Sunday, August 18, 2013

Baltimore Neighborhoods Look to Private Security - WBFF FoxBaltimore - Top Stories#.UhDX8T4k1yg#.UhF4rqco6P9


As the number of street crimes committed in Baltimore City escalates, so does the level of fear. This has caused communities to look beyond the police for protection.

In Baltimore City there are four special tax districts where residents pay more to make their neighborhoods safer. Charles Village is one of them and has the lowest surtax of the four. It was formed in the mid-1990s as a way for the community to provide supplemental security and sanitation services to what the city was already providing. The surtax charged to homeowners has never been altered.

Baltimore Neighborhoods Look to Private Security - WBFF FoxBaltimore - Top Stories#.UhDX8T4k1yg#.UhF4rqco6P9

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