Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Articles: The Anatomy of Climate Science Hype


It starts with Al Gore announcing a correlation of several sudden temperature rises and carbon-dioxide increases during the recent ice age, as judged from analysis of Antarctic ice cores.  He of course declares that this proves that CO2 has caused 20th-century warming.  To his great embarrassment it was then later discovered that the increase in carbon dioxide actually follows the temperature increase by about 600-800 years.  And even a non-scientist must realize that the cause must always precede the effect: so the temperature increase must be the cause of the carbon-dioxide increase -- and not the other way round.  The mechanism is really quite simple: When the ocean warms, it releases much of its dissolved carbon dioxide -- similar to warming soda pop or champagne releasing CO2 bubbles

Articles: The Anatomy of Climate Science Hype

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