Thursday, July 18, 2013

Limbaugh Takes On Rachel Jeantel: She Basically Admitted Trayvon Was ‘Ass-Whooping Zimmerman’ | Mediaite


After calling Martin homophobic for Jeantel’s claim that she and Martin both were worried that Zimmerman was a gay rapist, Limbaugh said Jeantel “accidentally, inadvertently” admitted that Martin was the aggressor, and not Zimmerman, which is what Zimmerman’s defense was trying to prove. Limbaugh ran audio of Jeantel explaining that in her neighborhood, when people bloody other people up, “that’s not bashing, that’s just called whoop-ass.”

Limbaugh Takes On Rachel Jeantel: She Basically Admitted Trayvon Was ‘Ass-Whooping Zimmerman’ | Mediaite

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