Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Headlines: November 10, 2008

American Express to Become Bank Holding Company

Sowell: "Intellectuals"

2008 could be USA's coolest year since 1997

"So far, through September of this year, the entire Earth is experiencing its ninth-warmest year since records began in 1880. And all of the warm years have been recorded since the early 1990s."

Sunspots spell end of climate myth

"Both surface temperature records and the much more accurate records from satellite observations show there was a brief warming period from 1975-98. Since then, the world has cooled and is now at the same temperature it was in 1995. Nobody knows when, or if, world temperatures might increase."

Partial Birth Abortion as Contract Killing

Obama Will Overreach and We Will Bounce Back

2004: Going Dutch? Lessons of the same-sex marriage debate in the Netherlands.

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