Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Articles: Another Hockey Stick?


The only warming that's sure is from 1910 to 1940.  Although that warming is certainly genuine, only a few fanatic scientists believe that it is human-caused.  Not even the IPCC considers the warming up to 1940 as anthropogenic.

On the other hand, the large surface warming claimed from 1979 to 2000 may not even exist.  Opinions are divided on this important question.  The warming is certainly not seen in the satellite data, the best global temperature observations we have.

Of course, the authors ignore the fact that there has been no warming for at least a decade - while anthropogenic greenhouse gases have been increasing more rapidly.  According to Philip Jones, the IPCC's guru on Global Temperatures, there hasn't been any significant global warming for 17 years!

Articles: Another Hockey Stick?

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