"I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent
teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically
destroyed property in the schools.
"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set
multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school
supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated
in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly
telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and
refused to do any homework or class work.
"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other
'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a
total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city,
but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.
"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."