Catharina, nobilis virgo Alexandrina, a prima aetate studia liberalium artium cum fidei ardore conjungens, brevi ad eam sanctitatis et doctrinae perfectionem pervenit, ut decem et octo anuos nata eruditissimum quemque superaret. Quae cum Maximini jussu multos propter christianae religionis professionem varie tornetis cruciatos, ad supplicium rapi videret, non dubitanter ipsum audiit Maximinum, eique nefariam immanitatem objeciens, sapientissimis rationibus Christi fidem ad salutem necessariam esse affirmavit.
Cujus prudentiam Maximinus admiratus, retineri eam jubet, accersitis undique doctissimis hominibus, magnisque propositis praemiis, qui convictam Catharinam a Christi fide ad idolorum cultum perduxissent. Quod contra accidit. Nam plures philosophi, qui ad eam coarguendam convenerant, vi ac subtilitate ejus disputationis tauto Jesu Christi amore sunt incensi, ut pro illo mori non dubitaverint. Quamobrem Maximinus blanditiis ac promissis Catharinam de sententia deducere aggreditur: verum id frustra fieri intelligens, verberibus affectam, plumbatisque contusam, dies undecim sine cibo ac potu inclusam tenet in carcere.
Quo tempore Maximini uxor, et Porphyrius belli dux, visendae virginis causa carcerem ingressi, et ejusdem praedicatione in Jesum Christum credentes, postea martyrio coronati sunt. Interim Catharina educitur e custodia, et rota expeditur, crebris et acutis praefixa gladiis, ut virginis corpus crudelissime dilaceraretur. Quae machina brevi, Catharinae oratione, confracta est: eoque miraculo multi Christi fidem suscepereunt. Ipse Maximinus in impietate et crudelitate obstinatior, Catharinam securi percuti imperat. Quae fortiter dato capite, ad duplicatum virginitatis et martyrii praemium evolavit septimo calendas Decembris: cujus corpus ab angelis in Sina Arabiae monte mirabiliter collocatum est.
Catharine, a noble virgin of Alexandria, united from early youth the study of the liberal arts with an ardent faith; and attained in a short time to such a degree of holiness and science, that at the age of eighteen she surpassed the most learned men. Seeing many, at the command of Maximin, cruelly tortured and executed for professing the Christian religion, she went boldly to Maximin himself and reproached him for his impious cruelty, showing him by wise reasons that faith in Christ is necessary for salvation.
Maximin, marvelling at her wisdom, caused her to be kept in custody. Then he summoned the most learned men from all parts, and promised a large reward to him that should refute Catharine's arguments, and lead her from the faith of Christ to the worship of idols. But the result was contrary to his expectations. For many of the philosophers who had assembled to refute her were, by the force and subtility of her reasoning, so enkindled with love of Jesus Christ, that they were ready to die for him. Maximin next tried to seduce her by flatteries and promises; but seeing his labour lost, he caused her to be lashed and torn with scourges tipped with lead, and finally shut up in prison for eleven days without food or drink.
During this interval, Maximin’s wife, and Porphyrius general of the army, going to see the virgin in prison, were by her exhortations brought to believe in Jesus Christ, and were afterwards crowned with martyrdom. Meanwhile Catharine was brought out of prison, and a wheel was set up garnished with many sharp knives cruelly to rend the virgin’s body. But at Catharine’s prayer the wheel was speedily broken; by which miracle many were converted to the faith of Christ. Maximin only grew more obstinate in wickedness and cruelty, and ordered Catharine to be beheaded. Offering her head bravely to the sword, she took her flight to heaven, adorned with the double crown of virginity and mrtyrdom, on the seventh of the Kalends of December. Her body was miraculously carried away by angels and buried on Mount Sinai in Arabia.
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