Here is the thing, at least for me: the lower courts, the states in the person of their officials, governors, secretaries of state, and others, are not looking at the questions raised by various anomalies we have been talking about as they should, in the light of common sense.
All of these anomalies raise questions, and the questions should generate investigation. Questions are not proof, but questions demand answers and to provide answers one needs to investigate. So to say these things aren’t evidence such as to convince a court is to miss the common sense point. These anomalies raise questions that should be answered, and there are enough of them so that they should stop certification of the votes until there is an investigation.
That the 17 bell weather counties, which in nine presidential elections, from 1984 to 2016, voted for the winning presidential candidate almost 100% (see the chart in this tweet) should in this election be off by 94% seems HIGHLY improbable. It raises real questions and calls for investigation.
That the Wayne County Board of Canvassers should be intimidated, by having the dissenting canvassers names published as racists nationwide, calls the decision into question. It should stop certification.
The very strange voting patterns that had Trump ahead, and then a ‘catch-up’ vote for Biden, resulting in a specific ratio of votes that was maintained in that race from that point on should raise enough questions to stop certification, until an investigation is done.
That the voting pattern should follow Benford’s Law used to detect fraud should raise enough questions to stop certification, until a real investigation is done.
There were spikes in voting due to huge vote dumps that are very hard to square with what the machines used are capable of doing in the amount of time recorded. This calls into question the results in MI. MI should not certify their election.
That DeKalb County in GA should have a 99.9% (10,707 to 13) vote for Biden is something that doesn’t happen except in North Korea. This was discovered, and rectified in the recount, but it happened. Where else did it happen?
That raises questions that require serious investigation, which is not happening, witness the next item here.
The kind of undercover work done in GA reveals the recount is not serious, so they should stop the recount and not certify the election.
Also in GA recount witnesses say they saw other anomalies, such as “ uncreased mail ballots, uniformly and perfectly filled out, almost always for Biden. In one case, a batch of such ballots included 500 ballots in a row all cast for Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee,” and ” Three of the affiants testified that they witnessed ballots cast for Trump being placed in stacks for Biden and counted toward the tally for the former vice president. One of the three said she recorded the activity on video.” Clearly, this recount is not going to add transparency to the electoral process.
There are an awful lot of ‘flash drives’ involved in this election. The missing Trump votes in GA were on flash drives that were overlooked, and there was a mislabeled flash drive in VA that has given a democrat a lead in a close race. Why are all these votes on flash drives? This seems like a real source of errors and potential fraud and should call these elections into question.
The ruling of the PA Supreme Court that observers don’t have to be close enough to observe is crazy. It defies common sense. That observers can’t observe should stop certification.
The very nature of the Dominion voting machines and the questionable results in the swing states should raise enough concern to stop certification. The fact that this machinery can and has been used to manipulate elections coupled with the various suspicious voting patterns should stop certification.
These are the kinds of things that Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Rudy Guiliani are all saying, and they make sense to me. Jo Nova, talking about o Guliani’s interview with The Nation, says “Trump’s attorneys said the Smartmatic software used in the Dominion voting machines – which ‘flipped’ 6,000 votes cast for President Donald Trump to rival Joe Biden in one Michigan county alone – had ‘back doors’ allowing corrupt officials to rig elections.
Bartiromo (the interviewer) quoted a “senior intelligence official” as saying Smartmatic’s software has a “back door” that allows it to be “mirrored and monitored” to give an “intervening party a real-time understanding of how many votes will be needed to gain an electoral advantage.”
“I can prove that they did it in Michigan, I can prove it with witnesses,” Giuliani said. “We’re investigating the rest. In every one of those states though, we have more than enough illegal ballots, already documented, to overturn the result in that state.”
Asked if he needed the Dominion hardware or Smartmatic software to prove his case, Giuliani said he had witnesses who “can describe the hardware in great detail,” along with government employees and others who “were there at the creation of Smartmatic. They can describe it, they can draw it, they can show it.”
”Beyond this election, this whole thing has to be examined as a national security matter,” Giuliani stressed. “The governors who gave contracts to this company never bothered to do any due diligence.”
All of this leads me to say we have to resist state certifications of this election, as Dick Morris says here
and activate the grass roots where we can, as he said, and Molly McCann says in her post today: “The grassroots has a critical role to play. Get out there and start talking to state reps, and changing the national mood so the ordinary people who suddenly find themselves under a global spotlight and subject to hostile media, see support from our side.”
Catholic Vote's Brian Burch wrote to his supporters today to say this: “In our opinion, the biggest threat to the integrity of the recent election involves the failure to properly validate every mail-in ballot. Local election officials in every contested state have now admitted they did not follow their laws in verifying proper postmarks, signature-matching, custody of the ballots, and in some states, voter ID-checks. …Contested states must audit all absentee ballots. Period. If they didn’t follow their laws the first time, they must re-examine all ballots submitted by mail, and ensure that they were postmarked properly, that signatures match, and that the voter is real, registered, and legal….This process will happen eventually. States are required by federal law to retain all ballot materials, including ballots, ballot envelopes, and absentee mail envelopes, for 22 months. We will learn the truth in the end. “
My friend, Sue, said eloquently this morning not to lose heart: this whole thing is going to go through the courts. It is not over. As the lower courts throw out the lawsuits, we will move the suits up the chain. Eventually they will go to the Supreme Court. The lower courts and our state officials, governors, secretaries of state, et al, are not using common sense. Gov. Kemp, in GA, for example, has refused to call a special legislative session. They either have something to hide, or to gain, or they are cowardly, but it is clear there are enough questions in this election to stop the certifications until there is either real investigation with real clarity or we go to the other remedy supplied by the Constitution. The election goes to the House and Senate.
Sue also suggested I listen to this:
It is an interview by Mark Levin with Lin Wood, a lawyer in GA. It’s pretty hard hitting. Not all of you will agree with it. Lin Wood, however, is a good lawyer, concerned for the truth. He is making a case concerning the source of the many election anomalies we are seeing. I think you should listen and think about it.
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