Thursday, July 25, 2013

Articles: Black America's True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman


To strengthen their "America is racist" storyline the MSM creatively called Zimmerman a "white Hispanic."  The MSM edited Zimmerman's 911 call to make him sound racist.  To gin up black rage, the MSM promoted a photo of Martin as an innocent 12-year-old rather than the 17-year-old 6'2"-160-lb. thug he was at the time of the incident.  Yes, Martin's history documents that he was a thug.

By the way, black activists saying that the jury declaring Zimmerman not guilty means that it is open season on young black men is pure evil race-baiting crap.  Statistically, blacks are 50 times more likely to assault whites than vice-versa.

Articles: Black America's True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman

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