Sunday, July 21, 2013

Roger’s Rules » Mitch Daniels vs. Howard Zinn. Daniels Wins.


Turns out it was being taught at Indiana University, but that’s hardly a surprise. Zinn’s exercise in anti-American agit-prop — the historian Oscar Handlin called it a  “deranged fairy tale” — is far and away the bestselling book of American history in the country. It has sold more than 2 million copies and is used in high schools and colleges across the country. Again, Daniels’s response was spot on: “This crap should not be accepted for any credit by the state. No student will be better taught because someone sat through this session.” (Readers interested in a fuller version of my take on Zinn can find it in this piece for National Review.)

Roger’s Rules » Mitch Daniels vs. Howard Zinn. Daniels Wins.

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