Thursday, November 13, 2008

Headlines: November 13, 2008

U.S. Shifts Focus in Credit Bailout to the Consumer

Washington's $5 Trillion Tab: Fighting the financial crisis has put the U.S. on the hook for some $5 trillion a report says. So far.

MSNBC retracts Palin story; others duped

Bush-Supporting Professor Granted Trial for Firing

"The firing, blacklisting, and intimidation of professors who dissent from — in this era, leftist — dogma are now commonplace. Virtually at will the campus left chokes off opposing voices, instead of permitting, much less encouraging, open discourse within the old rules of academic freedom."

McCarthy: Obama & Gitmo: End the demagoguing and know the facts before making policy.

"Thus he will confront the stubborn fact the not every jihadist who poses a danger to American lives can be brought to trial and proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in accordance with our civilian due process standards."

Violent Homosexuals on the Warpath Attack elderly & Stomp crosses (video)

Prop. 8 donor Scott Eckern explains his resignation from California Musical Theatre

Abortion Rates Under Clinton and Bush

Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged: Watchdog Panel Is Empty; Report Is Unfinished

The World Without US

Empire State Implosion: The financial meltdown and the welfare state.

What's Happening In Minnesota? part 7

Republican Study Committee

The Marriage Problem (5): "In the United States...the median cohabitation lasts 1.3 years."

Blackstone on marriage

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