Sunday, August 18, 2013

Violence in Oakland forces residents to seek private security - CBS News


There has been 61 murders so far in Oakland, California. And with crime on the rise, some neighbors are taking extraordinary steps.

Gunfire has become so common on the streets of Oakland, California -- that even in neighborhoods that once seemed immune to the city's violence, residents are no longer shocked.

Violence in Oakland forces residents to seek private security - CBS News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keeping a safe environment is never that easy, especially these days that most people engaged in unjust actions that lead to serious crimes. It can be due to addiction, depression, hunger, financial problems, or any factors that bring people the instability of their mind and hinder them to think clearly. In this case, it is best for everyone to keep away from such incidents as much as they can. Otherwise, they are just putting their lives at risk.
On the other hand, though the situation is getting worse from time to time, still people can do some ways to somehow escape from it. Having a private security, for example, is of a great help to obtain full protection from criminals. You will never know when such situation will occur so as a sort of preparation, a security service is something you have to consider for your safety. Going for a competent company like Guardian Eagle Security can be the best option you have to grab.