Saturday, November 22, 2014

Bill Cosby: Why Now?

The Dream for many  began in the 1950s with the rise of the middle class.  By the mid-1960s, more and more blacks were moving away from poverty and into the middle class.  But this upward mobility began to seriously stall with Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty.  As the welfare rolls rose, so did the number of single-parent black families led by females.  Race-baiters, activists, socialists, and Ivy League scholars were out in force and quick to deride anyone for daring to criticize single mothers in the black community.  The first female president of Howard University said, "One must question the validity of the white middle class lifestyle from its very foundation because it has already proven itself to be decadent and unworthy of emulation."  Feminists loved this kind of talk since they, like Cooper, saw the nuclear family as economically oppressive and husbands/fathers as the oppressors.  In her writings, the Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison glorified the suffering single black mother as superior to a married white mother bound to one man in an unequal relationship.

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