Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The PJ Tatler » ‘The Texas Liberal Detector’


There’s a fact about Texas that ought to unsettle liberals. Barack Obama’s economic performance as president would look a whole lot worse without Rick Perry’s economic performance in Texas. Texas’ size means its low unemployment rate greatly impacts the national rate. Take Texas out of the national picture, and just what kind of numbers would Obama have? Barack Obama needs Rick Perry and his successor next year to keep Texas strong. Push blue policies here and you’ll wreck the national jobs picture.

Here are some more facts that ought to unsettle liberals. If Texas were its own country, it would easily be in the top 20 world economies. Because it shares a border with Mexico, it already has foreign policy chops. Texas is the only state with its own complete power grid. Cut us off from the rest of the country, as many tolerant, loving liberals would love to do because they hate how we live, and the lights will stay on. Texas is also capable of building its own nuclear weapons. You can mine the uranium here and you can build the weapons in Amarillo. Guess where an outsize chunk of the US military comes from? If you guessed Texas, you guessed very well.

The PJ Tatler » ‘The Texas Liberal Detector’

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