Monday, September 30, 2013

Lerner's Pension Could Be as Much as $102,600/Year, $3.96 Million Lifetime | CNS News#sthash.MhII6Rmf.dpuf


So it was no surprise when speculation arose over how much Lerner could collect in federal pension benefits.
Unfortunately, that speculation, which initially projected a benefit of over $50,000, might be off by about half ... and in the wrong direction.

National Taxpayers Union calculations show that Lerner could qualify for a starting pension at the annual equivalent of as much as $102,600, and up to $3.96 million over her lifetime.

Lerner's Pension Could Be as Much as $102,600/Year, $3.96 Million Lifetime | CNS News#sthash.MhII6Rmf.dpuf

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