Prop. 8 gay marriage ban goes to Supreme Court: The California high court will review legal challenges to Prop. 8. A hearing is set for March. Prior to a ruling, gay weddings will not be allowed to resume.
GTT: The CA Supreme Court has already found that homosexual marriage is guaranteed by the equal protection clause of the CA Constitution. So they will certainly find that it violates the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Then it will be off to the U.S. Supreme Court and what will happen there is any one's guess.
Iceland Gets $4.6 Billion Bailout From IMF, Nordics (Update3)
Mussina Close to Making Retirement Official
Why the Drudge Report is one of the best designed sites on the web
More Sarahs, Fewer Arnolds
"One of the dirty little secrets hidden in the nation’s mortgage crisis is the fact that five million of those bad loans were given to illegal aliens! How many of those loans were in California?"
‘A Matter of the People’: Careening toward chaos in Caracas.
Higgs: The TARP Is Dead, Long Live the TARP
George Washington: The Thanksgiving Proclamation: New York, 3 October 1789
NBC's Curry Climbs 'Poster-Child' for Climate Change 'Today' show anchor misleads viewers about declining Mt. Kilimanjaro ice during network's 'green' week.
"By the mid-1990s, the rate of unmarried childbearing among new black mothers reached over three-quarters" (Abrahamson, Out-of-Wedlock Births, 32).
2006: 37 Percent of U.S. Births Out of Wedlock
Number of live births to unmarried women: 1,527,034
Birth rate for unmarried women: 47.5 births per 1,000 unmarried women aged 15-44 years
Percent of all births to unmarried women: 36.9
"In 1940, fewer than 10 in 1,000...unmarried women had a child"(Abrahamson, Out-of-Wedlock Births, 28).
The Obama Health Plan Emerges
Destructive Delusions: How therapists and 'victims' seized on the idea of repressed memory, leveling false charges and ruining lives.
"I remember a burglar asking me, in the prison in which I worked as a doctor, why he continued to burgle, expecting me to say that it was because of his terrible childhood. When I told him it was because he was lazy and stupid, and because prison sentences were not nearly long enough, he burst into laughter."
1996: An Old Law Chastises Pregnant Teen-Agers
2006: One-Parent Families:Characteristics, causes, consequences, and issues (Canada)
Single-Parent Families - Demographic Trends
"Of all single-parent families, the most common are those headed by divorced or separated mothers (58%) followed by never-married mothers (24%). Other family heads include widows (7%), divorced and separated fathers (8.4%), never-married fathers (1.5%), and widowers (0.9%). There is racial variation in the proportion of families headed by a single parent: 22 percent for white, 57 percent for black, and 33 percent for Hispanic families."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Headlines: November 20, 2008
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