Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Red Wine Grape Vines For Sale


Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the world's most widely recognized red wine grape varieties. It is grown in nearly every major wine producing country among a diverse spectrum of climates from Canada's Okanagan Valley to Lebanon's Beqaa Valley. Cabernet Sauvignon became internationally recognized first through its prominence in Bordeaux wines where it is often blended with Merlot and Cabernet franc. From France, the grape spread across Europe and to the New World where it found new homes in places like California's Napa Valley, Australia's Coonawarra region and Chile's Maipo Valley. For most of the 20th century, it was the world's most widely planted premium red wine grape until it was surpassed by Merlot in the 1990s.[1] Despite its prominence in the world of wine, the grape is a relatively new variety being the product of a chance crossing between Cabernet franc and Sauvignon blanc sometime during the 17th century in southwestern France. Its popularity is often attributed to the ease of cultivating, with the grape's thick skins and hardy vines being resistant to rot and frost, as well as the grape's consistency in presenting structure and flavors expressing the typical character ("typicity") of the variety. Familiarity and ease of pronunciation have aided Cabernet Sauvignon wines to be good sellers among consumers, even when from unfamiliar wine regions. Its widespread popularity has also contributed to criticism of the grape as a "colonizer" that takes over wine regions at the expense of native grape varieties.[2]

Suitable Zones:

This vine is suiteable for zones 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Red Wine Grape Vines For Sale

Willis Orchard Company | Wine Grape Vines


Cabernet Sauvignon is a small, round, black grape for wine-making; it is one of the most renowned red wine grapes. Cane pruning. Ripens late September to October.

Grows in zones: 5 - 9.

Willis Orchard Company | Wine Grape Vines

Welcome to the Texas Winegrape Network


Welcome to the Texas Winegrape Network

Trials, errors, and creative thinking led to an award-winning dopplebock.

First, I had a goal in mind: I wanted to make Paulaner Salvator....

A Bavarian brewer would probably formulate such a beer from Munich malt and local two-row pale malt, which is normally darker than American two-row malts. I may have managed to simulate the Bavarian recipe with my combination of Vienna and Klages malts. And what of the caramel malt? The traditional two- or three-decoction mash that would almost certainly be used in Bavaria would cause a lot more color and malt aroma formulation from melanoidin production. However, the extremely long boil I used, combined with the dark caramel malt, helped to recreate this effect.

A Perfect Neighbor? Considering George Zimmerman, Post-Circus

Helping others is a provably recurring theme of George Zimmerman’s life. Bilingual, he was a translator between parents and faculty at his elementary school by the age of 10. He is said to have tutored children in his neighborhood, helping them with homework. But perhaps the most striking example of Zimmerman’s civic activism was his protesting of how Sanford police handled the beating of Sherman Ware.
Ware was a black homeless man beaten by Justin Collison — the son of Sanford Police Department Lt. Chris Collison. Even though the incident was captured on video and Ware suffered a concussion, the younger Collison wasn’t charged until much later, after the video was made public. Zimmerman excoriated the police department for what he viewed as a coverup. He later blasted the Sanford PD after a police ride-along, during which the officer he rode with allegedly told Zimmerman his favorite place to park his squad car to take naps.

U6 Unemployment Rate

The U6 unemployment rate counts not only people without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U-3 rate), but also counts "marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons." Note that some of these part-time workers counted as employed by U-3 could be working as little as an hour a week. And the "marginally attached workers" include those who have gotten discouraged and stopped looking, but still want to work. The age considered for this calculation is 16 years and over

The PJ Tatler » ‘The Texas Liberal Detector’


There’s a fact about Texas that ought to unsettle liberals. Barack Obama’s economic performance as president would look a whole lot worse without Rick Perry’s economic performance in Texas. Texas’ size means its low unemployment rate greatly impacts the national rate. Take Texas out of the national picture, and just what kind of numbers would Obama have? Barack Obama needs Rick Perry and his successor next year to keep Texas strong. Push blue policies here and you’ll wreck the national jobs picture.

Here are some more facts that ought to unsettle liberals. If Texas were its own country, it would easily be in the top 20 world economies. Because it shares a border with Mexico, it already has foreign policy chops. Texas is the only state with its own complete power grid. Cut us off from the rest of the country, as many tolerant, loving liberals would love to do because they hate how we live, and the lights will stay on. Texas is also capable of building its own nuclear weapons. You can mine the uranium here and you can build the weapons in Amarillo. Guess where an outsize chunk of the US military comes from? If you guessed Texas, you guessed very well.

The PJ Tatler » ‘The Texas Liberal Detector’

Articles: Sea Level Rise Surprise


Tidal gauge data show no acceleration during the strong warming of 1920-40, and continue to rise during the slight cooling of 1940-75 and during the "pause" in warming of the past 17 years.

Articles: Sea Level Rise Surprise

ABBOTT: Obama's scheme to take over Texas - Washington Times


In redistricting, the Obama administration has aligned itself with Democratic state representatives and Democratic members of Congress who already are suing Texas. It is no surprise then that the legal position of President Obama’s attorneys seeks to improve Democratic candidates’ prospects. Of course, Mr. Obama’s attorneys conceal this partisan agenda with lofty rhetoric about minority voting rights. But it is no coincidence that every change to district lines supported by the administration benefits Democrats. Behind the empty allegations of racial discrimination lies one goal — helping Democrats in 2014.

ABBOTT: Obama's scheme to take over Texas - Washington Times

Were children smarter a century ago? Test for eighth graders in Kentucky dated 1912 ignites debate over kids' intelligence today | Mail Online


Were children smarter a century ago? Test for eighth graders in Kentucky dated 1912 ignites debate over kids' intelligence today | Mail Online

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

College Student Abandoned in prison cell for 4 Days without Food or Water; Drinks Urine to Survive and gets huge settlement | Young Cons


College Student Abandoned in prison cell for 4 Days without Food or Water; Drinks Urine to Survive and gets huge settlement | Young Cons

College Student Abandoned in prison cell for 4 Days without Food or Water; Drinks Urine to Survive and gets huge settlement | Young Cons


College Student Abandoned in prison cell for 4 Days without Food or Water; Drinks Urine to Survive and gets huge settlement | Young Cons

Networks Do 92 Climate Change Stories; Fail to Mention 'Lull' in Warming All 92 Times

Recent years' slowdown in global warming completely ignored by networks 92 climate change stories in 2013.
Stories citing experts or the latest studies promoting alarmism get covered more than 8 times as often as critical experts and studies.
Although many scientists say no, ABC, CBS and NBC continue to link weather events like tornadoes, hurricanes, heat waves and more to climate change nearly one-fourth of the time.

Jim Rogers: "The Whole 'Economic' World Is Artificial... It's Going To End Very Badly"

"There is a huge artificial boom going on," warns Jim Rogers as for the first time in history, all the world's major central banks are simultaneously printing money. While he remains adamant of the positive outlook for agriculture, the fact that "the whole world is trying to debase their currencies," produces a "major disconnect" between asset values and economic realities. Stocks are at new highs, not based on reality, but on printing presses "and that cannot work... this is going to end very very badly." While not all western economies are as egregious as others, the intertwined nature means their fate remains very much tethered to the US, and as Rogers concludes, "everybody will suffer, be very very careful as these are perilous times."

Many disability recipients admit they could work

Recipients of federal disability checks often admit that they are capable of working but cannot or will not find a job, that those closest to them tell them they should be working, and that working to get off the disability rolls is not among their goals.
More baffling, most have never received significant medical treatment and not seen a doctor about their condition in the last year, even though medical problems are the official reason they don't work. Those who acknowledge they're on disability because they can't find a job say they make little effort to find one, according to a Washington Examiner analysis of federal survey results.
Unearned disability, called SSI, is for individuals who have petitioned to be classified as disabled. Many of them have never worked and have never paid into Social Security. Earned disability, or SSDI, is for those who have held jobs for significant periods of time and paid at least partially into Social Security before becoming disabled.

All 50 State Constitutions Explicitly Thank God for His Benevolence | CNS News


All 50 State Constitutions Explicitly Thank God for His Benevolence | CNS News

Daniels vs. Zinn | National Review Online


“Knowing history is less about understanding the past than changing the future,” he said. He joined his propagandistic purpose to a moral obtuseness that refused to distinguish between the United States and its enemies, including Nazi Germany.

Daniels vs. Zinn | National Review Online

Daniels vs. Zinn | National Review Online


As Michael Moynihan pointed out in Reason magazine, much of the incoming fire comes from Zinn’s more intellectually credible comrades on the left. Sean Wilentz describes Zinn’s work as “balefully influential.” Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. called him “a polemicist, not a historian.” The New Republic recently ran a review of a biography of Zinn under the headline “Agit-Prof.” Even the aforementioned Michael Kazin believes Zinn “essentially reduced the past to a Manichean fable.”

Daniels vs. Zinn | National Review Online

The New Deal Witch Hunt | National Review Online


On the same day that Franklin Roosevelt announced his court-packing plan in 1937, the trio organized the Committee for Constitutional Government (CCG). Gannett wrote the checks, and Rumely ran day-to-day operations. CCG led perhaps the first successful offensive against the New Deal, pioneering the use of direct mail and helping to defeat the court-packing plan.

The New Deal Witch Hunt | National Review Online

Diaper need forces some to steal, go without food


Add in the fact that many lower-income families can't afford to buy diapers in bulk at stores like Costco and Target and the expense becomes prohibitive. Cloth diapers are often not an option because they require frequent and expensive trips to the laundromat.

Diaper need forces some to steal, go without food

70 Straight Days: Treasury Says Debt Stuck at Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 | CNS News


According to the Daily Treasury Statement for July 26, which the Treasury released this afternoon, the federal debt has been stuck at exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 for 70 straight days.

70 Straight Days: Treasury Says Debt Stuck at Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 | CNS News

Monogamy May Have Evolved to Prevent Infanticide | Science/AAAS | News


Monogamy May Have Evolved to Prevent Infanticide | Science/AAAS | News

F.B.I. Charges 159 Men With Forcing Teenage Girls Into Prostitution -


The most arrests were in Detroit, where 18 pimps were taken into custody and 10 girls were rescued, the F.B.I. said. In San Francisco, 17 pimps were held and 12 girls rescued. There were 17 arrests in Atlanta, and two girls were rescued. There were arrests in more than 70 cities.

F.B.I. Charges 159 Men With Forcing Teenage Girls Into Prostitution -

Monday, July 29, 2013

BBC News - Inca mummies: Child sacrifice victims fed drugs and alcohol


BBC News - Inca mummies: Child sacrifice victims fed drugs and alcohol

The Real J. Edgar Hoover?

Ed Miller, for one, wasn't surprised by the sliming of Hoover. He followed these people for years. He knew of their smear campaigns. He knew them well. He studied them. He documented them. And he knew that CPUSAhad good reason to loathe the FBI. As Miller said, it was Hoover and his boys who "killed Communist Party USA." And so, in turn, they "really went after" Hoover.

15 Charts That Should Terrify Saudi Arabia

Billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed has sounded the alarm about the threat shale oil and gas development poses to the petro-kingdom's barely diversified economy.

Citi: 'The End Is Nigh' For Oil

Citi's Seth Kleinman has a pretty sweeping note today, titled "The End Is Nigh," in which he argues crude oil demand — and with it, prices — are is set to fall dramatically in the coming decade thanks to the rise of natural gas and more advanced fuel economies.
And the trend is worldwide. Kleinman on gas:
One of the many unforeseen ripple effects of the US shale revolution is a push to substitute natural gas for oil.

Read more:

WaPo Buries Lede On Zimmerman Juror: She Called Trial A 'Publicity Stunt' | NewsBusters


You can’t put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty,” Maddy said of Zimmerman.

A nursing assistant and mother of eight children, Maddy, 36, who is Puerto Rican, said she believed she owed Trayvon Martin’s parents an apology because she felt “like I let them down.”

She also said that the case shouldn’t have gone to trial and that it was ”a publicity stunt.”Despite this, she said the decision weighed heavily on her.

WaPo Buries Lede On Zimmerman Juror: She Called Trial A 'Publicity Stunt' | NewsBusters

Earthquakes 'contribute to global warming by releasing greenhouse gas from the ocean floor' | Mail Online


Earthquakes may contribute to global warming by releasing greenhouse gas from the ocean floor, a study suggests.

Scientists uncovered evidence that a large earthquake in 1945 released more than seven million cubic metres of methane into the North Arabian Sea.

The discovery exposes a natural source of greenhouse gas emissions that has not been considered before, they claim.

Earthquakes 'contribute to global warming by releasing greenhouse gas from the ocean floor' | Mail Online

Articles: And the Oscar Goes to...Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin!


The truth is that Fulton and Martin are contributing to the demise of future Trayvons by all this playacting.  If Sybrina wants to talk about God using her, then she needs to fess up and testify about what really happened to her son.  Daddy Martin should go tell boys in the black community not to do what he did.  He needs to tell them to lay off the premarital sex; have respect for themselves, women, and the law; stop being dependent on government handouts; stop acting and looking like a thug; work hard; and get married before having children.

Articles: And the Oscar Goes to...Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin!

Mob Of Teens Brutally Attack Man In Heart Of Little Italy « CBS Baltimore


A man is brutally attacked by a group of teens in Little Italy. Police say four of the attackers are in custody. Three of them are juveniles.

Mob Of Teens Brutally Attack Man In Heart Of Little Italy « CBS Baltimore

Detroit Looks to Health Law to Ease Costs -


Unfunded retiree health care costs loom larger than ever for localities across the country, and the health law’s guarantee of federal subsidies to help people with modest incomes afford coverage has made the new insurance markets tantalizing for local governments. A study issued this year by the Pew Charitable Trusts found 61 of the nation’s major cities wrestling with $126 billion in retiree health costs, all but 6 percent of that unfunded.

“The Affordable Care Act does change the possibilities here dramatically,” said Neil Bomberg, a program director at the National League of Cities. “It offers a very high-quality, potentially very affordable way to get people into health care without the burden falling back onto the city and town.”

Detroit Looks to Health Law to Ease Costs -

Detroit Looks to Health Law to Ease Costs -


As Detroit enters the federal bankruptcy process, the city is proposing a controversial plan for paring some of the $5.7 billion it owes in retiree health costs: pushing many of those too young to qualify for Medicare out of city-run coverage and into the new insurance markets that will soon be operating under the Obama health care law.

Detroit Looks to Health Law to Ease Costs -

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Father of Priest Who Saved Down Syndrome Baby From Abortion Died Saving Down Syndrome Son |


Folks, these charges are simply ridiculous, especially now that pregnancy care centers designed to offer help and create options for women and children in crisis outnumber abortion clinics in the United States almost 2-to-1, and with so many families lining up to adopt.

Father of Priest Who Saved Down Syndrome Baby From Abortion Died Saving Down Syndrome Son |

Recipe: An American Ale


% or IBU

8.00 lb
Pale Malt (2 Row) Bel (3.0 SRM)
86.49 %

1.00 lb
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM)
10.81 %

0.25 lb
Munich Malt (9.0 SRM)
2.70 %

0.75 oz
Centennial [8.40 %] (60 min)
24.5 IBU

1.00 oz
Cascade [6.00 %] (10 min)
8.5 IBU

Recipe: An American Ale

Articles: Please, Let's Have that Honest Conversation about Race


My concerns are about your unfair practices, racial discrimination, your bias, and my grades.

Articles: Please, Let's Have that Honest Conversation about Race

Articles: ABC Still Corrupting Zimmerman case


Articles: ABC Still Corrupting Zimmerman case

Zimmerman Trial | Zimmerman Juror | Apology and Gun Funds#more


William Saletan at Slate points out that the unedited interview seems to show something different. Maddy actually hesitates twice when answering Roberts’ question which contains the statement “George Zimmerman got away with murder.” As Saletan points out “she looks as though she’s trying to reconcile the sentiment that’s been quoted to her—that Zimmerman ‘got away with murder’—with her own perspective. So she repeats the quote and adds words of her own, to convey what she thinks: that there’s a justice higher than the law, which Zimmerman will have to face.”

Jazz Shaw at Hot Air also has an analysis:

I agree … that this was some pretty shameful editing on the part of ABC for the many instances where they used the footage, and the rest of the networks are equally culpable for lapping it up.

Zimmerman Trial | Zimmerman Juror | Apology and Gun Funds#more

EXCLUSIVE: Dominican Republic scammers sell welfare food bought in NYC and shipped in barrels -


EXCLUSIVE: Dominican Republic scammers sell welfare food bought in NYC and shipped in barrels -

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Father of Priest Who Saved Down Syndrome Baby From Abortion Died Saving Down Syndrome Son |


Father of Priest Who Saved Down Syndrome Baby From Abortion Died Saving Down Syndrome Son |

Ghetto Pathologies, Personal Responsibility and Wishful Thinking | FrontPage Magazine


Ghetto Pathologies, Personal Responsibility and Wishful Thinking | FrontPage Magazine

North Carolina lawmakers approve sweeping voter ID bill -


North Carolina lawmakers approve sweeping voter ID bill -

Reduce U.S. Carbon Emissions To Zero, And The Temperature Decrease By 2100 Will Be Undetectable - Forbes


Reduce U.S. Carbon Emissions To Zero, And The Temperature Decrease By 2100 Will Be Undetectable - Forbes

Blog: Obama Misrepresents 'Stand Your Ground'


A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Blog: Obama Misrepresents 'Stand Your Ground'

The Lake at the North Pole, How Bad Is It? | Climate Central


The second thing to keep in mind is that melting sea ice at or near the North Pole is actually not a rare event. Observations from the webcams dating back to 2002, and from satellite imagery and nuclear-powered submarines that have explored the ice cover since the Cold War era dating back several decades, show that sea ice around the North Pole has formed melt ponds, and even areas of open water, several times in the past.

The webcam depicting what seems like open water is most likely “just sitting in a big melt pond” that has formed on top of the sea ice cover, Serreze said. This melt pond started forming around July 10, and is likely close to its peak depth and extent. The occurrence of a melt pond at or near the North Pole is “just not that unusual,” Serreze said, and is even less rare at a more southern location such as where the camera is now.

The Lake at the North Pole, How Bad Is It? | Climate Central

Friday, July 26, 2013

Pedophiles to seek same rights as gays using same tactics as homosexual lobby, report says | Uncle Sam's Misguided Children


Pedophiles to seek same rights as gays using same tactics as homosexual lobby, report says | Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

A promising congressional debate on ending Fannie and Freddie - The Washington Post


Still, politics is the least refutable objection to the PATH Act — quite simply, realtors, home builders, bankers and other housing interest groups would exercise their clout to defeat it, or anything like it.

A promising congressional debate on ending Fannie and Freddie - The Washington Post

A promising congressional debate on ending Fannie and Freddie - The Washington Post


The PATH Act opponents’ best economic argument is that reducing the supply of government-backed securities would reduce the overall depth of the U.S. financial markets, which is one of this country’s greatest advantages in the competition for the world’s supply of capital.

A promising congressional debate on ending Fannie and Freddie - The Washington Post

Will Texas be “bailed in”? | Power Line


The answer lies in the seldom-litigated “bail-in” provision of Section 3 of the Voting Rights Act. As election law expert Rick Hasen explains, if a court finds that a jurisdiction has intentionally violated constitutionally protected voting rights, the court has the power to impose the preclearance obligation on that jurisdiction for a period of time it considers appropriate.

Will Texas be “bailed in”? | Power Line

Blog: Now the Feds want your encrypted passwords


Declan McCullagh of C-NET is reporting that several large internet companies have received legal requests from the government to turn over passwords along with the encryption algorithm that guards them.

Blog: Now the Feds want your encrypted passwords

Articles: Mann vs. Steyn: Heresy Shall Be Crushed


Final Note: Judge Combs Greene recently announced her retirement from the District of Columbia Superior Court as of September, 2013, and is under review for her requested appointment as a senior judge.  (At least you won't have to worry about her working as a substitute English teacher.)

Articles: Mann vs. Steyn: Heresy Shall Be Crushed

Blog: Murder Most Swedish


So let's do the arithmetic: of the 14,612 murders in the U.S. in 2011, about 7,656 were committed by blacks and another 4,380 were committed by illegal aliens. That leaves 2,576 committed by non-black people who are here legally.

In round numbers, there are about 250 million non-blacks in the U.S. legally. So their murder rate is about 1.0 per 100,000, or the same as Sweden's.

Blog: Murder Most Swedish

VIDEO: 'Flash mob' robbery at DC convenience store - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG


VIDEO: 'Flash mob' robbery at DC convenience store - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

Fed Economist Fired for Investigating Suspicious 9-11 Cash Transfers; and Steve Keen Exposes Financial Fallacies | Zero Hedge


Fed Economist Fired for Investigating Suspicious 9-11 Cash Transfers; and Steve Keen Exposes Financial Fallacies | Zero Hedge

What's Up With Inflation? | Zero Hedge


Another way to track inflation is via households' actual spending as reflected in their budgets. Intuit collects anonymous spending data from 2 million users of and posts the results: Presenting Inflation... the rise in expenses 2011 - 2013 (Zero Hedge). This data suggests the cost of daycare, healthcare insurance, kids' activities and tuition have skyrocketed in the past few years, making a mockery of the official annual inflation rate of 1.5% to 2%.

Chartist Doug Short recently published this graph plotting college tuition, medical care and the cost of a new car. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Inflation Calculator, $1 in 1980 = $2.83 in 2013. For example, the average cost of a new car in 1980 was $7,200, so the inflation-adjusted price in 2013 would be $20,376. The actual average price today is around $31,000, so after adjusting for inflation the current average price of a new car is higher than in 1980.

What's Up With Inflation? | Zero Hedge

Ron Paul On Gold And Why "We'll See More Detroits" | Zero Hedge


Ron Paul On Gold And Why "We'll See More Detroits" | Zero Hedge

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Man to be charged with first-degree murder in connection with rape, death of 93-year-old

Louise Sollowin spent 50 years helping her sister fire up the oven at Orsi's Italian Bakery, where her love of the family business kept her going well into her 80s. She worked at the bakery until about 10 years ago, when her weakening eyesight forced her to retire.

Sollowin baked and cleaned, chatting almost exclusively in Italian with her sister, Frances Orsi, whose husband, Claudio, ran the bakery for decades. Sollowin's husband, Joe, did the books.

“I grew up there,” Joe Sollowin said. “Family's family. You helped out no matter what.”Sergio Martinez-Perez, 19, beat and raped Sollowin because he had been drinking much of the previous night and was “angry with women,” a prosecutor told a Douglas County Court judge Wednesday.

Investigators said Martinez-Perez is not a legal resident of the United States, and that his country of origin is not yet clear.

Planned Parenthood overbills and charges Medicaid for abortions.

Planned Parenthood affiliates have faced similar accusations in the past. In 2012 the Alliance Defense Fund compiled state and federal audits of Planned Parenthood affiliates, concluding that “38 federal audits of state family-planning programs by HHS-OIG found between $88 million and $99 million in overbilling. The federal audits detailed ‘unbundling’ billing schemes related to pre-abortion examinations, counseling visits, and other services performed in conjunction with an abortion, and improper billing for abortions themselves. In New York alone during one four-year audit period, it appears that hundreds of thousands of abortion-related claims were billed illegally to Medicaid.” The Health and Human Services report, available here, found New York abortion clinics illegally billing Medicaid for abortions — a single clinic billed taxpayers for nearly 4,000 abortions during the audit period.

Christian Tragedy in the Muslim World

In Kuwait, likewise, the beneficiary of American power, the Kuwait City Municipal Council rejected a permit for building a Greek Catholic church. A few years later, a member of parliament said he would submit a law to prohibit all church construction. A delegation of Kuwaitis was then sent to Saudi Arabia––which legally prohibits any Christian worship–– to consult with the Grand Mufti, the highest authority on Islamic law in the birthplace of Islam, the Arabian Peninsula.
The Mufti announced that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region,” a statement ignored in the West until Ibrahim reported it. Imagine the media’s vehement outrage and condemnation if the Pope in Rome had called for the destruction of all the mosques in Italy. The absence of any Western condemnation or even reaction to the Mufti’s statement was stunning. Is there no limit to our tolerance of Islam?

Texas Officials, Activists to Holder on Voter ID: If It’s War You Want, It’s War You’ve Got

Land Commissioner and Lt. Gov candidate Jerry Patterson responds.
DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS – The latest federal attack on Texas has been launched today, and Eric Holder is back in his role as Barack Obama’s chief aggressor. There is no longer any pretense about hiding the partisan agenda to target our state. This latest attack is not about voting rights, and everything to do with destroying and diminishing the success of the Lone Star State. Our very existence is an affront to this administration, but we aren’t going anywhere, and we aren’t scared of a fight. Better dig in for the long haul, my fellow lovers of liberty – this is just the beginning.

Lost on the Pacific Crest Trail by Jim Hinch

The gift wilderness gives to writers who surrender to its imperatives is an expanse and clarity of vision unavailable to those whose focus remains fixed on themselves

Galen Rowell here, here, and here

Articles: How Detroit Almost Killed My Business


The final nail in the coffin came from the Environmental Protection Agency.  It happened sometime in the late 1980's.  This was when by EPA decree, almost everyone associated with manufacturing in the City of Detroit, became a criminal.  People who had worked honestly for years to pay for their building and property woke up one morning to find that because of the EPA, their property was worthless, or worse.  Is it any wonder there are so many abandoned factories?

Articles: How Detroit Almost Killed My Business

Articles: Black America's True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman


To strengthen their "America is racist" storyline the MSM creatively called Zimmerman a "white Hispanic."  The MSM edited Zimmerman's 911 call to make him sound racist.  To gin up black rage, the MSM promoted a photo of Martin as an innocent 12-year-old rather than the 17-year-old 6'2"-160-lb. thug he was at the time of the incident.  Yes, Martin's history documents that he was a thug.

By the way, black activists saying that the jury declaring Zimmerman not guilty means that it is open season on young black men is pure evil race-baiting crap.  Statistically, blacks are 50 times more likely to assault whites than vice-versa.

Articles: Black America's True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman

New Clues to Why Black Women Fare Worse Against Breast Cancer - US News and World Report


"The vast differences in breast cancer survival between white and black patients relates to the risk factors blacks present with when diagnosed," said lead researcher Dr. Jeffrey H. Silber, the Nancy Abramson Wolfson Endowed Chair in Health Services Research at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

"That includes differences in tumor stage and size, and higher rates of chronic health conditions such as diabetes and heart failure," he said.

New Clues to Why Black Women Fare Worse Against Breast Cancer - US News and World Report

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

watermelon sizzurp


firea@@ lean

watermelon cocktail

its all bout that arizona watermelon or grape

purple drank

conservative treehouse

Zimmerman Lawyer: Trayvon Had Recipe For "Poor Man's Ecstasy"

"If you do a Google Search for 'Purple Lean' or 'lean drink' or 'lean drank' it is sort of an urban kind of drug. It's known in some circles as poor man's ecstasy or something like that," George Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax.

"The main ingredients are watermelon, Arizona watermelon juice, a hard candy … for sweetness, and then some type of either codeine tablets if you can get them or Coricidin D, Robitussin DM," he explained.

"It's an intoxicant and it's a fairly significant one," O'Mara said.

Rise of the Warrior Cop

In my own research, I have collected over 50 examples in which innocent people were killed in raids to enforce warrants for crimes that are either nonviolent or consensual (that is, crimes such as drug use or gambling, in which all parties participate voluntarily). These victims were bystanders, or the police later found no evidence of the crime for which the victim was being investigated. They include Katherine Johnston, a 92-year-old woman killed by an Atlanta narcotics team acting on a bad tip from an informant in 2006; Alberto Sepulveda, an 11-year-old accidentally shot by a California SWAT officer during a 2000 drug raid; and Eurie Stamps, killed in a 2011 raid on his home in Framingham, Mass., when an officer says his gun mistakenly discharged. Mr. Stamps wasn't a suspect in the investigation.

Army Conducts Nighttime Exercises in Downtown Chicago

Following up on recent and unannounced training exercises in Florida and Washington state, the U.S. military is conducting a drill in Chicago.
The Windy City’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) told the Chicago Tribune on Tuesday it is providing support for “routine military training exercises,” including flying helicopters in the downtown area of the city at night.

How Not to Watch ‘Copperhead’

Their prison is the red state-blue state idiocy under which the limits of acceptable opinion are demarcated by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, and writers live in the fear (which, I can tell you as one who has long worked with members of the DC punditocracy, absolutely paralyzes careerists) of saying the wrong thing and running afoul of the hall monitors and tattletales who police American discourse.

Michelle Malkin | Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real «


Michelle Malkin | Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real «

The Relentless Conservative: The Democratic Party's Two-Facedness of Race Relations


The Relentless Conservative: The Democratic Party's Two-Facedness of Race Relations

When will Jeffrey Zients return from South Africa? | The Daily Caller


Amid new revelations about the IRS targeting scandal, the Obama administration’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said Tuesday that former OMB head Jeffrey Zients’ extended absence from the United States is due to a family vacation.

OMB’s statement came after The Daily Caller reported that former leader Jeffrey Zients met at the White House with key figures at the Internal Revenue Service just before news broke that the IRS was targeting conservative nonprofit groups for abusive audits and delays.

Zients has still not returned from an overseas exile that began after his departure from the Obama administration in April, two weeks before the IRS scandal broke. A White House source told The Daily Caller that Zients’ absence from the country has been noticeable and concerning.

When will Jeffrey Zients return from South Africa? | The Daily Caller

The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa | FrontPage Magazine


Over the last decade, it is estimated that at least 3000 Boers have been killed. Estimating the number of murders is necessary because the ANC has banned crime statistics from being compiled, claiming they scare off foreign investment. Moreover, the world knows little about the savagery that accompanies those killings. Many victims, including women and infant children, are raped or tortured before they are killed. Some have boiling water poured down their throats, some are burned with hot pokers, and some are hacked to death with machetes, or disemboweled. Several others have been tied to their own cars and dragged for miles.

The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa | FrontPage Magazine

The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa | FrontPage Magazine


In 1994, Nelson Mandela and his Marxist African National Congress (ANC) assumed the reins of power. The international community looked away, satisfied that justice had prevailed. They continue to look away, even as South Africa has degenerated into another racist pit, best described by an Afrikaner farm owner: “It’s politically correct to kill whites these days.”

The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa | FrontPage Magazine

The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa | FrontPage Magazine


The Gruesome Reality of Racist South Africa | FrontPage Magazine

Articles: The Post-racial President's Profiling


from Investor's Business Daily:

[E]ven though black men between the ages of 14 and 24 make up only 1% of the U.S. population, they represent 27% of all the nation's murderers.

...While blacks make up just 13% of the population, they're responsible for more than half - 53% - of the country's murders.

Articles: The Post-racial President's Profiling

Articles: The Post-racial President's Profiling


Juan Williams wrote last year citing DOJ statistics based on a 2005 analysis, "Almost one half of the nation's murder victims that year were black and a majority of them were between the ages of 17 and 29. Black people accounted for 13% of the total U.S. population in 2005. Yet they were the victims of 49% of all the nation's murders." But then there's something else the DOJ tells us.

Ninety-three percent of these black victims were killed by other blacks.

Articles: The Post-racial President's Profiling

It was suicide by government -


This in a city that needs a first-rate police force. Its crime rate is five times the national average. Henry Payne notes that 80 percent of the city’s children grow up fatherless, and that of the 50 percent of black men who are high-school dropouts, more than 70 percent don’t have a job, and 60 percent have done time

It was suicide by government -

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How She Lives On Minimum Wage: One McDonald's Worker's Budget - Forbes


How She Lives On Minimum Wage: One McDonald's Worker's Budget - Forbes

‘If I don’t protect them, I am nothing: The man who discovered Down syndrome |


“Why are you crying,” Dr. Jerome asked him.

The boy, about 10, could not collect himself so the boy’s mother replied: “He saw the movie, and I couldn’t stop him crying.”

At that moment, the boy threw himself into the doctor’s arms and managed to say between sobs: “You know…they want to kill us…And you have to save us, because we are too weak…and we can’t do anything.”

‘If I don’t protect them, I am nothing: The man who discovered Down syndrome |

1985 Topps Baseball Cards Set checklist, prices, values & information


1985 Topps Baseball Cards Set checklist, prices, values & information

Embattled IRS chief counsel met with Obama 2 days before agency changed targeting criteria

IRS chief counsel William Wilkins, who was named in House Oversight testimony by retiring IRS agent Carter Hull as one of his supervisors in the improper targeting of conservative groups, met with Obama in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on April 23, 2012. Wilkins’ boss, then-IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, visited the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on April 24, 2012, according to White House visitor logs.
On April 25, 2012, Wilkins’ office sent the exempt organizations determinations unit “additional comments on the draft guidance” for approving or denying tea party tax-exempt applications, according to the IRS inspector general’s report.

Revenge, misconduct, and injustice: The sad story of Angela Corey

“We have law school interns in the office,” Shorstein explains. “When they leave we critique them and when they return to law school, they are critiqued by the professor who oversees their end. One of the interns reported Corey was abusive, profane, unprofessional, etc. The school called us, I reprimanded Corey.

Angela Corey's team reportedly destroyed evidence in Zimmerman trial

“What does this mean? It lends to only one Occam’s Razor explanation: The STATE prosecutorial team intentionally deleted, the data, then delivered a partial file with the non-deleted data, then at the last minute before trial delivered the full data set, but omitted the deleted data from the written report summarizing the entire “bin” file.”
The office of Angela Corey, which prosecuted Zimmerman, has not yet issued a response to TCTH’s reportage.

It was suicide by government -


The city was at the pioneering edge of urban liberalism and discovered that all the social spending in the world doesn’t deliver order, family stability, education, economic dynamism or effective governance. In the hands of Detroit’s rotten political class, it proved inimical to all of those things.

It was suicide by government -

Articles: Enough of the tut-tutting on Zimmerman


This is who, according to Zimmerman's account as recorded in a Florida Department of Law Enforcement interview with one of his neighbors, got into the watch captain's face and said, " 'Do you have a problem, Mother Fucker?' Zimmerman said he responded, 'No, I don't have a problem.' Martin then allegedly said, 'You do now,' and struck Zimmerman in the face. Zimmerman reported seeing 'stars,' and 'fell back first onto his butt and then on to his back.' As he struggled on the ground with Martin, the teenager ... sat atop Zimmerman in the 'mounted position' and punched the neighborhood watch captain in the face and head and slammed his head on the pavement.'"

Articles: Enough of the tut-tutting on Zimmerman

What Detroit's Demise Says About America -


Racial tensions: Racism and racial polarization have a long and an ugly history in Detroit. The 1967 riots caused many whites to leave the city. White flight increased in the 1970s, when school busing and a ban on real estate "red lining" threatened the nasty traditions of segregation. Craven real estate agents hired black women to push baby strollers through white neighborhoods, then knocked on doors urging residents to sell "before it's too late."

What Detroit's Demise Says About America -

What Detroit's Demise Says About America -


Broken promises: The group most at risk in Detroit's bankruptcy may be the city's 20,000 retirees (including my father as well as many friends and family members). Of Detroit's overall debt, about half represents pension and health benefits promised to retirees, according to the Washington Post. This is because city leaders borrowed against pension funds and mortgaged the future – not unlike what Washington's leadership is doing to Social Security and Medicare.

What Detroit's Demise Says About America -

What Detroit's Demise Says About America -


Income inequality: The unemployment rate in Detroit is more than 18 percent. Per capita income is pathetically low, near $15,000. Life is much better for suburban residents. In Grosse Pointe, Mich., separated from Detroit by the aptly named Alter Road, the median family income is more than $100,000 and unemployment is not a problem

What Detroit's Demise Says About America -

Monday, July 22, 2013

13-year-old girl raped by more than a dozen illegal aliens in Texas - National Immigration Reform |


13-year-old girl raped by more than a dozen illegal aliens in Texas - National Immigration Reform |

Zimmerman did not pursue Martin

We heard from several readers who thought we erred in Thursday's column by asserting that George Zimmerman continued pursuing Trayvon Martin after the 911 dispatcher urged him to stop. Here's a partial transcript of the call:
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah.
Dispatcher: Okay, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Okay.
Dispatcher: Alright, sir, what is your name?
Zimmerman: George. He ran.
Dispatcher: All right, George. What's your last name?
Zimmerman: Zimmerman.
The dispatcher goes on to ask Zimmerman his phone number and the two discuss logistics for meeting the police when they arrive. It seems our readers were right.

Frank Taaffe, a fellow neighborhood-watch captain for the Retreat at Twin Lakes, affirmed that the neighborhood had suffered a string of burglaries that were being committed primarily by “young black males.”
It was against that backdrop of fear and suspicion that Zimmerman and Martin met on February 26. It happened, in Taaffe’s words, during “a perfect storm.”

Trayvon Martin Alleged to Have Assaulted His Teacher, Dad Denies It

The Miami Gardens teen who has become a national symbol of racial injustice was suspended three times, and had a spotty school record that his family’s attorneys say is irrelevant to the facts that led up to his being gunned down on Feb. 26.
 In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f—.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.
 Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald. Word of the incident came as the family’s lawyer acknowledged that the boy was suspended in February for getting caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana, which he called “irrelevant” and an attempt to demonize a victim.
 Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds. Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend. “Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” he responded, according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend-Miami Herald

Sequestration hits Hispanic families hard - The Washington Post


Hispanics are about 17 percent of the U.S. population but make up a third or more of those who use federal housing subsidies, job training and other social programs that have been put under the sequestration knife.

Sequestration hits Hispanic families hard - The Washington Post

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Roger’s Rules » Mitch Daniels vs. Howard Zinn. Daniels Wins.


Turns out it was being taught at Indiana University, but that’s hardly a surprise. Zinn’s exercise in anti-American agit-prop — the historian Oscar Handlin called it a  “deranged fairy tale” — is far and away the bestselling book of American history in the country. It has sold more than 2 million copies and is used in high schools and colleges across the country. Again, Daniels’s response was spot on: “This crap should not be accepted for any credit by the state. No student will be better taught because someone sat through this session.” (Readers interested in a fuller version of my take on Zinn can find it in this piece for National Review.)

Roger’s Rules » Mitch Daniels vs. Howard Zinn. Daniels Wins.

Detroit not alone under mountain of long-term debt | Detroit Free Press |


At the heart of Detroit’s problem is a growing unfunded debt on benefits owed to current and future retirees — some $3.5 billion, according to its emergency manager, Kevyn Orr — which mirrors a circumstance being seen across the U.S.

Detroit not alone under mountain of long-term debt | Detroit Free Press |

Not in the Media: Roderick Scott found not guilty of manslaughter | Radio Vice Online


Not in the Media: Roderick Scott found not guilty of manslaughter | Radio Vice Online

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Detroit's Bankruptcy and Public-Sector Pensions


The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Detroit's Bankruptcy and Public-Sector Pensions

Amid Detroit bankruptcy, residents grapple with poverty and unemployment - The Washington Post


Amid Detroit bankruptcy, residents grapple with poverty and unemployment - The Washington Post

Obama statement | Trayvon Martin | Protests boycotts#more


The evidence in the case – presented in court both at trial and in pre-trial proceedings — revealed that Martin bragged about fighting and how he could sucker punch people in the nose, possessed unlicensed firearms, was suspended from school for misconduct arguably involving possession of stolen property and/or burglary tools, did in fact sucker punch George Zimmerman in the nose after calling him a “creepy assed cracker,”  then beat Zimmerman Mixed Martial Arts style while bashing Zimmerman’s head against the concrete as he screamed for his life,  all of which was consistent with the forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts.

Obama statement | Trayvon Martin | Protests boycotts#more

Detroit cultural community poised to rebrand Motown as arts capital -


With the city nearly $20 billion in debt, largely in pension and other "legacy" funds for retired employees, emergency manager Kevin Orr took the city of Detroit into Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy Thursday, making it the largest U.S. municipality ever to do so.

Detroit cultural community poised to rebrand Motown as arts capital -

Friday, July 19, 2013

Bay Ridge man lured onto rooftop with promise of sex, falls to his death: NYPD

A 50-year-old Brooklyn man who fell to his death from atop a four-story building was lured onto the roof by two women who had promised him sex, police sources said Thursday.
Instead of showing Robert Reichl a good time, the women led him into a trap shortly after midnight on Wednesday — and stole $2,000 in cash he had been carrying.

Black surgeon to get $4.5 million in racial bias suit -


Dr. Christian Head, a surgeon at UCLA's medical school, will receive $4.5 million to settle a racial discrimination lawsuit against the UC Board of Regents, the university system announced Thursday.

The agreement settles the lawsuit, filed in April, that accused the university of failing to prevent discrimination, harassment and retaliation against Head. The head and neck surgeon alleged that he was retaliated against for filing complaints through normal channels and was denied teaching opportunities.

Black surgeon to get $4.5 million in racial bias suit -

The American Spectator : A Hipster for King’s College


The American Spectator : A Hipster for King’s College

Thursday, July 18, 2013

1.1 million Brazilians murdered in 30 years | Fox News


1.1 million Brazilians murdered in 30 years | Fox News

Wage gap for women

The study found--and this isn't news to anyone who follows this sort of thing--that most of the so-called earnings gap "is due to women taking time out of the labor force and then working less after having children":
It's notable that the earnings of some women did not fall very much after they had children and any drop in income did not persist after a few years. But these women often had a "lower" earning spouse (income under $100,000). A large and sustained drop in income is highly correlated with having children and a high-earning husband.
It's not clear why that might be. It could be high-achieving women chose less ambitious husbands, anticipating that they'll be more available to help with childcare. Sheryl Sandberg concedes that "leaning in" and having a family requires a supportive partner. Or it could be once some women had children they took less demanding jobs simply because they had the luxury of more work life balance. In light of this, advice that urges women to marry well seem all the more antiquated. If you want to have it all, best not aspire to being one half of a power-couple.

Bernanke's 'If We Were to Tighten, the Economy Would Tank' Comment Ignored by AP, Politico, and Others

Today, as the wire service AFP reported in a story carried at, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, in the question and answer exchange after his prepared testimony, told the House Financial Services Committee that "If we were to tighten (monetary) policy, the economy would tank."
That assessment of the economy's fragility qualifies as news, especially given the Obama administration's continued claim that the economy is "continuing to recover at a promising rate." Outlets besides AFP virtually ignored Bernanke's soundbite, which should be considered scary to anyone who realizes that Big Ben can't go on "stimulating" at his current rate forever.

T-Ball Coaches Stabbed in Front of Kids by Jealous Father, Prosecutors Say

A T-ball coach was stabbed in the neck just after a youth baseball game in Hoyne Park on Sunday, allegedly by a young ballplayer's jealous father looking for his ex's new boyfriend.
The coach suffered a severed artery and was listed in critical condition after surgery. Although the T-ball game had just ended, there were still players present during the attack, according to a person familiar with the incident.

Limbaugh Takes On Rachel Jeantel: She Basically Admitted Trayvon Was ‘Ass-Whooping Zimmerman’ | Mediaite


After calling Martin homophobic for Jeantel’s claim that she and Martin both were worried that Zimmerman was a gay rapist, Limbaugh said Jeantel “accidentally, inadvertently” admitted that Martin was the aggressor, and not Zimmerman, which is what Zimmerman’s defense was trying to prove. Limbaugh ran audio of Jeantel explaining that in her neighborhood, when people bloody other people up, “that’s not bashing, that’s just called whoop-ass.”

Limbaugh Takes On Rachel Jeantel: She Basically Admitted Trayvon Was ‘Ass-Whooping Zimmerman’ | Mediaite

IRS chief counsel’s office involved in targeting controversy


IRS chief counsel’s office involved in targeting controversy

IRS lawyer says scandal was overseen by D.C., names names | The Daily Caller


IRS lawyer says scandal was overseen by D.C., names names | The Daily Caller

Blog: Why did the Trayvon Martin Shooting go National?



FYI: You may recall that the nephew of CRB Executive Committee member Ronald Fulton was shot and killed under mysterious circumstances on February 26, 2012 while visiting his family in Sanford Florida. Trayvon Martin was 17 years of age.

Blog: Why did the Trayvon Martin Shooting go National?

Devout Catholics Have Better Sex, Family Research Council Says - US News and World Report


Devout Catholics Have Better Sex, Family Research Council Says - US News and World Report

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mariano Rivera's final All-Star appearance a classic | News

he’s a class act.

Mariano Rivera's final All-Star appearance a classic | News

The PJ Tatler » Did Rachel Jeantel Instigate Trayvon to Attack Zimmerman?


The PJ Tatler » Did Rachel Jeantel Instigate Trayvon to Attack Zimmerman?

74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under Obamacare |


74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under Obamacare |

Army Apologizes For ‘Scary’ Choppers In Port Angeles « CBS Seattle


Army Apologizes For ‘Scary’ Choppers In Port Angeles « CBS Seattle

Exclusive: Fired employee to file lawsuit against Zimmerman prosecutors | Reuters


A former employee of Florida State Attorney Angela Corey's office plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against George Zimmerman's prosecutors, his attorney told Reuters on Tuesday.

The action will put pressure on Corey, who already faces criticism from some legal experts for the unsuccessful prosecution of the case, which led to the acquittal of Zimmerman for shooting unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman's defense has also called for sanctions against her and her prosecution team.

Exclusive: Fired employee to file lawsuit against Zimmerman prosecutors | Reuters

Grievance Industry Outlook

well over 9,000 black Americans are murdered annually. 93% of those murders are black on black crime.

Jeantel Warned Martin: Zimmerman Might be Gay Predator

JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely, after I say ‘may be a rapist,’ for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out?
Jeantel went on: “And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there. You know — now, mind you, I told you — I told Trayvon it might have been a rapist.”

Mortimer Zuckerman: A Jobless Recovery Is a Phony Recovery -


In June, the government's Household Survey reported that since the start of the year, the number of people with jobs increased by 753,000—but there are jobs and then there are "jobs." No fewer than 557,000 of these positions were only part-time.

Mortimer Zuckerman: A Jobless Recovery Is a Phony Recovery -

Man beaten by ‘bored’ teens dies 1 year later | The Columbus Dispatch


Man beaten by ‘bored’ teens dies 1 year later | The Columbus Dispatch

Blog: More lies from the main stream media about the Zimmerman case


The first paragraph of the editorial then repeats the lie that Zimmerman was told not to leave his car. In fact what the transcript of the call shows is that just prior to this exchange, the dispatcher tells Zimmerman "just let me know if this guy does anything else. A few seconds later after Zimmerman says that Martin is running the dispatcher asks him "which way is he running."  It is sometime in this period that Zimmerman sounds like he has gotten out of his truck. For the next five or ten seconds there is a sound of wind that is followed by the exchange in which the dispatcher advises him he doesn't need to follow Martin.  At no time anywhere on the call does the dispatcher ever tell him not to leave his car or return to it. These five to ten seconds are the only time in the whole encounter in which there is any evidence of Zimmerman following Martin on foot.  And since there is so much misinformation about what happened it bears repeating.

Blog: More lies from the main stream media about the Zimmerman case

Injudicious Criminal Justice in Florida | National Review Online


Kruidbos feared he would put his job in jeopardy if he came forward with this information, but he also was concerned about a possible miscarriage of justice, so he directed his attorneys to alert Zimmerman’s defense team about the withheld evidence. He turned over the photos in late May, and the state placed Kruidbos on administrative leave until this past Friday, the day the Zimmerman case went to the jury. That morning, according to the Florida Times-Union, he received a hand-delivered letter from Corey informing him that he was fired and that he “can never again be trusted to step foot in this office.” The treatment he received for telling the defense about government misconduct will discourage others from becoming whistleblowers.

Injudicious Criminal Justice in Florida | National Review Online

Monday, July 15, 2013

Touchstone Archives: The Subversion of Middle-Earth


Touchstone Archives: The Subversion of Middle-Earth

Jars of urine, feces confiscated at TX capitol as abortion bill voting takes place

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) today received information that individuals planned to use a variety of items or props to disrupt legislative proceedings at the Texas Capitol.

orson wells

as I type these words, The Stranger, Macbeth, Othello, The Trial, Chimes at Midnight, and F for Fake are all available on You Tube in their entirety, along with parts of The Magnificent Ambersons and Touch of Evil. Biskind’s book is a fine companion to this splendid oeuvre, a welcome glimpse – by turns thought-provoking, funny, and poignant – of the lion in winter.

How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s Death

In October 2011, after a video surveillance camera caught Martinwriting graffiti on a door, MDSPD Office Darryl Dunn searched Martin’s backpack, looking for the marker he had used. Officer Dunn found 12 pieces of women’s jewelry and a man’s watch, along with a flathead screwdriver the officer described as a “burglary tool.” The jewelry and watch, which Martin claimed he had gotten from a friend he refused to name, matched a description of items stolen during the October 2011 burglary of a house on 204th Terrace, about a half-mile from the school. However, because of Chief Hurley’s policy “to lower the arrest rates,” as one MDSPD sergeant said in an internal investigation, the stolen jewerly was instead listed as “found property” and was never reported to Miami-Dade Police who were investigating the burglary. Similarly, in February 2012 when an MDSPD officer caught Martin with a small plastic bag containing marijuana residue, as well as a marijuana pipe, this was not treated as a crime, and instead Martin was suspended from school.

George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters


By the summer of 2011, Twin Lakes was experiencing a rash of burglaries and break-ins. Previously a family-friendly, first-time homeowner community, it was devastated by the recession that hit the Florida housing market, and transient renters began to occupy some of the 263 town houses in the complex. Vandalism and occasional drug activity were reported, and home values plunged. One resident who bought his home in 2006 for $250,000 said it was worth $80,000 today

George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters


George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Texas Threat to Abortion Clinics Dodged at Flea Markets - Bloomberg


Texas Threat to Abortion Clinics Dodged at Flea Markets - Bloomberg

Exclusive: Criminal charges against Solyndra founder are unlikely - sources | Reuters


Exclusive: Criminal charges against Solyndra founder are unlikely - sources | Reuters

BBC News - US budget surplus highest in five years in June.


The improving US economy meant that tax receipts were higher than expected.

Also, government spending plunged by 47% due to package of spending cuts and tax increases passed in January, know as the sequester.

Government owned mortgage firms, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, added $66.3bn (£43.8bn) in payments. They have been in public ownership since 2008.

Despite that strong month, the Congressional Budget Office forecasts the annual deficit will be $670bn (£443bn) when the budget year ends on Sept. 30.

BBC News - US budget surplus highest in five years in June.

Rate on 30-year mortgage hits 2-year high


Rate on 30-year mortgage hits 2-year high

Bernanke's reassurance propels shares to record highs | Reuters


Bernanke's reassurance propels shares to record highs | Reuters

growing your greens


The PJ Tatler » Texas Democrat Crafts Brilliant, Game-Changing Argument Favoring Unrestricted Abortion in Sub-Standard Clinics


Your sex life is at stake. Can you think of anything that kills the vibe faster than a woman fearing a back-alley abortion? Making abortion essentially inaccessible in Texas will add an anxiety to sex that will drastically undercut its joys. And don’t be surprised if casual sex outside of relationships becomes far more difficult to come by.

The PJ Tatler » Texas Democrat Crafts Brilliant, Game-Changing Argument Favoring Unrestricted Abortion in Sub-Standard Clinics

Chile's President Praises Pregnant 11-Year Old's 'Maturity' For Keeping Baby | Fox News Latino


Chilean President Sebastián Piñera praised an 11-year-old girl on Tuesday for her "depth and maturity" after she said in a recent TV interview that she wants to give birth to the baby who was conceived when she was raped by her mother's partner

Chile's President Praises Pregnant 11-Year Old's 'Maturity' For Keeping Baby | Fox News Latino

Judge Confronts Zimmerman in Testy Exchange | National Review Online


Judge Confronts Zimmerman in Testy Exchange | National Review Online

How Big Government Erodes Quality of Life « Commentary Magazine


How Big Government Erodes Quality of Life « Commentary Magazine

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Female Careerism and Divorce

The percentage of wives having affairs rose almost 40 percent during the last two decades to 14.7 percent in 2010, while the number of men admitting to extramarital affairs held constant at 21 percent, according to the latest data from the National Opinion Research Center's General Social Survey.
The narrowing gap, reported by a sociologist at Auburn University at Montgomery, reflects multiple trends. Wives with their own jobs have less to lose economically from a divorce, and social media have made it easier to engage in affairs.

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers | CNS News


101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers | CNS News

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers | CNS News


101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers | CNS News

Articles: Ten Aha! Moments in the Zimmerman Trial to Date


Articles: Ten Aha! Moments in the Zimmerman Trial to Date

GREENVILLE, SC: SC Gov. Nikki Haley says she was abused as a child | Gov. Haley Watch | The State


Haley, born in Bamberg, is the daughter of Indian immigrants. Her mother, raising three children, had a full-time teaching job, Haley wrote in her book, Can’t Is Not an Option: My American Story.

Needing help, her mother turned to a couple living in a trailer nearby to take care of Haley every morning, the governor wrote.

GREENVILLE, SC: SC Gov. Nikki Haley says she was abused as a child | Gov. Haley Watch | The State

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Korean Passenger Plane Crashes At SFO; 2 Dead, 181 Hospitalized « CBS San Francisco


Capt. Chester ‘Sully’ Sullenberger, the famed Bay Area pilot who landed the ‘Miracle on the Hudson’ flight, told KCBS it was possible that on-going construction at the airport might have been a contributing factor impacting landings at the facility.

Korean Passenger Plane Crashes At SFO; 2 Dead, 181 Hospitalized « CBS San Francisco

Lincoln’s Surveillance State -


Lincoln’s Surveillance State -

Articles: After Bashing the Vatican, Will Gays Deny Abuse in Their Community?


Articles: After Bashing the Vatican, Will Gays Deny Abuse in Their Community?

Obamacare Strikes: Part-Time Jobs Surge To All Time High; Full-Time Jobs Plunge By 240,000 | Zero Hedge


Obamacare Strikes: Part-Time Jobs Surge To All Time High; Full-Time Jobs Plunge By 240,000 | Zero Hedge

Only 47% of Adults Have Full-Time Job


Only 47% of Adults Have Full-Time Job

54 Months: Record Stretch of 7.5%+ Unemployment Continues | CNS News


54 Months: Record Stretch of 7.5%+ Unemployment Continues | CNS News

Nigerian students burned alive in extremist attack | World news |


Nigerian students burned alive in extremist attack | World news |

Friday, July 5, 2013

Unmasked: ‘I’d f**k a senator’; Pro-aborts exploit kids to advocate for killing ‘unwanted’ ones [pic] | Twitchy


Unmasked: ‘I’d f**k a senator’; Pro-aborts exploit kids to advocate for killing ‘unwanted’ ones [pic] | Twitchy

Seattle gay pride participants viciously beat Christian street preacher (VIDEO) |


Seattle gay pride participants viciously beat Christian street preacher (VIDEO) |

Video shows men attacking religious protesters at Pridefest | KOMO Crime Blotter | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News


After a group of women try unsuccessfully to steal the protester's sign, a group of men grab onto it and pull him to the ground while the crowd applauds. That's when the video shows the 36-year-old run back toward the fight and punch the sign-holder in the back of the head multiple times.
Officers returned to the scene after the fight was broken up and arrested the 36-year-old, who was booked into King County Jail. A 22-year-old, also from Marysville, who the video shows grabbing the protester's sign and kicking him while on the ground was arrested and later released. Both men are facing possible misdemeanor assault charges.

Video shows men attacking religious protesters at Pridefest | KOMO Crime Blotter | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News