Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Headlines: November 4, 2008

Reagan - A Time For Choosing (video)

Finally, the financial truth will come out

Gov't to borrow a record $550B in current quarter

The Messiah Flips McCain the Bird

"Let This Guy Govern" Again

"Many of Obama's policies are bound to fail. His "tax the rich" scheme is based on the ludicrous notion, endlessly promoted by Paul Krugman and other liberal economists, that all the wealth gains since the Reagan Administration have accrued to a narrow slice at the top -- the "1300 families." This is utter nonsense. The "inequality" Krugman discovers in tax filings has actually been the migration of small businesses into Subchapter S filings to avoid America's corporate tax rate (now the second-highest in the world)."

Can America Come to Its Census?

Bin Laden aide convicted of terrorism-related charges

Bin Laden's video-maker gets life

Illinois TRS funded status drops

Revisions Considered for Valuations Of Public Pension Fund Payouts

Columbia Univ. Director Replies to Request for Khalidi Tape: 'Yeah, Right ... Loser'

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Stoning victim 'begged for mercy'

Effectiveness of AIG's $143 Billion Rescue Questioned

Floyd: For a broken, dead baby Dallas parents get soft landing


Critics' Picks: 'The Candidate': A. O. Scott looks at this 1972 film and how it seems to predict subsequent developments in American political culture. (video)

A Face in the Crowd (video)

Daniel Pipes: Catching Some Sleepers

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