Friday, May 31, 2013

Report: CO2 not responsible for global warming | The Daily Caller


Lu notes that data from 1850 to 1970 show carbon emissions increasing due to the Industrial Revolution. However, global temperatures stayed constant.

“The conventional warming model of CO2, suggests the temperatures should have risen by 0.6°C over the same period, similar to the period of 1970-2002,” reads the study’s press release.

Report: CO2 not responsible for global warming | The Daily Caller

soda recipes

grape soda, etc.

US States’ Pension Bill: $2.5 Trillion

Consider Pennsylvania: The Keystone State’s ongoing pension reform debate is a microcosm of the larger national pension problem. Today, the state faces a $47 billion unfunded pension liabilitythat’s $9,000 owed per household. And this debt tsunami is picking up speed; A 2010 law artificially caps pension contributions and hides stock market losses for a decade. By 2018, the state pension debt will rise to $65 billion, a staggering $13,000 owed by each Pennsylvania family.

When You Have to Shoot, Shoot; Don't Talk

If inadequate police training is one of New York's problems, confusion and delusion about tactical doctrine is another:

"The big question is, how do you know, when someone's pointing a gun at you, whether you should keep talking to them, or shoot?" said Michele Galietta, a professor of psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice who helps train police officers. "That's what makes the job of an officer amazingly difficult."

Trayvon, George, and the Homeless Man

O'Mara countered by saying that Martin not only attended fights, but that he also recorded them on video, including "one where two buddies of his are beating up a homeless guy."  The video recorded a crime.  The State of Florida had had this video in possession for months and took no follow-up action.  As O'Mara made clear at the most recent hearing, the State had concealed critical evidence all along.  He even produced a whistleblower from the state attorney's office to hammer home his point.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lawyer: Zimmerman prosecutor withheld evidence

White said the photos Kruidbos retrieved were of a hand holding a gun and one depicted drugs. The content of the text messages wasn't specified.

Read more here:

'Trougher' Yeo recants on global warming – Telegraph Blogs


'Trougher' Yeo recants on global warming – Telegraph Blogs

Police: Maine man staged kidnap that killed girl - News -


Investigators determined that Nichole had frequent contact with the fake Butterfield on Facebook and that the person posing as Butterfield repeatedly requested to meet with her before she agreed to meet with him at the end of her road to get some marijuana the night she went missing, the affidavit said.

Police: Maine man staged kidnap that killed girl - News -

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Make a Cigar


Make a Cigar

The Tobacco Seed Company - How To Grow Tobacco


The Tobacco Seed Company - How To Grow Tobacco

Best of the Web Today: The Other Obesity Problem -


That task is more complicated than it used to be, and it's not because cooking is an intellectually demanding task. What cooking demands is time, a far scarcer commodity for most American households today than 50 years ago thanks to the decline of the nuclear family and the normalization of commercial work for women.

Best of the Web Today: The Other Obesity Problem -



Human Events reported:

“In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting age population: Northwestern Ohio’s Wood County shows 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible, while in Lawrence County along the Ohio River it’s a mere 104 registered per 100 eligible.

Human Events also said that, an additional “31 more counties report over 90 percent voter registration, which is a good 20 percent higher than the national average.”


What Did Nixon Do? | FrontPage Magazine


What Did Nixon Do? | FrontPage Magazine

Eric Hoffer: Longshoreman Philosopher — The American Magazine


“The intellectual knows with every fiber of his being that all men are not equal,” he wrote at one point, “and there are few things that he cares for less than a classless society.” Intellectuals regard “the common man as a means,” and, in an age of democracy, egalitarianism is the ideal weapon. Equality is forever unattainable, so “more” is always needed.  Intellectuals are particularly antagonistic to the United States, because it dispersed power outward to the masses in a way that no country had ever done before. As a class, intellectuals are aristocratic in temperament and seek power for themselves.

Looking at it from the worker’s point of view, he wrote:

A free society is as much a threat to the intellectual’s sense of worth as an automated economy is a threat to the worker’s sense of worth. Any social order . . . which can function well with a minimum of leadership will be an anathema to the intellectual.

Eric Hoffer: Longshoreman Philosopher — The American Magazine

Supreme Court refuses to hear Planned Parenthood cases -


Supreme Court refuses to hear Planned Parenthood cases -

To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here - Forbes


The increase in global temperatures since the late 19th century just reflects the end of the Little Ice Age. The global temperature trends since then have followed not rising CO2 trends but the ocean temperature cycles of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). Every 20 to 30 years, the much colder water near the bottom of the oceans cycles up to the top, where it has a slight cooling effect on global temperatures until the sun warms that water. That warmed water then contributes to slightly warmer global temperatures, until the next churning cycle

To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here - Forbes

Breadwinner Moms | Pew Social & Demographic Trends


Breadwinner Moms | Pew Social & Demographic Trends

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Welcome to Schnitzel in Austin! | Chef Keem's Bavarian Bistro


Welcome to Schnitzel in Austin! | Chef Keem's Bavarian Bistro

A Frequent Visitor to the White House « Commentary Magazine


The Washington Examiner reported on Monday that Mark Everson, Commissioner of Internal Revenue from 2003 to 2007, during the Bush administration, visited the White House exactly once while in office. Indeed he felt like he’d “moved to Siberia” so out of the ordinary political loop was he. But Douglas Shulman, Commissioner from 2008 to 2012, during the Obama administration, visited the White House 118 times just in 2010 and 2011. His successor, Steven Miller, also visited “numerous” times.

A Frequent Visitor to the White House « Commentary Magazine

Kickbacks as 'a natural part of business' at Fannie Mae alleged -


The suit says she was fired for reporting her suspicions about employees soliciting kickbacks, including Granillo and certain managers. She said she began raising those suspicions in 2009 and ultimately took them to higher-ups in Washington, D.C., at Fannie Mae's human relations and ethics offices.

Fannie Mae spokesman Andrew Wilson said the company doesn't comment on litigation and personnel matters.

Kickbacks as 'a natural part of business' at Fannie Mae alleged -

Articles: New Evidence Shows Trayvon's Life Unraveling


Articles: New Evidence Shows Trayvon's Life Unraveling

BBC News - Centuries-old frozen plants revived


That is exposing land that has not seen light of day since the so-called Little Ice Age, a widespread climatic cooling that ran roughly from AD 1550 to AD 1850.

BBC News - Centuries-old frozen plants revived

Monday, May 27, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Inevitable Decline of Great Britain (Cont.) | Power Line


There were policemen on the scene from the beginning, but they were unarmed:

Although other bystanders watched in horror and police waited helplessly for armed officers to arrive, Gemini modestly insisted her [sic] and her mother were not heroes and had done what anyone else would do.

The idea of policemen in one of the world’s major cities “wait[ing] helplessly for armed officers to arrive,” while murderers parade up and down the street soaked in blood and the body of a half-beheaded soldier lies in the street, is almost unbelievable. And yet that is the state of law enforcement in Great Britain. The average American household is better armed than a London policeman, and as a result, it was left to a few women from the crowd of bystanders to try to deal with cleaver-wielding murderers.

The Inevitable Decline of Great Britain (Cont.) | Power Line

Friday, May 24, 2013

growing wintergreen

heirloom organics

and epazote johnny seeds

and barley

root beer


wintergreen leaves 

ginger bug

IRS Tea Party Intimidation An Echo Of Raids On Gibson Guitar -


IRS Tea Party Intimidation An Echo Of Raids On Gibson Guitar -

Strassel: Conservatives Became Targets in 2008 -


The Bauer onslaught was a big part of a new liberal strategy to thwart the rise of conservative groups. In early August 2008, the New York Times trumpeted the creation of a left-wing group (a 501(c)4) called Accountable America. Founded by Obama supporter and liberal activist Tom Mattzie, the group—as the story explained—would start by sending "warning" letters to 10,000 GOP donors, "hoping to create a chilling effect that will dry up contributions." The letters would alert "right-wing groups to a variety of potential dangers, including legal trouble, public exposure and watchdog groups digging through their lives." As Mr. Mattzie told Mother Jones: "We're going to put them at risk."

Strassel: Conservatives Became Targets in 2008 -

How a Ghost Army of American artists helped defeat Hitler - The Week


How a Ghost Army of American artists helped defeat Hitler - The Week

Who Outed the CIA Annex in Benghazi? - The Daily Beast


Who Outed the CIA Annex in Benghazi? - The Daily Beast

Blog: Jihad Butchery in London and the Big Islamic Lie


Sura or chapter 9 of the Koran is believed by Muslims to be one of the final "revelations" (if not the final one) of Islam's holiest guiding text, thus assuming doctrinal precedence over others, even abrogating them outright.  Unfortunately, sura 9 consists of an almost continuous series of timeless jihad war injunctions directed at all non-Muslims, and even at Muslims deemed "hypocritical" for their inadequate piety.

Blog: Jihad Butchery in London and the Big Islamic Lie

Articles: Marcuse and Obama: No Small Change


"Surely, no government can be expected to foster its own subversion, but in a democracy such a right is vested in the people (i.e. in the majority of the people). This means that the ways should not be blocked on which a subversive majority could develop

Articles: Marcuse and Obama: No Small Change

Western Civilization Dumber Than 100 Years Ago


Western Civilization Dumber Than 100 Years Ago

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Articles: Trayvon Martin's Final Hour


Articles: Trayvon Martin's Final Hour

Federal court strikes down Arizona's 20-week abortion ban | Fox News


Federal court strikes down Arizona's 20-week abortion ban | Fox News

RealClearWorld - Spain's Angry and Unemployed Young Men


RealClearWorld - Spain's Angry and Unemployed Young Men

Oklahoma tornado: 'Tornado Alley' explained - Telegraph


Oklahoma tornado: 'Tornado Alley' explained - Telegraph

GOP Senator Preserves Loophole Giving Illegal Immigrants Immediate Welfare Access


Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) backed down from a previous promise his spokeswoman made to Breitbart News that he would consider voting in favor of amendments to the Senate's immigration bill that would close a loophole allowing illegal immigrants immediate access to state and local welfare.

When Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) actually offered an amendment that would close the loophole during Tuesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee markup of the bill, Flake joined Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and all the committee Democrats in opposing the amendment.

GOP Senator Preserves Loophole Giving Illegal Immigrants Immediate Welfare Access

Obama’s Fannie Mae Pick Watt Faces Fight Imperiling Housing Deal - Bloomberg


Republicans aren’t in a hurry to see Watt replace Edward J. DeMarco, the current head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the independent regulator with oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. DeMarco has resisted pressure from the Obama administration and consumer advocates to allow the two companies to cut the principal balance on troubled loans, saying that would hurt taxpayers more than it would help homeowners.

Obama’s Fannie Mae Pick Watt Faces Fight Imperiling Housing Deal - Bloomberg

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

digging a well


drill your own well

The History of Our Movement - David Gordon - Mises Daily


When Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged appeared in 1957, Rothbard and his followers met for a while with Rand and her group, “The Collective,” but Rothbard and the Randians soon clashed. He refused their demand that he divorce his wife Joey, who had committed the unpardonable sin of being a Christian.

The History of Our Movement - David Gordon - Mises Daily

Blog: More Ways Than One


Get on and stay on the offensive.  When your position is indefensible, don't defend it.  Rather than defend, go on offense.  Try to change the subject.  Deride anyone who questions your position.  Accuse the questioners of being racist/bigoted/homophobic/insensitive/offensive.  Make up things if you have to.  The MSM will eat up what you have to say and will widely print/broadcast it.  The MSM will then bury any retractions/corrections they offer in response to your ravings.

Blog: More Ways Than One

Dear Class of ’13: You’ve been scammed - Brett Arends's ROI - MarketWatch


Dear Class of ’13: You’ve been scammed - Brett Arends's ROI - MarketWatch

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What Did Obama Know About The IRS (And When)? | Zero Hedge


  1. Steve Miller lied to Congress
  2. Lois Lerner lied to Congress
  3. Barack Obama lied to the American people

What Did Obama Know About The IRS (And When)? | Zero Hedge

West Wing Weak: Your Guide to Obama's Scandal-Filled Week - YouTube


The Biggest Obama Scandals Are Proven and Ignored - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic


Obama also violated the War Powers Resolution, a law he has specifically proclaimed to be Constitutionally valid, when committing U.S. troops to Libya without Congressional approval.  Or as Sullivan put it in 2011, "I'm with Conor. The war in Libya becomes illegal from now on. And the imperial presidency grows even more powerful."

The Biggest Obama Scandals Are Proven and Ignored - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Obama adminstration talking points scrubbed jihadists from Cairo as well as Benghazi | Power Line


In Cairo, as noted, there were protests. But, as Tom Joscelyn argues, the protests were pre-planned, with jihadists playing a prominent role.

Multiple early versions of the CIA-drafted talking points make this clear. For example, the CIA stated:

On 10 September, the Agency notified Embassy Cairo of social media reports calling for a demonstration and encouraging jihadists to break into the Embassy.

The “social media reports” in question included a September 10 tweet from Mohammed al Zawahiri, the younger brother of al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri. He called on “the sons of the Jihadi Movement to participate tomorrow in the demonstration in front of the American Embassy.” And he included a banner displaying an al Qaeda-style black flag in his tweet.

Obama adminstration talking points scrubbed jihadists from Cairo as well as Benghazi | Power Line

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The PJ Tatler » Timeline of Obama Foreknowledge of IRS Scandal Continues to Slip


The PJ Tatler » Timeline of Obama Foreknowledge of IRS Scandal Continues to Slip

Republicans Expand I.R.S. Inquiry, With Eye on White House -


Under fire, Mr. Miller called the agency’s targeting of conservative groups “obnoxious,” but he told the House Ways and Means Committee it was not motivated by partisanship. And in testy exchanges, he said he had not misled Congress, even though he did not divulge the targeting efforts of a Cincinnati unit examining 70,000 applications for tax exemption.

He called the group’s centralization of applications from groups with names that included the words “Tea Party” or “patriots” simply “foolish mistakes” that “were made by people trying to be more efficient in their workload selection.”

Republicans Expand I.R.S. Inquiry, With Eye on White House -

Who Actually Cracked Linear B, the Ancient Code of the Mysterious Knossos Labyrinth? - The Daily Beast


Who Actually Cracked Linear B, the Ancient Code of the Mysterious Knossos Labyrinth? - The Daily Beast

Friday, May 17, 2013

Lemon & Spice Grilled Shrimp « Smoked 'n Grilled


Lemon & Spice Grilled Shrimp « Smoked 'n Grilled

HHS:'Telework' Gives Gov't Employees More Time for 'Planning and Preparing Healthy Meals' | CNS News


HHS:'Telework' Gives Gov't Employees More Time for 'Planning and Preparing Healthy Meals' | CNS News

Best of the Web Today: President Asterisk -


Best of the Web Today: President Asterisk -

obama's first two years

maraniss bio deepens

media falsify 

another look 

further inquiry 

what obama has said 

Geller 08 

history link

IRS Official Who "Resigned" Over Scandal Was Already Leaving in June

-Douglas Shulman: he was in charge of the IRS as Commissioner until November 2012 and lied to Congress about ongoing harassment of tea party groups
"Yes, I can give you assurances [tea party groups aren't being targeted]"  -March 2012



Strange Goings-On at the White House | National Review Online


Strange Goings-On at the White House | National Review Online

Graham: Obama’s crew plays dumb and dumber | Boston Herald


Graham: Obama’s crew plays dumb and dumber | Boston Herald

PJ Media » What Did the President Know About the IRS Scandal and When Did He Know It?


PJ Media » What Did the President Know About the IRS Scandal and When Did He Know It?

Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims | The Weekly Standard


Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims | The Weekly Standard

Police Departments Beg And Barter For Ammo While DHS Buys Up 1.6 Billion Rounds In Past Year | CNS News


Police Departments Beg And Barter For Ammo While DHS Buys Up 1.6 Billion Rounds In Past Year | CNS News

Police Chief Asks Citizens for Ammo, Gets 1,500 Round Loan Amid Strong Response | CNS News


Police Chief Asks Citizens for Ammo, Gets 1,500 Round Loan Amid Strong Response | CNS News

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Sonics-1965 - Here Are The Sonics[Full Album] - YouTube


john jeavons


13th floor elevators

Bull of the woods

also Electric Prunes too much to dream

Stalin’s Secret Agents | FrontPage Magazine


Stalin’s Secret Agents | FrontPage Magazine

Reid: ‘Where Was Their Outrage When Groups on the Other Side of the Political Spectrum Were Under Attack’? | CNS News


Reid: ‘Where Was Their Outrage When Groups on the Other Side of the Political Spectrum Were Under Attack’? | CNS News

Carr: Targeted by feds? Join the club | Boston Herald

howie carr and irs

Carr: Targeted by feds? Join the club | Boston Herald

How Can We Understand Benghazi Without Probing the CIA's Role? - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic


But it also seems plausible that they conceived of Benghazi as a CIA operation, given the fact that it was largely a CIA operation, and felt the CIA bore responsibility for protecting their own assets, a rebuttal State Department officials cannot make publicly so long as we persist with the fiction that Benghazi was just a normal diplomatic facility with foreign service folks, a visiting ambassador, and no overwhelming spy presence.

How Can We Understand Benghazi Without Probing the CIA's Role? - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

James Bovard: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting -


James Bovard: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting -

Monday, May 13, 2013


rhodes lasky at AT

The CIA's talking points, the ones that went out that Friday evening, were distributed via email to a group of top Obama administration officials. Forty-five minutes after receiving them, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland expressed concerns about their contents, particularly the likelihood that members of Congress would criticize the State Department for "not paying attention to Agency warnings." CIA officials responded with a new draft, stripped of all references to Ansar al Sharia.

Articles: Team Trayvon's Big Lie


Articles: Team Trayvon's Big Lie

Sunday, May 12, 2013

After the crash: Family tells of 15-hour fight for survival | Anchorage |


To stay awake, they sang the words to a children's poem Donald and Rosemarie read to Donnie when he was a baby:

These little hands are held in prayer. To thank you God for being there. These little hearts speak to you.

"This went on for a good part of at least 12 hours," Donald said.

After the crash: Family tells of 15-hour fight for survival | Anchorage |

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Crucifixion of Jason Richwine - Michelle Malkin - Page 1


The Crucifixion of Jason Richwine - Michelle Malkin - Page 1

Blog: Free Nakoula!


… said Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Christian producer of the much-discussed video, the Innocence of Muslims, was "somewhere in California."

He is not. In its wisdom, the U.S. Department of Justice decided to bury him in Anthony, Texas, a largely Hispanic town at the very westernmost tip of West Texas. Mr. Nakoula resides there at the Federal Correctional Institution -- La Tuna and will continue to do so until August 26, 2013.

Blog: Free Nakoula!

Cabal of Leftists and RINOs Attempt to Destroy Heritage Scholar Jason Richwine - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Richwine's dissertation committee at Harvard included George Borjas, a professor of economics and social policy, Cuban born scholar, got his PhD in economics from Columbia.  He's an award-winning labor economist, National Bureau of Economic Research associate.  Has written countless books.

Next, Richard Zeckhauser.  Richard Zeckhauser is a professor of Political Economy at the Kennedy School of Government.  He also signed off on Richwine's dissertation. Zeckhauser earned a PhD of economics from Harvard.  He belongs to the Econometric Society, the American Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine.

The final member of the committee that approved Richwine's thesis, Christopher Jencks.  Christopher Jencks is a professor of Social Policy at Harvard's JFK school.  "He is a renowned left-wing academic who has taught at Harvard, Northwestern, the University of Chicago and the University of California, Santa Barbara. He edited the liberal New Republic magazine in the 1960s and has written several scholarly books tackling poverty, economic inequality, affirmative action, welfare reform and, yes, racial differences ('The Black-White Test Score Gap')."

Cabal of Leftists and RINOs Attempt to Destroy Heritage Scholar Jason Richwine - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Friday, May 10, 2013

Shop InvisaFlow FlexGrate Downspout Filter at


Shop InvisaFlow FlexGrate Downspout Filter at

The Number Of US Citizens On Disability Is Now Larger Than The Population Of Greece | Zero Hedge


The Number Of US Citizens On Disability Is Now Larger Than The Population Of Greece | Zero Hedge

'Sex Superbug' Worse than AIDS Hits Hawaii


A new deadly “sex superbug” has been found in two individuals in Hawaii, after surfacing in Japan in 2011. H041, a form of gonorrhea that is resistant to all antibiotics presently available, is considered as deadly as AIDS, and is much faster at killing people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants upward of $50 million from Congress to find an antibiotic that will kill the virus, which has also been found in California and Norway.

'Sex Superbug' Worse than AIDS Hits Hawaii

The best RAIN BARREL for less than $15, and where to find a barrel


The best RAIN BARREL for less than $15, and where to find a barrel

Thursday, May 9, 2013

You Can't Wish Away the Facts About Immigration Amnesty

Whether you agree or disagree with the Heritage study, what their co-author believes is downright insulting and shameful,” said Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, a group that has mobilized support for the bill. “Heritage has really become an outlier. The rest of the country is having a 21st-century conversation about immigration reform, and Heritage is caught in 1800. I really think their entire credibility is in question.”

Bee rescue keeps bees alive and honey flowing

Schumacher's employees will transfer them to Austin, where they'll be re-established in a wood-box beehive, which will then be replaced in the garden whence they came so the bees can continue cross-pollinating Gabriel's plants.
For many, having a beehive in their backyard means a call to a pest control company that will kill them or to a beekeeper, who will move them — for a price. Schumacher's company, which is currently in the process of getting 501c(3) nonprofit status, suggests a donation, which can be made through his web site,

Green energy triumph: $11,000,000.00 spent per job created

"Unlike in 2008, when Barack Obama pledged to create 5 million jobs over 10 years by directing taxpayer funds toward renewable energy projects, there were no press conferences or stump speeches.”
....The IER divided the $26 billion spent on “green jobs” by the Energy Department since 2009, divided it by the 2,298 permanent jobs created, and came up with a cost of $11.45 million per job.

College Bubble Bursts After Decades of Extravagance

Now the higher education bubble has burst. The Wall Street Journal reported this week that that the average "tuition discount rate" offered incoming freshmen last fall by private colleges and universities has reached an all-time high of 45 percent.
At the same time, their "sticker price" tuitions have increased by the smallest amount in the last dozen years. Tuitions for in-state students at public four-year colleges and universities also increased by the smallest amount during that period.
Applicants are negotiating bigger discounts than they used to. Market competition has kicked in.

Best of the Web Today: 'Stop Being a Baby' -


Linda Couri, who worked at Planned Parenthood, described how she responded when a teenager considering abortion asked her the following question: "If I have an abortion, am I killing my baby?"
Couri said: " 'Kill' is a strong word, and so is 'baby.' You're terminating the product of conception."

Best of the Web Today: 'Stop Being a Baby' -

Warren bill would ease student loan interest rates | Politics - WCVB Home


Warren bill would ease student loan interest rates | Politics - WCVB Home

Benghazi stinks – but it won't be Obama's Watergate. Unfortunately – Telegraph Blogs


Dennis Miller has the right answer:

Maybe some guy on the internet will break it eventually. But you realize Woodward and Bernstein became Woodward and Bernstein because what they did to Nixon. The key thing in that equation was Nixon. You had a free rein on him.

You can't go after this guy. You won't get Woodward and Bernstein status. You’ll be out of the game. If you’re the one who brings down Barack Obama, you will be out of the game. And if you go after Hillary, who’s going to run the next eight years, you’ll be more out of the game. So, in this case, it’s, you know, it's not going to happen. The press isn't going to dig on on this.

Benghazi stinks – but it won't be Obama's Watergate. Unfortunately – Telegraph Blogs

Why Team Obama’ s obfuscation on Benghazi matters -


The Obama administration knew perfectly well that last year’s Sept. 11 attack on Americans and American facilities in Benghazi was a terrorist act — yet chose to characterize it falsely as a spontaneous response to an anti-Islam YouTube video.

We can say this because we learned during the hearing that on Sept. 12, State Department official Beth Jones said flatly in an e-mail, “The group that conducted the attacks, Ansar al-Sharia, is affiliated with Islamic terrorists

Why Team Obama’ s obfuscation on Benghazi matters -

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Shop Rubbermaid 32-Gallon Gray Outdoor Garbage Can at


Shop Rubbermaid 32-Gallon Gray Outdoor Garbage Can at

spencer global warming

The pressure that is building on climate doctrine is the failure of the Earth to warm, a trend that has now continued for 16 years.  The longer warming is stalled, in the face of constantly increasing CO2, the harder it becomes for the believers to continue believing.  Compounding the failure of the Earth to warm is the failure of the oceans to warm for the last 10 years.  Normally, failure of the Earth to warm would be explained by saying that the ocean is sucking up the energy flux that would cause the atmosphere to warm.  But if the ocean is not warming either, that explanation won't work.  (Some persistent believers in ocean warming are now searching for the missing warmth in the deep ocean, a part of the ocean that is largely beyond the vision of most monitoring systems.)

11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Abolished | Zero Hedge


11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Abolished | Zero Hedge

The mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world | Fox News


The mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world | Fox News

Articles: When Community and Compassion Did Not Mean Government


As I said, we were Pumphrey, and we were family.  In those days, community and compassion meant looking out for one another.  It was not Obama's perversion of demonizing achievers, of government confiscating and redistributing wealth.  We did not have a president acting like an imperial ruler over our lives.

Articles: When Community and Compassion Did Not Mean Government

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Benghazi Blows Up on Bob Schieffer - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Benghazi Blows Up on Bob Schieffer - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Cleaning up after Al spill | Home | Toronto Sun


Cleaning up after Al spill | Home | Toronto Sun

Hillary Clinton — culpable for Benghazi from beginning to end | Power Line


Hillary Clinton — culpable for Benghazi from beginning to end | Power Line

Meet the Man Who Rescued Three Women Missing for a Decade in Cleveland - Adam Clark Estes - The Atlantic Wire


Meet the Man Who Rescued Three Women Missing for a Decade in Cleveland - Adam Clark Estes - The Atlantic Wire

Bush cancels Europe trip amid calls for his arrest -


Bush cancels Europe trip amid calls for his arrest -

Three women found alive a decade after they disappeared | The Daily Caller


The 52 year old man who owns the house where they were found, Ariel Castro, was arrested, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. CNN reported that two of Castro’s brothers were also arrested. The Cleveland Division of Police identifies the three suspects as “Hispanic males, ages 50, 52 and 54,” but is declining to confirm their identities.

Three women found alive a decade after they disappeared | The Daily Caller

Inhofe: Obama admin trying to 'dry up' ammo supply [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller


“Let’s make sure that your audience out there is aware, Aaron, that our president, Obama, has been doing everything he could to stop the private ownership of guns in America,” Inhofe said. “You know that, everyone knows that. And yet he’s been voted down in a big way by a large majority. And so my feeling is that he’s doing this to buy up [ammunition] so that we can’t buy: Honest, law-abiding citizens here in the United States, like my son, can’t even buy ammunition because government is purchasing so much.”

Inhofe explained to Klein he is working to introduce the Ammunition Management for More Obtainability (AMMO) bill that will limit “non-defense, armed federal agencies to pre-Obama levels of ammunition.”

Inhofe: Obama admin trying to 'dry up' ammo supply [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller

Monday, May 6, 2013


intentional community

affording communities 

breed your own vegetable varieties

Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny | RealClearPolitics


PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can't be trusted.
We have never been a people who place all our faith in government to solve our problems. We shouldn't want to. But we don't think the government is the source of all our problems, either. Because we understand that this democracy is ours. And as citizens, we understand that it's not about what America can do for us, it's about what can be done by us, together, through the hard and frustrating but absolutely necessary work of self-government. And class of 2013, you have to be involved in that process.

Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny | RealClearPolitics

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Why the Left hates families: MELANIE PHIILLIPS reveals how the selfish sneers of Guardianistas made her see how the Left actively fosters - and revels in - family breakdown... | Mail Online


From Zelda West-Meads of the marriage guidance counsellors Relate, I learned that, though many single mothers did a heroic job, it was the absence of the father that did such terrible damage to their children. So I described how fathers were vital to the emotional health of children.

Fatherless families were also at least partly responsible for a national breakdown in authority and rising levels of crime.

My view was backed in 1992 when three influential social scientists with impeccable Left-wing pedigrees produced a damning report.

From their research, they concluded that children in fractured families tend to suffer more ill-health, do less well at school, are more likely to be unemployed, more prone to criminal behaviour and to repeat as adults the same cycle of unstable parenting.

Why the Left hates families: MELANIE PHIILLIPS reveals how the selfish sneers of Guardianistas made her see how the Left actively fosters - and revels in - family breakdown... | Mail Online

Bolly good news! Three glasses of bubbly a week will boost your memory | Mail Online


Bolly good news! Three glasses of bubbly a week will boost your memory | Mail Online

Blog: The Complete Benghazi Timeline in Spreadsheet Format


Blog: The Complete Benghazi Timeline in Spreadsheet Format

Szegediner Goulash Recipe - German Pork Stew with Sauerkraut


Szegediner Goulash Recipe - German Pork Stew with Sauerkraut

Szegediner Gulasch - Hungarian Spiced Stew - German Recipe for Goulash


Szegediner Gulasch - Hungarian Spiced Stew - German Recipe for Goulash

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Upcycle 50 Gallon Terra-Cotta Rain Barrel - Rain Barrels at Rain Barrel Source


Upcycle 50 Gallon Terra-Cotta Rain Barrel - Rain Barrels at Rain Barrel Source

NYT: Real Unemployment at 21.9 Million


Consider the following: according to the Labor Department, the U.S. added 165,000 jobs in April, but to return to pre-recession employment levels, the U.S. would need to add 208,000 jobs a month over seven years.

The government officially recognizes 11.7 million individuals as being unemployed. But as the New York Times notes, including “those who are underemployed—that is, adding in those workers who are part-time but want to be employed full time, and workers who want to work but are not looking—brings the total up to 21.9 million."

NYT: Real Unemployment at 21.9 Million

Friday, May 3, 2013

What happened when my pro-abortion friend saw THIS picture… | NRL News Today


What happened when my pro-abortion friend saw THIS picture… | NRL News Today

Historical flags of the USA, including Modern and 1835 Come And Take It flags


Historical flags of the USA, including Modern and 1835 Come And Take It flags

U.S. Will Need to Create 'Unprecedented' 35 Million New Jobs if Immigration Bill Passes | CNS News


U.S. Will Need to Create 'Unprecedented' 35 Million New Jobs if Immigration Bill Passes | CNS News

Blythe Masters' Crowning Achievement: The Credit Default Swap

As reported earlier, JPM's head commodity maven, Blythe Masters (her very rare public appearance can be seen here) suddenly finds herself in hot water for, among other things, allegedly lying under oath, obstructing justice and "engaging in a systematic cover up" to "approve schemes" seeking to defraud the states of California and Michigan in electricity trading (Enron flashbacks are more than welcome).

The History of Civilization in Europe

In response to the reactionary arguments of ultra-royalists, Francois Guizot (1787-1874) showed that aristocratic social conditions had gone for ever. The growth of towns and a market economy had forged the bourgeoisie and created a 'democratic' (or capitalist) society based on individual rights. Yet in France, if not in England, this just and inevitable process had been accompanied by the destruction of local autonomy and the creation of an overpowerful state bureaucracy.

Census Report Shocker

the report reveals nearly 70 percent of unmarried mothers earn less than $10,000 (which put them well below the poverty level and dependent upon welfare to survive).

Part-time Nation: Was the April jobs report really the Obamacare jobs report?

While the American economy added 293,000 jobs last month, according to the separate household survey, the number of persons employed part time for economic reasons — “involuntary part-time workers” as the Labor Department calls them – increased by almost as much, by 278,000 to 7.9 million. These folks were working part time because a) their hours had been cut back or b) they were unable to find a full-time job. At the same time, the U-6 unemployment rate — a broader measure of joblessness that includes discouraged workers and part-timers who want a full-time gig – rose from 13.8% to 13.9%.

Will JPMorgan's "Enron" Be The End Of Blythe Masters?

The bank, investigators said, then “planned and executed a systematic cover-up” of documents that exposed the strategy, including profit and loss statements.

In the March document, the government investigators also complained about what they said was obstruction by Ms. Masters. After the state authorities began to object to the strategy, Ms. Masters “personally participated in JPMorgan’s efforts to block” the state authorities “from understanding the reasons behind JPMorgan’s bidding schemes,” the document said.

The investigators also referenced an April 2011 e-mail in which Ms. Masters ordered a “rewrite” of an internal document that raised questions about whether the bank had run afoul of the law. The new wording stated that “JPMorgan does not believe that it violated FERC’s policies.”

9.5 Million People Have Left the Workforce Under Obama

9.5 million Americans have left the workforce during the presidency of Barack Obama, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In April, the total number of Americans counted as "not in the labor force" declined for the first time since December, but that number was still near a record high at 89,936,000.

Documents: Obama administration paid at least $2.5 MILLION for hotel rooms and rental cars during the 2012 G-20 meeting in Mexico | Mail Online


Documents: Obama administration paid at least $2.5 MILLION for hotel rooms and rental cars during the 2012 G-20 meeting in Mexico | Mail Online

Two two Chinese incursion leaves India on the verge of crises | Mail Online


Two two Chinese incursion leaves India on the verge of crises | Mail Online

'Off the charts': 133k Somalia famine child deaths - Yahoo! News


'Off the charts': 133k Somalia famine child deaths - Yahoo! News

Baby's Head Found Inside Patient of Michigan Abortionist


Baby's Head Found Inside Patient of Michigan Abortionist

A Masterpiece of War | The Weekly Standard


A Masterpiece of War | The Weekly Standard

The American Spectator : Will Congress’ Sloppy Work Survive Supreme Court Scrutiny?

1965 Voting Rights Act Section 2

Congress didn’t change the statutory formula in 2006, it just moved the goalposts. In the legislative history, it pointed to the number of black elected officials, the fact that USDOJ sent observers to monitor elections in some jurisdictions, and the number of successful Section 2 lawsuits in the legislative history. But, legislative history is not law. If Congress thought those factors were important, it should have included them in the statutory formula when it extended the life of Section 5 for another 25 years.

The American Spectator : Will Congress’ Sloppy Work Survive Supreme Court Scrutiny?

Suicides among middle-aged Americans jumps by 28% - Telegraph


Suicides among middle-aged Americans jumps by 28% - Telegraph

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Articles: First Black President Makes Racist White Woman's Dream Come True

sanger planned parenthood

Fortunately, Sanger left a paper trail a mile long regarding her racist and eugenicist desire "to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world" ("The Cruelty of Charity" from The Pivot of Civilization, 1922).  And she was able to attract the financial support of the children and grandchildren of white men like Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie, who funded her anti-black projects from the beginning.

Articles: First Black President Makes Racist White Woman's Dream Come True

The Stock Market Rally That Makes You Poorer

goldman spengler

Special Report: Cheap money bankrolls Wall Street's bet on housing

Marchillo is on to something. The once-beleaguered Las Vegas housing market has been on fire since investment firms led by Blackstone Group LP, Colony Capital and American Homes 4 Rent began buying homes here some eight months ago, backed by $8 billion in investor cash to spend nationally.

Articles: Doctor vs. Patient in Texas


Unfortunately, these suspicions have been validated by a scandal in the UK, where cost-minded and quality-of-life-oriented doctors issued secret DNRs and caused irreparable damage to patients. Worse yet is Holland, where Dutch physicians have proactively ended the lives of 11,840 people. It is in this environment of single payer-induced doctor-patient mistrust that SB 303 is being considered.

Articles: Doctor vs. Patient in Texas

Mel Watt: Majority of whites won't vote for black candidate | The Daily Caller



Mel Watt: Majority of whites won't vote for black candidate | The Daily Caller

Conservatives wanted: Colorado University seeks intellectual diversity at liberal bastion - Washington Times


Conservatives wanted: Colorado University seeks intellectual diversity at liberal bastion - Washington Times

Skeleton of teenage girl confirms cannibalism at Jamestown colony - The Washington Post


Skeleton of teenage girl confirms cannibalism at Jamestown colony - The Washington Post

Will Obamacare work? A new study out of Oregon challenges shows universal health care’s limits. - Slate Magazine


Two years after getting randomly assigned to Medicaid coverage, recipients fared no better than a control group of uninsured, low-income Oregonians in tests for hypertension, cholesterol, and diabetes treatment—all medical conditions that can be managed with proper care. The Medicaid recipients did report much lower rates of depression and—perhaps relatedly—were much less likely to be on shaky financial footing than those in the control group. But the Oregon study’s findings indicate that the claim that universal health care on its own will make Americans healthier, at least in these particular dimensions, may be wishful thinking.

Will Obamacare work? A new study out of Oregon challenges shows universal health care’s limits. - Slate Magazine

'Armed revolution to protect liberties' may soon be necessary, 44% of Republicans say - NY Daily News


'Armed revolution to protect liberties' may soon be necessary, 44% of Republicans say - NY Daily News

An Era of Endless Energy Is At Hand | Power Line


The sea of oil and natural gas underneath North Dakota is far larger than first thought.

There are 7.4 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the western part of the state and extending into Montana, according to the latest estimate by the U.S. Geological Survey.

An Era of Endless Energy Is At Hand | Power Line

Evidence harsh winter of 1609 drove Jamestown people to cannibalism -


"Historians have gone back and forth on whether this sort of thing really happened there," Owsley said while presenting his finding at the National Museum of Natural History. "Given these bones in a trash pit, all cut and chopped up, it's clear that this body was dismembered for consumption."

The first hard physical evidence that cannibalism occurred came in 2012 then the girl's remains were uncovered by a team led by archaeologists William Kelso.

"We found a deposit of refuse that contained butchered horse and dog bones," he said. "That was only done in times of extreme hunger. As we excavated, we found human teeth and then a partial human skull."

The researchers determined the remains were of a female, roughly 14 years old and of British ancestry, and cut marks on the jaw, face and forehead of the skull, along with those on the shinbone, are telltale signs of cannibalism, Owsley said.

There's no evidence of murder, he said, adding he suspects it was a case in which starving colonists simply ate the one remaining food available to them despite cultural taboos.

"I don't think that they killed her, by any stretch," he said. "It's just that they were so desperate, and so hard-pressed, that out of necessity this is what they resorted to."

Evidence harsh winter of 1609 drove Jamestown people to cannibalism -

Official: Arrested student entered US without visa - Yahoo! News


WASHINGTON (AP) — One of three college students arrested Wednesday in the Boston Marathon bombings case was allowed to return to the United States from Kazakhstan in January despite not having a valid student visa, a federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

Authorities charged the student — a friend and classmate of one of the men accused of setting off the deadly explosions — with helping after the attacks to remove a laptop and backpack from the bombing suspect's dormitory room before the FBI searched it.

The government acknowledged that U.S. Customs and Border Protection was unaware that the student was no longer in school when he was let back into the United States.

Official: Arrested student entered US without visa - Yahoo! News

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith


Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith

The Louvin Brothers Tragic Songs of life full album - YouTube


Foreign Holdings of US Securities Have Exploded


Foreigners now hold more than $13 trillion in American securities, a record set as the U.S. seeks to assert itself as the safest port in troubled global waters.

Foreign Holdings of US Securities Have Exploded

1001 Albums You Must Hear - 2008 Edition


1001 Albums You Must Hear - 2008 Edition


joseph's grainery

malting barley

Native American Reservations: “Socialist Archipelago”

To those dissident Native Americans who repeatedly challenged him about going tribal, Collier explained that their individualism was obsolete. In his view, state-sponsored tribalism was modern and progressive. In his address given before the Haskell Institute, Collier instructed students to cast aside “shallow and unsophisticated individualism.” He warned the Indian youngsters that this useless trait of dominant culture would not be “the views of the modern white world in the years to come.” Instead, he called on the new Indian generation to come help “the tribe, the nation, and the race.” He invited them to step into a radiant future that included such “necessities of modern life” as municipal rule, public ownership, cooperatives, and corporations

New Survey: 55 Percent Say They Were Unaware Planned Parenthood Performed Abortions

Although 63% said that they had a favorable opinion of Planned Parenthood, including 38% of those who identified themselves as pro-life, 55% of those polled did not know that Planned Parenthood performs abortions.

20 Signs That The Next Great Economic Depression Has Already Started In Europe | Zero Hedge


20 Signs That The Next Great Economic Depression Has Already Started In Europe | Zero Hedge

Anthony Foxx Declares Thursday 'A Day Of Reason,' Instead of Prayer, in Charlotte - Washington Whispers (


Anthony Foxx Declares Thursday 'A Day Of Reason,' Instead of Prayer, in Charlotte - Washington Whispers (

Kermit Gosnell case: Woman whose aborted baby's foot 'was found stashed in refrigerator at House of Horrors clinic' reveals her terrifying ordeal as the prosecution rests in doctor's case | Mail Online


Kermit Gosnell case: Woman whose aborted baby's foot 'was found stashed in refrigerator at House of Horrors clinic' reveals her terrifying ordeal as the prosecution rests in doctor's case | Mail Online

OUTRAGEOUS! Benghazi whistleblower says US has identified terrorist behind 9/11 attack but refuses to capture him » The Right Scoop -


OUTRAGEOUS! Benghazi whistleblower says US has identified terrorist behind 9/11 attack but refuses to capture him » The Right Scoop -