total number of abortions in three years to 995,687.

Planned Parenthood reports record year for abortions |

Byron York: GOP may use debt ceiling to force Harry Reid to pass budget |


Tuesday marks the 1,350th day since the Senate passed a budget. The law requires Congress to pass a budget every year, on the grounds that Americans deserve to know how the government plans to spend the trillions of taxpayer dollars it collects, along with dollars it borrows at the taxpayers' expense. But Majority Leader Harry Reid, who last allowed a budget through the Senate in April 2009, has ignored the law since then.

There's no mystery why. The budget passed by large Democratic majorities in the first months of the Obama administration had hugely elevated levels of spending in it. By not passing a new spending plan since, Reid has in effect made those levels the new budgetary baseline. Congress has kept the government going with continuing resolutions based on the last budget signed into law.

Byron York: GOP may use debt ceiling to force Harry Reid to pass budget |

Mike Lee pushes for changes to union exemption from Hobbs Act | Washington Free Beacon


Labor groups are immune from prosecution under the Hobbs Act, a 1946 provision that criminalized extortion and robbery using the threat or fear of force. Sen. Mike Lee (R., Utah) attempted to close that loophole last year with the Freedom from Union Violence Act (FUVA).

Mike Lee pushes for changes to union exemption from Hobbs Act | Washington Free Beacon

BBC News - Eurozone unemployment reaches new high


BBC News - Eurozone unemployment reaches new high

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting


Some critics suggest these official omissions are motivated by a desire to protect the drug companies from ruinous product liability claims. Indeed, pharmaceutical manufacturers are nervous about lawsuits over the “rare adverse effects” of their mood-altering medications. To avoid costly settlements and public relations catastrophes – such as when GlaxoSmithKline was ordered to pay $6.4 million to the family of 60-year-old Donald Schnell who murdered his wife, daughter and granddaughter in a fit of rage shortly after starting on Paxil – drug companies’ legal teams have quietly and skillfully settled hundreds of cases out-of-court, shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars to plaintiffs. Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly fought scores of legal claims against Prozac in this way, settling for cash before the complaint could go to court while stipulating that the settlement remain secret – and then claiming it had never lost a Prozac lawsuit.

All of which is, once again, to respectfully but urgently ask the question: When on earth are we going to find out if the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook school massacre, like so many other mass shooters, had been taking psychiatric drugs?

The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting

Compassionate Conservatism | The Weekly Standard


The societies and institutions were privately organized and funded, focused on specific causes, and supervised to make sure that the efforts produced the desired results. They all relied, for their moral as well as financial support, upon the other resources of civil society​—​individuals, families, friends, and religious missions of all denominations. And they all shared a common ethos. As help was given voluntarily, as a charity, not a tax, so it was received voluntarily, as a gift, not an entitlement.

Compassionate Conservatism | The Weekly Standard

Compassionate Conservatism | The Weekly Standard


The societies and institutions were privately organized and funded, focused on specific causes, and supervised to make sure that the efforts produced the desired results. They all relied, for their moral as well as financial support, upon the other resources of civil society​—​individuals, families, friends, and religious missions of all denominations. And they all shared a common ethos. As help was given voluntarily, as a charity, not a tax, so it was received voluntarily, as a gift, not an entitlement.

Compassionate Conservatism | The Weekly Standard

Articles: Confirmed: Diane Feinstein Doesn't Know Anything


The number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs is much greater than the number of murders committed with rifles.  There were, in 2011, 323 murders committed with a rifle, while at the same time there were 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs.  In fact, "nearly twice as many people are killed by hands and fists each year than are killed by murderers who use rifles."  The above is supplied by the FBI.

Articles: Confirmed: Diane Feinstein Doesn't Know Anything

Articles: Conservatives Can Learn from the Flaws in Spielberg's Lincoln


Seidman's extremism is contemptible, but there must also be some way for constitutional conservatives to translate the underlying human principles in their sacred document into stories that can truly touch people's hearts, even change their minds.

Articles: Conservatives Can Learn from the Flaws in Spielberg's Lincoln

Rule of Law » Federal Court: DOJ Must Reimburse South Carolina for Voter ID Folly


Rule of Law » Federal Court: DOJ Must Reimburse South Carolina for Voter ID Folly

Report: Obama cutting secret deal with banks because foreclosure probe is going badly |


Fourteen banks — such as JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Bank of America — would pay $10 billion, under the settlement, that would be used for relief for homeowners and families that have lost their homes.

Report: Obama cutting secret deal with banks because foreclosure probe is going badly |

Ex-Officer Is First From C.I.A. to Face Prison for a Leak -


His supporters are an unlikely collection of old friends, former spies, left-leaning critics of the government and conservative Christian opponents of torture. Oliver Stone sent a message of encouragement, as did several professors at Liberty University, where Mr. Kiriakou has taught. They view the case as an outrage against a man who risked his life to defend the country.

Ex-Officer Is First From C.I.A. to Face Prison for a Leak -

Flu infections sweep America hospitalizing thousands and leaving 18 children dead of complications, and it's going to get worse | Mail Online


Three out of four people reporting flu symptoms had not been vaccinated.

Flu infections sweep America hospitalizing thousands and leaving 18 children dead of complications, and it's going to get worse | Mail Online

Blog: Net job gain under Obama: 28,000


The December jobs figures out today indicate that there were 725,000 more jobs in the private sector than at the end of 2008 - and 697,000 fewer government jobs. That works into a private-sector gain of 0.6 percent, and a government sector decline of 3.1 percent.

Blog: Net job gain under Obama: 28,000

The PJ Tatler » Great News: Obama’s Cash for Clunkers Actually Hurt the Environment


The PJ Tatler » Great News: Obama’s Cash for Clunkers Actually Hurt the Environment

Normalizing Pedophilia - By Wesley J. Smith - Human Exceptionalism - National Review Online


Normalizing Pedophilia - By Wesley J. Smith - Human Exceptionalism - National Review Online

Richardson and Ex-Im Bank | Washington Free Beacon

u.s. funds spanish green energy

Richardson and Ex-Im Bank | Washington Free Beacon

Sara Sutton Fell: 10 Scary Job Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


Sara Sutton Fell: 10 Scary Job Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Life Skills: Ivanka Trump, Thich Nhat Hanh And Others On The Things Everyone Should Master By Age 40


Life Skills: Ivanka Trump, Thich Nhat Hanh And Others On The Things Everyone Should Master By Age 40

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Supergrass - Eon - YouTube


Companion of India rape victim: I begged attackers to stop -


Companion of India rape victim: I begged attackers to stop -

Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943 – Plog Photo Blog


Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943 – Plog Photo Blog

Cops: Mother of two surprises intruder with five gunshots |


“He opens the closet door and finds himself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver,” said Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman, who relayed the woman’s narrative to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He asked that her name be withheld.

The woman fired six bullets, five of which hit Paul Ali Slater in the face and neck area, Chapman said. But Slater was still conscious.

Cops: Mother of two surprises intruder with five gunshots |

Message from Alaska: Our disaster relief isn’t ‘pork’ |


It’s unlikely that many Americans in the Lower 48 know about it, but the Alaskan salmon industry — a significant part of the state’s economy — has been struck by a slow-moving disaster for several years now.  Sources of salmon that even in the mid-2000s yielded hundreds of thousands of pounds of fish are now yielding next to nothing.  Nobody quite agrees on what is causing the problem, but as Knudson noted, in September the Commerce Department issued what is called a resource disaster designation covering parts of the Alaskan salmon industry, making it eligible for federal relief funds.

Message from Alaska: Our disaster relief isn’t ‘pork’ |

DISUNION - Opinionator -


DISUNION - Opinionator -

Prince John Recaptures Galveston -


Prince John Recaptures Galveston -

Friday, January 4, 2013



obama recession

the recovery that wasn't

and black unemployment

obama hawaii vacations

at least $20,000,000

history of labor law

town hall

see also reisman on mises

Obama's Idea Of 'Balance'Is Higher Taxes To Fund A Growing Welfare State -


Obama's Idea Of 'Balance'Is Higher Taxes To Fund A Growing Welfare State -

NY county: Releasing gun names endangers public - Yahoo! News


A New York county clerk justified his refusal to release the names and addresses of handgun permit holders to a newspaper, saying it would give stalkers and thieves a convenient roadmap to target potential victims — and determine whether they have a gun.

"This certainly puts my public in danger," Putnam County Clerk Dennis Sant said Thursday following a news conference in which he was backed by the county executive and other elected officials.

NY county: Releasing gun names endangers public - Yahoo! News

Speaker John Boehner Delays Pork-Laden Superstorm Sandy Relief Bill -


Except the Sandy bill wasn't just about providing relief to directly impacted areas such as New Jersey and Staten Island.

Democrats had expanded the legislation during a markup to include not only areas affected by Sandy, but also to provide money for all "storm events that occurred in 2012 along the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Coast within the boundaries of the North Atlantic and Mississippi Valley divisions of the Corps that were affected by Hurricanes Sandy and Isaac."

Speaker John Boehner Delays Pork-Laden Superstorm Sandy Relief Bill -

Does the Left really want to end poverty? – Telegraph Blogs


The statistical evidence of the past twenty years has become overwhelming: that getting a job is by far the best route out of poverty, that benefit dependency tends to turn temporary hardship into permanent poverty, and that free markets can deliver mass prosperity more effectively than any other form of economic system. It is time for the debate to move on. The old fashioned socialist dogma – that only the state can "lift people out of poverty" – is not just wrong. It is pernicious.

Does the Left really want to end poverty? – Telegraph Blogs

America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones


America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones

The American Spectator : Dupe of the Year 2012


The reason for America’s current unprecedented fiscal calamity is crystal clear to anyone but a complete fool, or a Democrat so blindly politically partisan as to be lacking any semblance of rational political judgment: We spend too much money. Spending has long been, and remains, the unquestioned reason for this nation’s fiscal crisis. This has been especially true since the massive growth of the federal government begun in the 1960s by LBJ’s Great Society.

The American Spectator : Dupe of the Year 2012

Exclusive: Cleric may have booked pre-9/11 flights for hijackers, FBI documents show | Fox News


The FBI suspected within days of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that the American Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki may have purchased tickets for some of the hijackers for air travel in advance of the attacks, according to newly released documents reviewed exclusively by Fox News.

Exclusive: Cleric may have booked pre-9/11 flights for hijackers, FBI documents show | Fox News

Video depicts teens laughing about alleged sexual assault victim: "She is so raped right now" - Crimesider - CBS News


Video depicts teens laughing about alleged sexual assault victim: "She is so raped right now" - Crimesider - CBS News

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Like Mother, Like Daughter: I. Master Menu List.


Like Mother, Like Daughter: I. Master Menu List.

Like Mother, Like Daughter: Make dinner every day and like it.


Like Mother, Like Daughter: Make dinner every day and like it.

williams on 2nd amendment


Bush Reconsidered - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online


Few cared to hear the arguments that there was more to the Hurricane Katrina fiasco than Bush-administration incompetence, despite the fact that next-door Mississippi, for example, seemed to employ state and local services far more effectively than did the largely incompetent New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin and Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco. Both botched the evacuation and the recovery, well apart from the inexcusable and chronic lapses of FEMA.

Bush Reconsidered - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

The American Spectator : A Key Economic Lesson


“Welfare spending increased significantly under President George W. Bush and has exploded under President Barack Obama,” states Tanner. “In fact, since President Obama took office, federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent, more than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty.”

The American Spectator : A Key Economic Lesson

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Mega Scandal Everyone Has Forgotten - John Fund - National Review Online


Fannie and Freddie scooped up Countrywide loans and pooled them and others into mortgage-backed securities that were sold with an implicit taxpayer guarantee that eventually became explicit. The taxpayer guarantee allowed — indeed, encouraged — the lenders to be reckless, creating a moral hazard. In 2008, this set-up helped bring down the whole house of cards built by subprime mortgages.

The Mega Scandal Everyone Has Forgotten - John Fund - National Review Online

Georgetown Law professor: Scrap downright evil Constitution | The Daily Caller


Georgetown Law professor: Scrap downright evil Constitution | The Daily Caller

princess playmobil - Bing Images


princess playmobil - Bing Images

princess playmobil - Bing Images


princess playmobil - Bing Images

Cantigny Illinois 9th Annual Lego Train Show Exhibit 4 Custom Lego Military Tank 2 – BRICK TRAINS SETS


Cantigny Illinois 9th Annual Lego Train Show Exhibit 4 Custom Lego Military Tank 2 – BRICK TRAINS SETS

Lego - Bing Images


Lego - Bing Images

Midlake - Young Bride - Radio Paradise -Internet Radio - Radio Paradise - eclectic commercial free Internet radio


Midlake - Young Bride - Radio Paradise -Internet Radio - Radio Paradise - eclectic commercial free Internet radio

Putting Text on Trial: Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Great Books: Study Guide Part IV


Putting Text on Trial: Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Great Books: Study Guide Part IV

Articles: The Socialist Mind Game: A Brief Manual


Drawing blood is always an option, but there's also a "cleaner" way to control the crowds by manipulating their minds with the cattle prods of collectivist morals and a fictional narrative that supplants the reality.

Articles: The Socialist Mind Game: A Brief Manual

U.S. Budget Compromise Deal Reached -


U.S. Budget Compromise Deal Reached -