Monday, December 5, 2022

The Murphy Grocery Store, (Farm to Market Road 544 and Murphy Road)

 Painting in and around Wylie has been a neat experience. There’s still much to paint, but when we first moved here there were just so many interesting subjects… old barns, houses, and open countryside that no longer exists. I loved painting that stuff. I’d stand by the side of the road and paint. It was an important time for artistic growth. The Murphy Grocery Store, (Farm to Market Road 544 and Murphy Road), where Lowe’s is now, was a favorite subject because it represented a simpler, less corporate time. I’ve done three studio paintings of the grocery store, all have sold. Two of them can still be seen; one is in the Smith Library, the other in Murphy’s City Hall. I hear from people periodically that want prints of the paintings because they stir up so many childhood memories. The prints, too, have all sold, but the little store remains a significant memory for those that lived here at that time.

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