Monday, December 30, 2024

and applying it to the understanding, he shows how it is reduced from potential to act, not indeed by suffering, but rather by perfecting itself

 He distinguishes that every one is in power bifurcated; either simply, or in some sense; and applying it to the understanding, he shows how it is reduced from potential to act, not indeed by suffering, but rather by perfecting itself

Monday, December 23, 2024

When The Celebrity Is Too Big For The Performance

Timothée Chalamet’s gargantuan fame eclipses his portrayal of Bob Dylan in “A Complete Unknown.” But that’s only one of the many problems the film has.

 "and they don’t seem to really know who the other person is — and neither does the audience. That’s just lazy storytelling."

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The “Delicious” Costco Red Wine That Rivals the Fancy Stuff You’ll Find in Northern Italy (for Half the Price!)

Don't Look Back

Jacques Pépin's James Beard-Inspired Sandwich Is Only 4 Ingredients

“The door burst open. It was James, who was late and had come into the wrong room. He started listening and said, ’No, no, that's not the way you do it,’ and grabbed my EB-3”: Jack Bruce on his chance meeting with Motown hit-maker James Jamerson

The Fermi Paradox

Health A breakthrough for baldness? Sugar gel stimulates hair regrowth

EXCLUSIVE: Where is Congresswoman Kay Granger?

Molecular and cellular level research shows a sharp sex divide for long COVID—women are more vulnerable

Highly invasive tumor hijacks neurons to grow, but a common heart medication offers hope

Saturday, December 14, 2024

US Government is spending $100,000 PER PERSON to relocate Afghanistan citizens into America

The 13 Best Things To Do In Lexington, North Carolina

From Prufrock

 Good morning! Paul Kingsnorth gave this year’s Erasmus Lecture in New York. It’s called “Against Christian Civilization,” and it has now been published in the January issue of First Things:

What is this “West”? Well, it depends whom you ask. A liberal, a conservative, a reactionary, and a Marxist might give very different answers. But let us, instead, ask a historian. In his book Religion and the Rise of Western Culture, written shortly after the Second World War, the medievalist Christopher Dawson offered his definition: ‘There has never been any unitary organisation of Western culture apart from that of the Christian Church, which provided an effective principle of social unity. . . . Behind the ever-changing pattern of Western culture there was a living faith which gave Europe a certain sense of spiritual community, in spite of all the conflicts and divisions and social schisms that marked its history.’

The West, said Dawson, was a religious construction. Specifically, it was a creation of the Roman Catholic Church. This is the only reason we talk about a “West” at all. But this claim immediately raises a question. If the Christian faith is the basis of Western culture, what happens when that faith retreats—or is rejected? We know the answer, because that rejection, or retreat—what the poet Matthew Arnold called the “melancholy, long, withdrawing roar” of the “sea of the faith”—has been going on perhaps since the Renaissance. As we survey the twenty-first-century landscape, at least in Western Europe, we can see that our founding religion is now defunct as a guiding force and a cultural glue.

A question logically arises from that observation: Is the decline of Christianity responsible for our current malaise? Is our lack of faith at the root of our loss of confidence and the ensuing inversion of our old values? The answer to this, in one sense, is obviously yes. As another historian, Tom Holland, demonstrated in his book Dominion, it was Christianity that formed the Western mind. When such a sacred order dies, there will be upheaval at every level of society, from politics right down to the level of the soul.

This, I think, is where we are. And I am hardly the only one to have noticed. In fact, almost everyone who is paying attention has by now noticed. Some of those people, in response, have come to a conclusion: Since Christianity was the basis of this “Western” culture of ours, and since this culture is now sick or even dying, the way to revive it must be to revive Christianity—not so much as a religion, but rather as a social glue, or even as a weapon. What we need, we increasingly hear from many different quarters, is a return to something called “Christian civilization”—regardless of whether the Christian faith is, in fact, true.

At a certain level, this might appear to be an attractive narrative. But I believe it is a deadly mistake.

It’s a bracing lecture. You can also watch it here.


Monday, November 25, 2024

Children in single-parent families are more likely to live in poverty.

Catharine, a noble virgin of Alexandria

 Catharina, nobilis virgo Alexandrina, a prima aetate studia liberalium artium cum fidei ardore conjungens, brevi ad eam sanctitatis et doctrinae perfectionem pervenit, ut decem et octo anuos nata eruditissimum quemque superaret. Quae cum Maximini jussu multos propter christianae religionis professionem varie tornetis cruciatos, ad supplicium rapi videret, non dubitanter ipsum audiit Maximinum, eique nefariam immanitatem objeciens, sapientissimis rationibus Christi fidem ad salutem necessariam esse affirmavit.

Cujus prudentiam Maximinus admiratus, retineri eam jubet, accersitis undique doctissimis hominibus, magnisque propositis praemiis, qui convictam Catharinam a Christi fide ad idolorum cultum perduxissent. Quod contra accidit. Nam plures philosophi, qui ad eam coarguendam convenerant, vi ac subtilitate ejus disputationis tauto Jesu Christi amore sunt incensi, ut pro illo mori non dubitaverint. Quamobrem Maximinus blanditiis ac promissis Catharinam de sententia deducere aggreditur: verum id frustra fieri intelligens, verberibus affectam, plumbatisque contusam, dies undecim sine cibo ac potu inclusam tenet in carcere.

Quo tempore Maximini uxor, et Porphyrius belli dux, visendae virginis causa carcerem ingressi, et ejusdem praedicatione in Jesum Christum credentes, postea martyrio coronati sunt. Interim Catharina educitur e custodia, et rota expeditur, crebris et acutis praefixa gladiis, ut virginis corpus crudelissime dilaceraretur. Quae machina brevi, Catharinae oratione, confracta est: eoque miraculo multi Christi fidem suscepereunt. Ipse Maximinus in impietate et crudelitate obstinatior, Catharinam securi percuti imperat. Quae fortiter dato capite, ad duplicatum virginitatis et martyrii praemium evolavit septimo calendas Decembris: cujus corpus ab angelis in Sina Arabiae monte mirabiliter collocatum est.

Catharine, a noble virgin of Alexandria, united from early youth the study of the liberal arts with an ardent faith; and attained in a short time to such a degree of holiness and science, that at the age of eighteen she surpassed the most learned men. Seeing many, at the command of Maximin, cruelly tortured and executed for professing the Christian religion, she went boldly to Maximin himself and reproached him for his impious cruelty, showing him by wise reasons that faith in Christ is necessary for salvation.

Maximin, marvelling at her wisdom, caused her to be kept in custody. Then he summoned the most learned men from all parts, and promised a large reward to him that should refute Catharine's arguments, and lead her from the faith of Christ to the worship of idols. But the result was contrary to his expectations. For many of the philo­sophers who had assembled to refute her were, by the force and subtility of her reasoning, so enkindled with love of Jesus Christ, that they were ready to die for him. Maximin next tried to seduce her by flatteries and promises; but seeing his labour lost, he caused her to be lashed and torn with scourges tipped with lead, and finally shut up in prison for eleven days without food or drink.

During this interval, Maximin’s wife, and Porphyrius general of the army, going to see the virgin in prison, were by her exhortations brought to believe in Jesus Christ, and were afterwards crowned with martyrdom. Meanwhile Catharine was brought out of prison, and a wheel was set up garnished with many sharp knives cruelly to rend the virgin’s body. But at Catharine’s prayer the wheel was speedily broken; by which miracle many were converted to the faith of Christ. Maximin only grew more obstinate in wickedness and cruelty, and ordered Catharine to be beheaded. Offering her head bravely to the sword, she took her flight to heaven, adorned with the double crown of virginity and mrtyrdom, on the seventh of the Kalends of December. Her body was miraculously carried away by angels and buried on Mount Sinai in Arabia. 


Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Clarinet in Early America: Some Preliminary Findings

 I retain for instance among my domestic servants a gardener... weaver... a cabinet maker... and a stone- cutter... to which I would add a vigneron. In a country where, like yours, music is cultivated and practised by every class of men, I suppose there might be found persons of those trades who could perform on the French horn, clarinet or hautboy and bassoon, so that one might have a band of two French horns, two clarinets and hautboys and a bassoon, without enlarging their domest[ic] expences. ...Without meaning to give you trouble, perhaps it mig[ht] be practicable for you in your ordinary intercourse with your pe[ople] to find out such men disposed to come to America. Sobriety and good nature would be desirable parts of their characters.


Virtue and Happiness (Aquinas 101)

Series of 10 videos

Texas Farmer Faces Hefty Prison Term After Armed Agents Raided Home Over Foreign Chicken Eggs

Friday, November 22, 2024

Aristotle's Metaphysics -- motion as an illustration of change

 But there are two cases in which A comes strictly from or out of B, that in which B retains its substantial nature but develops, and that in which B disappears and its substratum takes on a new and opposite substantial nature. The second case is γένεσις proper; the first may be either change of quantity (αὔξησις), as when a boy becomes a man, or of quality (ἀλλοίωσις), as when an ignorant person becomes learned. But it is not coextensive with αὔξησις and ἀλλοίωσις : Aristotle is thinking only of those cases in which the change is development towards an end (τελείωσις) and cannot be reversed (I. 32).

Dramatic bodycam footage shows Georgia mom Brittany Patterson's arrest for her son walking on his own

Biden's HHS Sent Kids to Strip Clubs, Where They Were Pimped Out

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Massachusetts Collector Unearthed 2 Priceless Babe Ruth Rookie Cards That Could Fetch A Fortune

Mom left toddler home alone with 2 dogs so she could travel out-of-town to visit a man she met on a dating app: Police

I’m a Religious Person: Deciphering the Role of Religion in Bob Dylan’s Life and Work

Malnourished seven-year-old girl's heartbreaking final words to neighbor who fed her chicken nuggets before returning to monster parents who 'glued her mouth shut' and left her to die

Vernon mom charged after 4 kids left without food, clothes

Josh Shapiro Lies About Election Laws To Make Excuses For Counties Counting Invalid Ballots

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

2nd Baltic Sea Cable Cut; Germany Suspects Sabotage

Governor Shapiro Finally Weighed in on Democrats Trying to Steal a Senate Seat

Italian village offers $1 homes to Americans upset by the US election result

Pennsylvania Democrats show their true disdain for democracy in Bob Casey-Dave McCormick race

Putin Lowers Nuclear-Strike Threshold as Ukraine Launches Long-Range Missiles into Russia

 Putin’s new nuclear doctrine proclaims that Russia can use nuclear weapons in response to an attack from a non-nuclear state with support from a nuclear state, a clear reference to U.S. support for Ukraine. The doctrine formalizes a policy Putin announced in September during a televised meeting with top officials.

PA Supreme Court to Dems: The Steal Ends Now

To Eat Well: 2 Arts and 2 Virtues

Monday, November 18, 2024

DOGE Shares Obscene Examples of Government Waste: Nearly $1 Million to See if Cocaine Makes Japanese Quail More Sexually Promiscuous

Biden Pledges $4 Billion to World Bank Fund for Poorest Countries

Willard's Water's%20Water%20XXX%20(Dark).,Water%20is%20wetter%20than%20normal.

Everything That Rises Must Converge

 The title "Everything That Rises Must Converge" refers to (without endorsing) a work by the French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin titled the "Omega Point":[3] "Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.",everything%20that%20rises%20must%20converge.%22

Activist Robert Kennedy Jr. Denies He Wants to 'Jail Climate Change Deniers'—Actually Wants to 'Execute' Climate Villain Corporations and Think Tanks

We’re Already on Track for a $2 Trillion Deficit this Year

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Socialism, Modernism and the New Age

Two Rules to Tackle America’s Debt

There’s a Better Way, Mister Trump, II: What Should Be

G.K. Chesterton and Dorothy Day on Economics: Neither Socialism nor Capitalism (Distributism)

Reflections on Work (December 1946) By Dorothy Day December 5, 1946

Dorothy Day and the American Right

What's wrong with the world

Popular vote in presidential elections

Friday, November 15, 2024

Ingredients listed for Newman's Own Balsamic Vinaigrette

 Canola oil, water, balsamic vinegar, distilled vinegar, sea salt, .

Less than 2% of: extra virgin olive oil, garlic, sugar, black pepper, onion puree (onion, vinegar, salt), red bell peppers*, oregano*, basil*, basil*, parsley*, marjoram*, xanthan gum, green onion*.

* dried

Bob Dylan - False Prophet- Masterpiece- Black Rider- My Own Version of You - Wolverhampton 09.11.24

Bob Dylan Live In London Review: The end of Rough And Rowdy Ways?

BC 007

Topline results of Phase 2 Long Covid trial do not show evidence of superior efficacy of BC 007 over placebo arm

Berlin, Germany, 13 November 2024

Berlin Cures AG informs about the status of topline results of BC 007 in Long Covid from the randomized and double-blind Phase 2 trial, which has been conducted by its affiliate Berlin Cures GmbH.

Shocking reason Wisconsin father threw his baby against a wall

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Taste of Europe

Tom Holland (author)



Although his father is an atheist, Holland was raised in the Christian church by his "devout Anglican" mother, and he said in 2013 that because of her example "I've always associated Anglicanism with goodness and decency and generosity of spirit and compassion, so I never had that visceral association of Christianity or institutional religion with repression or dogma or illiberalism."[78] Nonetheless, as an adult he disavowed belief in the existence of God, saying "I have seen no evidence that would satisfy me that anything supernatural exists. I have seen no proof for god."[78]

In 2016, he wrote an article titled "Why I Was Wrong About Christianity" for the New Statesman, in which he said that he had come to realise he was incorrect to have thought in the past that his own western values derived from the Greece and Rome of antiquity and owed nothing to Christianity:

Familiarity with the biblical narrative of the crucifixion has dulled our sense of just how completely novel a deity Christ was ... [Christianity] is the principal reason why, by and large, most of us who live in post-Christian societies still take for granted that it is nobler to suffer than to inflict suffering. It is why we generally assume that every human life is of equal value. In my morals and ethics, I have learned to accept that I am not Greek or Roman at all, but thoroughly and proudly Christian.[79]

On July 2, 2024, The Times published a letter to the editor, co-signed by Holland and numerous other Catholic and non-Catholic public figures, calling upon the Holy See to preserve what they describe as the "magnificent" cultural artifact of the Catholic Church's Traditional Latin Mass.[80]

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Irving police reopen 36-year-old cold case of murdered pregnant woman

 When Patricia Ann Wilson was born on 26 October 1965, in Dallas, Texas, United States, her father, Robert George Wilson, was 36 and her mother, Theresa Agnes Schiltz, was 37. She died on 29 April 1988, in Irving, Dallas, Texas, United States, at the age of 22, and was buried in Irving, Dallas, Texas, United States.

At the time of her death, Garcia was only 22 years old. She had been employed at Allstate Insurance and left behind a husband and a young daughter.

Pointless Mike Pence By Jack Cashill

Captured By The Indians: 15 Firsthand Accounts, 1750-1870

Cause of Death Revealed for Jocelyn Nungaray, 12-Year-Old Texas Girl Found Slain in Creek

We have decided to keep this gofundme up and running to help Jocelyns mother and little brother have the opportunity to properly mourn in peace.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Poverty and Single-Parent Families

 Family Structure  About half of children (48 percent) in low-income families – 15.1 million – and 37 percent of children in poor families – 5.6 million – live with married parents.      30 percent of all children with married parents – 15.1 million – live in low-income families.     68 percent of all children with a single parent – 16.2 million – live in low-income families.

Single Parent Statistics in 2024 (Mothers vs. Fathers Data)

Barbecue Sauce History

In a First Among Christians, Young Men Are More Religious Than Young Women

Young men have different concerns. They are less educated than their female peers. In major cities, including New York and Washington, they earn less.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Parents of Utah woman accused of killing her husband are arrested after bombshell revelation

Jennifer Gledhill reported Johnson missing on Sept. 28 — but a man subsequently came forward and told police he had an “extramarital affair” with her and that she confessed to killing her husband, according to prosecutors.

A Florida woman who zipped her boyfriend in a suitcase for hours until he died found guilty of second-degree murder

Yankees’ Aaron Boone made another catastrophic mistake in Game 2 of the World Series

A lie doesn’t become the truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by the majority. — Booker T. Washington

Almost all heartless looting suspects — 41 of 45 — arrested in Florida county after hurricanes are illegal migrants: sheriff

‘I lived in absolute fear of him’: Lech Blaine on finding humanity in the born-again prophets who terrorised his family Blaine’s working-class Queensland family represented everything Michael Shelley hated about Australia. The only problem was his children were Blaines

Friday, October 25, 2024

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania investigating fraudulent voter registration forms dropped off close to deadline

Fall City boy who 'shot his parents and three siblings' dead framed younger brother for murders

Homicide victim featured on "America's Most Wanted" identified 38 years after her body was found in Louisiana lake

 The woman has now been identified as Pamela Lee Hupp, also known as Deborah Gail Justice, the sheriff's office said in a news release Tuesday. Hupp, who was born in April 1958, was pregnant at the time of her death, and her last known residence was in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, authorities said.

Florida man accused of throwing 10-year-old girl from car, leaving her on busy roadway in the middle of the night

Other deputies stopped Serrano’s vehicle near West 192 and Old Lake Wilson Road, which is west of Interstate 4. During the stop, Serrano advised that he had a verbal agreement with other family members (whose names were redacted in the report). He said those family members had texted him less than an hour prior, demanding he return the girl to the residence, they would “involve law enforcement.”

Though Serrano’s arrest report is partially redacted and thus lacks specific details such as names and certain relations, he spoke of having entered a verbal agreement regarding visitation, as well as claiming his alleged actions were in response to receiving a warning that law enforcement would be called on him “if he did not return her to the residence,” which the deputy reported was about a 21-minute walk from where the girl had been left behind.

Three Hearts Pilgrimage 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Woke doc refused to publish $10 million trans kids study that showed puberty blockers didn’t help mental health

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Even MORE Video Evidence Trump Did Not Mock Reporter’s Disability

Media Invented Lie About Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter

Fake News: Trump Did Not Mock Disabled Reporter And Other Lies From The Left

Did Donald Trump Mock a Reporter?

Boy, 14, fell in love with ‘Game of Thrones’ chatbot — then killed himself after AI app told him to ‘come home’ to ‘her’: mom

He is survived by his mother, Megan Garcia, father, Sewell Setzer, Jr., step-father, Alexander Garcia, sister, Kayla Taft, and brothers, Alexander Garcia and Gabriel Garcia,

Sewell stole back his phone on the night of February 28. He then retreated to the bathroom in his mother's house to tell Dany he loved her and that he would come home to her....

That's when Sewell put down his phone, picked up his stepfather's .45 caliber handgun and pulled the trigger.

Setzer has two younger siblings. Everyone in the family was home at the time of his death, and Garcia said Setzer's 5-year-old brother saw the aftermath.

"He thought by ending his life here, he would be able to go into a virtual reality or 'her world' as he calls it, her reality, if he left his reality with his family here," she said. "When the gunshot went off, I ran to the bathroom … I held him as my husband tried to get help."

Three times is enemy action

 “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”

― Ian Fleming, Goldfinger

Woman wedged upside down between rocks for 7 hours after trying to retrieve her phone

The Government Has Become the ‘FedEx of Children from the Border to Traffickers’: Expert